Dune Books Ranked! | What's The Best Dune Book?

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There are a total of six dune books written by author frank herbert himself. Subsequent novels were written by his son Brian Hebert and author Kevin J Anderson. Since I started covering Dune on this channel people have been asking me to rank the books, and today you’ve got your wish.

Cover art by Marc Simonetti

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Look at Quinn with his huge smile as he shows off his first editions :D


Dune Messiah is my favorite Dune book because of this quote:

"To endure oneself may be the hardest task in the universe. You cannot hire a wise man or any other intellect to solve it for you. There's no writ of inquest or calling of witness to provide answers. No servant or disciple can dress the wound. You dress it yourself or continue bleeding for all to see."


I've only read the first 3, and for me Messiah might actually be my favorite. When I first read it as a teenager I was blown away by how it yanks the rug out from under the expectations and tropes of the genre.


I like to believe Dune is real, a real and accurate historical masterpiece that was sent back to us through a time loop to educate and warn humanity of our undeniable future!!


This is so interesting! Messiah is actually one of my favorites. I find the tension between Paul's love for Chani and his desperate sadness over the path he must take to be extremely moving, and by the end of it, I was emotionally wrecked. I suppose, in that way, it has some similarities to God Emperor, but for some reason I find it more romantic (although the end of God Emperor is something truly unforgettable).


Wow. I read these books over 17 years ago. I just now realize God Emperor of Dune impacted many people like it impacted me.


Yeah, pretty much. 1 and 2 are interchangeable to me. God Emperor of Dune does one of the ballsiest moves in a series ever. "Dune" is a classic and is probably my #1.


Limited edition hardcover of dune?
I see you're a man of culture as well.


"Moneo, what a rogue; what a charming rogue."
- Leto II


Even before reading the first book of Dune I had heard about Leto Atreides the II, The god emperor, the great worm. I was so intrigued by his figure that I run through the first three books (enjoying every Page) Just to get to the god emperor. And when i Read it.... Jesus what a novel, what a masterpiece. It was like reading a Shakesperian play, an antropology and filosofical issue, with the scope and influence of an epic poem, all of that set in a extraordinary and complex space opera setting. All of that added to Leto himself, what a fascinating, beatiful and bizzare character. When i finished it, I felt like very well the huge scope and ambition of Herbert's work. Great video, the only thing I disagree its with Dune Messiah which would be my third Favorite. Thanks for reading!


I love it that you picked God Emperor of Dune and was pleasantly surprised! This is my all time fave And have read it multiple times. It’s also my son’s favorite. I love how Leto II is nearly invulnerable and is aware of every scheme against him but chooses how and when his reign will end.


omg I was so excited to realize we have the EXACT same ranking! I've been debating with other people for years about how God Emperor is the best in the series. Everybody argues with me that it's just Leto talking the whole time but it's in this book that you realize just how complex Leto's character is. It's in this book that you truly compehend the immense scale of the Golden Path and how Leto submitted himself and humanity to centuries of suffering to actually save the human race. It's a deep plot never equalled in sci-fi to this day IMO.


I was genuinely surprised by the choices for #2 and #1, but I can see why. It's remarkable how Frank Herbert writes stories with characters that are superhuman in many ways, but ultimately relatable and surprisingly convincing. God Emperor stretches that to its very limit to make profound philosophical points and paint an incredible canvas. But, Dune's characters are the most vibrantly, tragically, lovingly human. It's subjective, which kind of story you like best.


I'm not sure why God Emperor is my favorite of the series. Maybe it's the sweeping scope. Maybe it's the depth of Herbert's imagination brought to such vivid life. Or maybe it's because Leto II agrees with me that Duncan Idaho is the greatest character in the universe.


nice one!
about dune messiah though, I believe it has one of the best scenes I've ever read: quick hint (and spoil!), paul uses prana bindu technics to rebalance, via observing himself remotely via Leto II sight. That finale was awesome!


From what I’ve read of the Dune books so far, I still have less than 200 pages left of God Emperor... and loving it!
My personal favorite is still Dune Messiah, then Dune. Children of Dune. God Emperor.

I’m hoping these last hundred pages will change my mind and make God Emperor my number one.

Also, just want to say, thanks so much for getting me into these books with your videos. Dune has become my favorite series to date.


You know, there’s something wholesome seeing someone smiling showing off a book they like. Wise enough to know the learning never stops, smart enough to enjoy it. My wife’s an English teacher and thats her favorite kind of student. But she only gets a kid or two every year that even cares to read book thoroughly


I was blown away by Dune. The first chapter of Messiah was strong, but by the end I was so bored I had lost the plot entirely. These rankings give me hope. Thanks.


My all time favorite series. Don't know that I could rank them, because they all have their own merit. Glad you're back, keep the videos coming.


If there must be a ranking, this is an excellent one. God Emperor is among my favorite books, fiction or non. IMO it’s also the most dependent on its predecessors due to its philosophical, dialogue-heavy nature. But what a treasure once you’ve read the 1st three!
Dune Messiah, or something much like it, was actually a part of the original Dune manuscript. The manuscript was later split into two parts, at an editor’s recommendation if I remember right, with the split happening just after a triumphal moment such that the editor probably thought it would lead to greater sales. When I last read Dune I went straight into Messiah as though just starting another chapter. Try it!
