I'm 47 and Afraid I Won't Have Enough To Retire!

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I'm 47 and Afraid I Won't Have Enough To Retire!

Listen to how ordinary people built extraordinary wealth—and how you can too. You’ll learn how millionaires live on less than they make, avoid debt, invest, are disciplined and responsible! Featuring hosts from the Ramsey Network: Dave Ramsey, Ken Coleman, Christy Wright, Rachel Cruze, and John Delony.

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Retirement is no longer simply a time to enjoy life. For the middle class, it often means finding ways to make ends meet, possibly through investing in stocks. But when is the right time to invest? Some argue it can be highly profitable, while others caution against the risks. What do you recommend?


In these uncertain times, it's more important than ever to have a solid understanding of how to manage your finances, invest wisely and navigate economic downturns. But my primary concern is how to grow my reserve of $240k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains, sure I'm all in on the long term game, but with my savings are lying waste to inflation and my portfolio losing gains everyday, I need a remedy.


The concept of mini-retirement changed my life. I'm no longer waiting for some retirement paradise when I'm 65. It helps to know how to fund the lifestyle. You know, making money while you sip that piña colada by the beach does help. I wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise.


These phone calls are always either completely clueless or humble bragging.


I'm sure most people would love to be in her situation. Making 200k a year, have a house that's paid off in a year, and no debt. That sounds like a dream for most of America!


I just turned 41 and awfully late to investing with barely any portfolio except my 401k, I have a decent amount of cash saved up and with inflation currently soaring AGAIN, I’m getting worried about retirement, my intention is to retire at 65 atleast, so how best do I maximize my savings of over $500k


Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got to talking about investment and money. I started investing with $150k and in the first 2 months, my portfolio was reading $274, 800. Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and get more interesting. For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family.


It's not what you make. It's what you keep.


I actually felt bad for this woman until she finally said they have a household income of 200k a year, 20k in the bank, and a paid off house at 48 years old.


I'm a 48-year-old doctor feeling burnt out from long hours and stress. I've never invested in a retirement portfolio because I've always believed the economy would collapse eventually. However, I plan to retire soon and I'm curious: If you had $100k to invest safely in stocks over 4-5 years to grow, how would you start?


I am at the beginning of my "investment journey", planning to put 85K into dividend stocks so that I will be making up to 30% per year in dividend returns. Any advice?


200k and house almost paid off. Hello !!! You guys are in an amazing situation, lots of people are still renting and making way less. Enjoy what you have and be thankful 🙏🏽


I love listening to these people who are making $200, 000 worried about whether or not they will make it!


The number one factor is lifestyle we just retired at 55 on a $40k a year pension...I still have money left over every month and that's even with a mortgage. Having no debt is the key. If you have a paid off house and you literally only have groceries and utilities it doesn't cost a lot to live.


2:14 Her household income is $200k??? Are you kidding me? You're rich! I don't understand why people who make that kind of money are worried. Every caller is making 6 figures


My fiance and I are 37 and we're just starting. We have $26 in our checking account, she's unemployed, and I'm about to start the best paying job I've ever had, 33k a year.


She's not looking for advice, she's bragging. Paid-off house and she's only 47, lots of savings, and great dual income. Please!


I admire the financial independence of people, But you can live better if you work a little more. After watching this I think there are people out there, on the extreme, who plan to die early just to be able to retire early. To each their own but to me retirement isn't just about not having to work, it's about having the freedom to do whatever you might reasonably want, such as travel, buying things, enjoying life, etc. I don't think I could retire with less than $3m in income generating investments, maybe $2m at the very minimum. I plan to work until I'm at least 45.


Retirement is based off of lifestyle expectations.


Putting nest egg in a growth fund and expecting 12% return is really not a wise move for someone entering retirement.
