Use Comport in a Sentence

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Learn how to pronounce and use the word COMPORT in a sentence. North American English. Free Tutorials for " how do you pronounce" and "use it in a sentence". 

Common Usage:
"One would fair well to comport themselves with composure when attempting to smuggle heroin onto a commercial airplane."

Definition and Origin:

comportment (n.)
c.1600, from Middle French comportement "bearing, behavior," from comporter (13c.) "to be disposed, arranged, laid out," from Latin comportare (see comport).

comport (v.)
late 14c., from Old French comporter "endure, admit, behave" (13c.), from Latin comportare "to bring together, collect," from com- "together" (see com-) + portare "to carry" (see port (n.1)). Meaning "to agree with, suit" (with with) is from 1580s.

Related: Comported; comporting.

behave (v.)
early 15c., from be- intensive prefix + have in sense of "to have or bear (oneself) in a particular way, comport" (compare German sich behaben, French se porter). Cognate Old English compound behabban meant "to contain," and alternatively the modern sense of behave might have evolved from behabban via a notion of "self-restraint."

Related: Behaved; behaving.
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