Root: The Complete Collection - Overview & Unboxing - (Quackalope Games)

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Root is a game of adventure and war in which 2 to 4 (1 to 6 with the 'Riverfolk' expansion) players battle for control of a vast wilderness.

The nefarious Marquise de Cat has seized the great woodland, intent on harvesting its riches. Under her rule, the many creatures of the forest have banded together. This Alliance will seek to strengthen its resources and subvert the rule of Cats. In this effort, the Alliance may enlist the help of the wandering Vagabonds who are able to move through the more dangerous woodland paths. Though some may sympathize with the Alliance’s hopes and dreams, these wanderers are old enough to remember the great birds of prey who once controlled the woods.

Meanwhile, at the edge of the region, the proud, squabbling Eyrie have found a new commander who they hope will lead their faction to resume their ancient birthright. The stage is set for a contest that will decide the fate of the great woodland. It is up to the players to decide which group will ultimately take root.

Root represents the next step in our development of asymmetric design. Like Vast: The Crystal Caverns, each player in Root has unique capabilities and a different victory condition. Now, with the aid of gorgeous, multi-use cards, a truly asymmetric design has never been more accessible.

The Cats play a game of engine building and logistics while attempting to police the vast wilderness. By collecting Wood they are able to produce workshops, lumber mills, and barracks. They win by building new buildings and crafts.

The Eyrie musters their hawks to take back the Woods. They must capture as much territory as possible and build roosts before they collapse back into squabbling.

The Alliance hides in the shadows, recruiting forces and hatching conspiracies. They begin slowly and build towards a dramatic late-game presence--but only if they can manage to keep the other players in check.

Meanwhile, the Vagabond plays all sides of the conflict for their own gain, while hiding a mysterious quest. Explore the board, fight other factions, and work towards achieving your hidden goal.

In Root, players drive the narrative, and the differences between each role create an unparalleled level of interaction and replayability. Leder Games invites you and your family to explore the fantastic world of Root!

—description from the publisher

#Leder #Root #Unboxing
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I was so intimidated at first, I bought and played the steam version to learn to play. It was helpful. Another useful resource.


The quality of this video is amazing. Just like your other videos. I truly appreciate the time you put into them!


Good News - the orange locations on the board are mice, but the orange faction are cats. That means while the yellow spaces on the board are bunnies, there is still room for a yellow faction! Next problem to solve: how to keep the duck faction from being OP . . .


Quack. Glad to see you raising the bar for board game videos. Quack quack.


Root might just be my favorite. Specially with the expansions. Glad Leder and you guys are continuing to do exciting stuff!


Really great content, I'm looking forward to more gameplay of Root with you guys


I’m a thematic player, and Root is the game that is perpetually teasing me into purchasing. Someday. When my kids are older than 4.


I just got my game of root 2 days ago and I love it! Thank you for introducing me to this great game!!


Amazing video guys! Root is my favourite game for the same reasons as yours...theme and asymmetry. It feels like there is a faction made for each of my gamer friends so its easy to bring back on the table.

My favourite factions are the lizards and the otters so far because they bring "role playing" naturally in my games sessions...otters trying to be salesman and lizards acting like a crazy cultist threatening everyone that'll I convert them and bring them along on the Great Journey!!


One of my fave games and I love the passion and quality you bring to your work. I have watched a few of your Root videos and they have really helped introduce the expansions to our gameplay. I have all the items here and look forward to many great game days in the future. Keep up the great work!!


16-hour drives... You guys are crazy... crazy dedicated! Kudos!


Man, i wish all the underworld expansion stuff was out in german aswell. Root is my favourite game of all time


I'm glad we have proper public transport in Europe XD I couldn't be arsed to drive 36hours to pick up a friend who doesn't own a car.


Petition to ask leder games to make a duck/geese faction


Quack I need a “how to crush your enemies crow style strategy guide”! Stat!


Amazing content.
You have made me buy at least 2 games (Parks and Root).


Really love your videos. Looking forward for more Root content, especially gameplay videos. Maybe I miss it in the video but are the clearing markers actually made of wood or plastic?


Amazing video thanks! Stay safe and enjoy your driving.


Excited for the incoming root content!


Just ordered the root faction bags from the BBG store. once that gets in, I think I'll have every single thing Root related you can buy, with the exception of a few of the enamel pins and the 3D tokens you can buy on etsy. I like the original tokens and meeples enough that I don't even think the components need any 3D upgrades.
