Powerful: Pastor Engages Returned Mormon Missionaries

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While the team was in Provo, UT over the weekend they were able to converse with multiple LDS members. In this footage Jeff engages with devout mormons returning from their mission. This is a must watch! The conversation will be very helpful in equipping you to deal with modern day LDS.

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Learn how to engage your Mormon neighbors just like this and have productive conversations. Click here for more info.


After having witnessed to many mormons I just want to say that I congratulate these men for being open to discussion without hostility.


I am a sixth generation pioneer Mormon who went on a mission and was a temple attending, garment wearing, tithing paying follower of Joseph Smith until I was 40 years old. It was so difficult to pull away. For a while I thought I’d found Jesus. But now I realize He found me. I didn’t deserve it. He did it. That is something I never understood as a Mormon. I was constantly struggling to feel “worthy”. Then one day I realized that no matter how I strive I could never be worthy. I don’t have to be worthy. Only he was worthy.


I was raised Mormon, served a mission (in Dallas lol), did ordinance work in the temple, became Elders quorum president, learned about the Book of Abraham's origins, learned of all the other troublesome history, resigned my membership in the Mormon church, took a nearly-4-year journey through Atheism, dabbled in Satanism, met a girl who introduced me to the real Jesus, accepted Him on January 22, 2023 and was baptized about a year later. Every time I hear *Goodness of God* and the lyrics, "All my life you have been faithful" I tear up because God has been holding on to me the whole time, especially through my Mormonism. It seems impossible when I see the veil on my family, that they can't see Jesus for who He really is, but I know that God's got them and is waiting with open arms. Whoever is reading this, you're NEVER outside of God's loving reach. Praise Jesus 🙏


This is a prime example of what a discussion in good faith looks like. Very refreshing and enjoyable to watch.


Once a Mormon, I was blessed to have a Christian come by and teach me about the true Jesus of the Bible. When I ask Jesus into my heart it felt like a ton of weight fell off my shoulders. Never felt that as a Mormon.


I feel like these 2 guys were genuinely speaking and listening. May the Lord open up their eyes to His true identity as the only God and Savior.


I went from Catholicism to atheism, to witchcraft, to Christian. Thank you brother for your help and part. But mostly importantly thank you Jesus Christ


Excellent! I have never been LDS, but have worked with them since 1981. In 1981 I allowed 2 young LDS missionaries to present the lessons to me for 6 weeks. During this time I went to church with them and heard many members share their testimony. They were so disappointed when I didn’t gain a testimony of Joseph Smith and the LDS church.

They asked me to share my testimony at the end of the 6 weeks. I shared my testimony of accepting Christ alone for salvation, by GRACE alone.

I said that I had quietly, patiently listened to everything they wanted me to know and asked if they would now give me equal time to share what I believe. They didn’t. They never had any contact with me again.

I admire these young LDS men for being willing to engage and listen to your points.


As believers, we dream about people asking these kinds of honest questions. Well done on both sides for having a healthy discussion about the Word.


Sending prayers for these two young men! As an X Mormon myself, I promise you that God can reach even the most stubborn of hearts such as mine… God bless these boys!


I was a Mormon for 19 years and I was miserable. I knew full well I was, "saved by grace after all I could do" and I felt that weight. I read The Teachings Of The Presidents Of The Church, and I saw with my own eyes what many Mormons refuse to acknowledge. Their own scriptures and theology refutes them! They just don't want to believe it! I am free because Jesus paid for my sins in full 🙏 praise God ❤ My focus now is on building a relationship with God, not to be saved, but out of a grateful heart.


I'm a Christ follower. Watching this in preparation for dinner/conversation with some friendly Mormons who came to our door.
If anyone scrolling through these comments is also a Christian, my wife and I would love for you to lift us/them up in your prayers that they would get to encounter the way, the truth and the life as a result of this meeting 🤙🏼


Holy Smokes! Incredibly respectful, no interrupting, no yelling, or juvenile regressions! Just some good Christian people.


I admired these young kids because they truly seem to have a good heart


I love it that this Christian man can have a civil discussion with kids who respectively debate with him. I’m rarely encouraged by listening to young adults but these kids have my respect. I disagree with their religion but I can still appreciate their sincerity.


The guys are brave for listening. And this man is bold for sharing the good news.


This gentleman explains the gospel wonderfully in such a graceful way awesome !!


This Pastor is solidly based in his scripture. He is blessed with biblical wisdom. I get blessed by listening to him tell people the truth about scripture.


Profound respect for these two sirs actually listening - that shows great and mature self-control.
