My Tmux Workflow

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Hihi, this was a highly requested topic after I showed how to replicate my tmux setup in a previous video. Let me know what you think!

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You don't need to detach from your running session to switch to a different one. There is a command, I think the default binding is either <c-b>s or <c-b><c-s>, <c-b> being your command prefix, that gives you a selection screen to switch between your sessions.

I always have multiple sessions running, like a sessions where I can edit my dotfiles, one session in my cloud storage, one for my current coding project, one for work, etc., and then each of these sessions have multiple windows, often times having a dedicated window with split panes, and stuff like that.

I also use two tmux plugins, tmux-resurrect and tmux-continuum, to save and reload my setup, so that I don't have to re-create all my sessions, windows, etc. every day.


Since you are a Vim user and are also using Vimium in Firefox, you might like having vi keys in tmux too. These are the bindings I use to navigate and resize panes and navigate lines in copy mode:

bind h select-pane -L
bind j select-pane -D
bind k select-pane -U
bind l select-pane -R
bind -r C-h resize-pane -L 5
bind -r C-j resize-pane -D 5
bind -r C-k resize-pane -U 5
bind -r C-l resize-pane -R 5
setw -g mode-keys vi

Keep up the great content!


from windows with vscode to WSL with tmux and nvim as full LSP and now I am fully happy.


So glad I found your channel! Thank you for creating this amazing content! 🤗


I pair it with tmuxinator so I can have preset environments. When I start a tmux session for a specific directory it opens multiple windows and splits with specific commands run automatically - for example for a web project I start the server, start tailing the logs, run webpack watch, etc


Recently switched from tmux to zellij. It’s a more modern terminal multiplexer written in rust.


i really love how certain people just strait up nerd out and love linux! once the flip switches its so addicting and fun never in my life did i think i would have this much passion and get so much enjoyment out of technology and coding and hacking and open source communities. i use to barely mess with tech or the system at all just doing social media things and watching tv online some video games here and there all on windows10 or android or xbox lol but spending most time running around with people partying with people doing bad things with a terrible on deaths door $300ish daily opiate addiction riding motorcycles hunting camping traveling things like that to a full time nerd 💀3 years sober tho🖤 replaced that addiction with this lol trying to find the balance now that im pretty confidentish in my skills lol still gotta grind for a job but the balance will come eventually just thankful to be alive and where im at and for other people who also love linux and open source and on this ramble tho bc your passion explaining tmux and using linux got me! 😻


The tmux-sessionist plugin makes working with multiple sessions a breeze. Keybindings are made readily available to list, create, and move between sessions.


I found your channel when I was looking for ways to set up neovim, and i kinda went down a rabbit trail [hehe pun] but the way ive been using tmux has been with discord bots. I've got a couple linux servers i run so being able to SSH into them, start a bot, then exit the tmux session and have the bot keep running is a lifesaver xD


This is funny, how we use computer like in 60's. With some very complex and needlessly powerful "computer terminal" to work on a "central computer" but through the internet 😂


I'm old(er) (I predate tmux) and have been a GNU Screen user for years having predefined SSH sessions that auto-launch and connect to servers running their subsequent screen/tmux sessions... it can get confusing but keeping a nice toolbar helps. I guess tmux does some cool stuff with vim nowadays so that is cool... but just using it to never loose where you were at or your scroll back while traveling home or between sites is priceless!


I love the idea of sessions. You can have multiple side projects and keep the state.


I'll have to try tmux some day. Looks interesting... What would be cool is a NeoVim integration where each vim split is a tmux split and maybe even running different buffers on each split :)


I use screen because when I took over hosting a Minecraft server we used screen lol. I've heard about tmux but never got into it. Might try it out sometime.


"desktop as center of truth" also had this realization when using tmux for a while hehe


like six or seven years ago I submitted a feature request to the tmux team to ask them to add logging like you can do with screen. It’s invaluable when you’re working on something important and you need to be able to see a transcript of what happened. They said my future request “wasn’t in the spirit of tmux“ which I can respect because it’s their toy and they can do whatever they want with it but I’m trying not to be sour grapes :-)


4:21 wdym when you say you connect to your linux desktop from your laptop and attaching to the tmux session? Do you that by ssh-ing into your desktop from your laptop when both machines are active. I am a newbie to CLI stuff


Some years ago i was using dvtm, but clearly now tmux is a more comprehensive solution. The main issue i can find about it is framebuffered image rendering (ex: using w3m).


Nice video! I actually mostly use tmux to split my terminal into two panes for a better overview of what I‘m working on :)
I don‘t like multiple windows of the same application


windows peasants like me are still using tabs for multiple terminal sessions. amazing.
