Tourette’s at Church 😳

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#tourettes #tourettesyndrome

Also! This is not me coming back to YouTube yet, just something I needed to share but I’m still taking time away 💚
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Also! This is not me coming back to YouTube just yet, just something I needed to share but I’m still taking some time away. Thanks for understanding 💚


I go to a Baptist church and there are 2 people there with Tourette’s syndrome. My dad is the pastor there too. Whenever they tick or do anything, nothing happens. No one glares or stares. This is because everyone there is respectful and knows why this is happening. So when those 2 people were new to the church, we introduced them, as for every other new person. That’s why everyone knows that they cannot control it. Yes, it may become very hard to focus for some people, but you have to respect that they are trying their best, too. ❤


*I got rice* is my favorite tic I’ve ever heard and I genuinely love it so much


My brother has Tourette's and attends church every Sunday. He's been judged, but most people understand his situation.


As a Catholic, I’m sorry about this! I would never say you should be separated from the rest of the people, but at my church they do have cry rooms that you could go in if you feel more comfortable. Also thank you for going to you cousin’s Confirmation! I’m being Confirmed this Sunday, so seeing the Sacrament be supported means a ton!!


Hey Carly! The fact that you even tried to support your cousin when you knew it would be hard means millions, way more than someone who doesn't have a hard time being there. I hope your family appreciates you. Your continual efforts to live a full life with this disability and go beyond minimum requirements to even support your friends and family even though you know it will be hard is such an act of courage and strength. It is completely fine that you didn't make it the whole time, what other people think DOES NOT MATTER. Actions like this bring wonderful things to ourselves and others. I believe that God loves you so much and is so proud of what you are doing with this struggle you are given. I hope you can feel comfort and confirmation from whatever source you believe in. Thank you so much for sharing, we love you!


I'm a practicing, devout Catholic and I wish I could go to Mass with you to support. I'm sorry that other parishioners aren't understanding. Congratulations on your cousin being confirmed! I pray for you 💕


So glad you talked about this, I feel bad for my cousin cause she has cussing tics and often gets judgemental looks at our church even tho everyone has had it explained to them


I agree. I hate going to church for this reason, it feels like you’re distracting everyone and I feel so guilty whenever I go. Thanks for talking about this


It is so hard with strangers around -- with ADHD it is hard to be in church anyway. I sympathize. You did your very best.


As a Christian who has dealt with disability, Christians need to be more understanding of disability. The church is meant to be for everyone (ESPECIALLY marginalized people) and should not be a place of judgment!!! Sadly that is rarely implemented. Realities like this make me so sad 😢 Bless you ❤


I just adore you. So many of my friends have children with tics. Thank you for normalizing it. And it wouldn’t be normalized, or accepted, if you were so sweet and amazing. Love you so much!


Thanks for bringing this up. That’s really sad to hear that you didn’t feel comfortable. I get that some people would find it quite confronting and I’d love to know what advice you’d have for how churches can be more accomodating and help you feel more welcome in that space. For context I’m involved in a church and my daughter has tics but they’re just jerks and shudders at this stage. She’s been part of our church community since she was born so she’s loved and accepted but I understand someone new coming into that space, especially with verbal tics or tics that could be considered “offensive” if they were voluntary would be a much different experience. As the person who tends to connect with the neurospicy people in the church, I’d love to hear anything you have to offer so we can do better.


One thing I hate about physical and mental conditions is that they don't care if you're in a public space. In fact they seem to be even twice as worse compared to when you're alone.


You were there for your family and I am sure they appreciated it!


Thank you for sharing your experience. I never thought about it before.


"I GOT RICE" SLAY QUEEN edit: also can i just add i wasnt the only one complimenting her tic and you come at me for no bloody reason. thank you for your time


I'm so very sorry you had to deal with that. You deserve better and people can really suck sometimes ❤


It’s amazing that you went to support your cousin! I hope that everything is alright after this. ❤


I struggle with church and OCD! I get really bad intrusive thoughts. They usually center around “what happens if I start yelling swears?” It becomes something that I literally hold my hand over my mouth to stop myself. I’ve left many times. I totally understand how hard it is to be in a place that’s supposed to be quiet and contemplative.
