LEAVING Ableton for BITWIG.. AFTER 1 DAY!!!!

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00:00 Intro
02:08 Multiple Sessions
04:04 Browsing w Speed
08:17 Keyboard Shortcuts
11:42 Hybrid Tracks
14:57 Audio Editing
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The best part about Bitwig is the tools they give you to create. It’s single-handedly the most creative software I have ever used


I really appreciate you showing the workflow for both. I’m a visual person, so even if I know something, sometimes it won’t click until I see it. I’ve seen a lot of bigwig videos over the last few years, but yours is the first one that’s made me give it a shot.


Welcome to the enlightened path! I switched to Bitwig after using FL/Ableton for 15 years, after only using it for around 2 hours. This was over a year ago, I still keep finding amazing new tricks and quirks that makes this DAW so frickin' amazing. In the beginning I found a few frustration points, but all that needed to be adressed was my creative workflow to work around it, and now it's even faster than before. I have never been happier with any DAW.


Bitwig Studio Opens not only Ablethon projects, but also FL STUDIO. They've also implemented export to dawproject.


Welcome bro! Like how you focused on the user experience in the review but are so many more amazing features like the plug-in crash protection and the modulation system and so many more! Really feels like bitwig is ahead of the curve and are really innovating and pushing forward where ableton seems to be stagnating. They are constantly working on major updates too and are always improving! We just got v5 and they already just released another major update today! Love bitwig so much


Omg as a programmer this looks like my dream daw. Contextual UIs, global pooup smart navigators, and deep keyboard control is essential in software you use daily


Another thing is that the midi controller integration is just amazing out of the box. I have a launchkey mini and launchkey 49 and when you plug them in the buttons and sliders get assigned in a useful and reasonable way to specific things for each instrument or fx. These things are made for Ableton and while navigation works okay there, you kinda have to map everything by hand for each instrument or fx. In bitwig you even have a dedicated controller menu bar to tinker with your specific controller. That’s what did it for me!


For the clip volume thing at the end you mention, if you hold down the number 2 key it will temporarily switch to the time selection tool so you can make a selection without having to worry about where you are on the clip. Then when you release the 2 key it’ll snap back to whatever tool was previously selected. That functionality works with the other tools as well, normally I always keep the pointer tool active and temporarily switch to other tools like that. It’s a nice workflow I think.


the modulation in bitwig, including track level and project level modulation / remotes is where ableton should have been at ten years ago. They really seriously dropped the ball and I think a lot of electronic producers will move to bitwig over the coming years as it becomes more widely known.


Haven't even watched one second of this video mate... but that THUMBNAIL! WOW! Who could resist that click!?!? Please take note... thumbnail masterpiece, pat yourself on the back here.


Great video showing some of the differences. Been using BW for over two years - really is a great DAW and becomes its own creative instrument. Never used a DAW with so many modulation/note FX/MSEG options and the real-time help feature is next level (no other program has anything like that). The only things I really dislike are the piano roll and sampler (Ableton's is better). Ableton also has the glue compressor -- BW really needs a good one.


Hybrid midi/audio channels is an absolute gamechanger! That feature alone kinda makes me want to move from reason 12 to bitwig


Excellent presentation! Bitwig looks amazing. I'm blown away by the browser and the keyboard shortcuts


Bitwig is the best! As far as I know, you can transfer your project from Ableton to Bitwig. I recently started creating music and of all the DAW I chose this one. At first it seems difficult, but in principle not difficult. But the best part is that you can create a whole melody from a single note by applying modules.
Everybody have a great day.


It is possible to work in multiple Ableton sessions at the same time! I use it all the time.

Check "allow multiple instances" in the look/feel preferences🎉 (windows)


I studied Electronic Music Production at a Technical College and one of the Teachers put me onto BitWig Studio 5 for sound design which I love. I am back studying after a break and I have a student license and am looking forward to getting into BitWig


I had to smile when I read your video title.. As a person who grew up with the birth of most all DAWs From Pro-Tools to Reason etc.. I at once fell for Ableton from its creation.. That was until Bitwig one came along.. As it was founded from some of the best coders from Ableton, I tried it out.. But like all Daws, it needed time to mature, and come into its own..So as I was with Ableton and knew it like the back of my hand, It was my go to.. On the 1st of January, a friend called ranting about Bitwig 5.1 After 2 days on the free trial, I was sold.. What a magical place Bitwig has become.. Just the sound quality out of the box is mind blowing.! Want a synth that only exists in your head.. Just build it in Bitwig ! Like you, I have to run multiple DAWs for clients that rent our Recording facility.. But anytime I play them a reference track I wrote in Bitwig, and they see “The Grid” no time is lost in downloading the trial for themselves.. With constant free updates, and open source code.. The sky is literally the limit.. Cheers, from Ireland/Germany 🔉🎶🎵🎵🎶


For creative work, Bitwig ist massive. For straight linear mixing-work, I export stuff to Cubase. Having two DAWs for two different tasks helps me a lot. Live and Bitwig are inspiring ways to jam with myself. Cubase is the hub where I can go very deep at the mixing stage. Stop the DAW wars. :)


I’m a multi-DAW advocate actually. I enjoy mixing elements from various tools together for unique results. If starting out from scratch I’d agree with pick one until you master it.


The automatic tool switching (and lack of gridlines behind clips) is my number one complaint about Bitwig. I never got used to it, even after 1.5 years of daily usage. I still use Ableton and Cubase from time to time, and the muscle memory just tells you "you can click ANYWHERE in the arranger, to select clips". In Bitwig, you have to hit a specific spot in each track lane in order to have the right tool. Also, often times you accidentally hit the time range handle instead of the note range handle in the piano roll. This should be deactivate-able ASAP.

You might soon find additional things which you miss from Ableton. For me it's

Being able to scroll horizontally via Shift+Mousewheel.

Being able to doubleclick in the piano roll to create notes based on Gridlength (instead of ALT+doubleclick)

Being able to adjust automation points vertically without having the feeling you’re moving the mouse through pudding!

Being able to quickly insert shapes in the automation lanes, and quickly create automation segments via selection + moving ONE point.

Being able to play from the cursor in Detail View with CTRL+space.

Having a one button audio quantization via warping.

. In Bitwig, when you press record in the launcher while a long sustained note is already playing, the beginning of the clip will have a clearly audible ClickNoise. In Ableton, this never happens by default, due to the automatic Fade being active. Bitwigs AutoFade ONLY affects audio EDITS.

No groove pool (only workarounds).

No scale highlighting

Playhead disappears when playback is paused.

There’s no Looper / i ve made a feature request for turning the Cliplauncher into a Loopstation, which would be even better than a Looperplugin, it’s on Bitwish

All in all, i prefer Bitwig, but it comes with downsides. I hope they will alleviate those.
I made a 30min video about "5 reasons why i would love to switch to Bitwig, but still cant" - but i actually switched, since the downsides of Ableton are bigger 😅
