Elden Ring: Are Shield Ashes Of War Useful?

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Invasions to test how effective shield ashes of war are!

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I never had any reason to join anti-magic factions in RPGs, but now I'm thinking it may be fun to do a Chase roleplay, going "A WIZARD??" every time you see a mage.


Even with a shield, Chase wasn’t able to protect his invader partner (Blaid), it’s a sad day


Wizards mentioned at least 27 times:

1:41 We have a Wizard. Oh, a Wizard, a dagger-user
1:49 Hey Mr. Wizard
1:52 Are you out of FP Mr. Wizard?
2:28 Oh my god, that almost the one-shot kill on the Wizard, there we got the Wizard down
6:33 Hi there, Wizard
9:10 Well, if it isn't a Wizard. Hello Mr. Wizard, I'll be eating counter-Wizard meat
9:59 Okay, he's waiting for his Wizard, and a Wizard has moonveil
10:15 Wizardry goes through it
10:22 Lets get our multi-hit on for the Wizard, hey there Wizard
12:43 Okay, we dodge the Wizard
13:02 Oh my god, the Wizard almost died in 2 hits
13:54 Alright, what about parrying the Wizard?
14:12 There is a Wizard, luke, ooh, luke - you scare me with your Wizardry
14:35 Wizard
15:06 Agressively from a Wizard
15:35 It is Wizardry after all
16:08 And the Wizard apparently, hey Wizard
16:52 Obviously the Wizard, right?
17:36 How many pews do you have for me Mr. Wizard?

Since I started counting there were 316.2 mentionings of Wizards across 32 videos.




Shield ashes, and not just parry either, that's rare. Bash and Crash always had some weird properties, what with blocking while attacking, but it's so situational that it rarely gets properly showcased.


I recommend St Trina's Torch for it is unprotected


Shields are satisfying to watch. I'd definetly like to see more of them in the future.

Especially the first invasion was great.


YOU SHOULD DO A TAUNTERS TONGUE PLAYTHROUGH! It would be sick to watch invaders enter your world, only to realize that they are the ones being hunted.


Feels good man. Now you got me thinking about bleed shields. Between the innate bleed on some shields and those you can infuse, good times. Great vid.


Chase, I'm surprised you didn't use the One-Eyed shield plus the Visage Shield, dual weilded. People panic roll into corners when you rush them and you can Visage shield AoW them to death from there with the shield up, add in the One-Eyed Shield for ranged attacks and knock back horrors and it roughy emulates your bow useage. Combined, you're crazy tough, and quite capable of handling 2 on ones or more with some finesse in placement. I think you'd really enjoy it.


I was surprised that Chase didn't bring the anti wizard shield considering the amount of wizard he faces in every invasion is not small.


Bleed infused Fingerprint Stone Shield: it has high attack power, can bleed, and also cause madness. Works as a lone weapon too


I think the only way vow could ever be useful would be if it was made a sustained thing, like you hold the AoW button down and it constantly drains FP but you're invulnerable until you run out or let off the button. As is its just objectively worse than just rolling.


Since you're enjoying the shield business for some time now:
-these days i tested out all shield spells and found out that immutable shield is the perfect thing agaist wizards because it nullifies elemental damage and status procs.
-Fingerpring shield with scholar's shield offers tremendous guard boost, while also using ashes of war to proc madness; maybe frost sword spell won't guardbreak shield crash?
-Someone that invaded me also managed to put spinning slash on a poisoned fingerprint shield, which i found hilarious even though i got destroyed with insta madness and poison


I cant tell you how much vow of indom has saved my ass from greedy plays lol.

They really upped the shield game & I'm here for it.
My fav combo is erdtree spear & shield.

Keep up the grind!


Shield poking build could be fun. That eclipse shield you have + the scholar’s shield spell lets you block all magic and physical dmg. If you want a magic build, lava sorcery is pretty fun. Make you sure offhand a gelmir staff for the passive lava sorcery dmg.


Every time you make a video without the sleep-torch, St.Trina sheds a tear.


Just when I was hoping for my next Elden Ring Chase fix.


Such a great video! Love to see this mixup


For anyone that wants something to do while watching. Count the times chase locks on and unlocks again.


I did something like this not too long ago, but with medium shields and used it as a gimmick
3 Banished knight shields, one with no skill, one with golden parry, and the last with shield bash
use shield bash to trade a hit, swap to another shield and then either parry the next hit or use the ash of war on your weapon, surprising how much it worked
was really funny to parry a dual nagi after trading with shield bash
