What I Eat in a Day for Better Mental Health

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My name is Lauren and I'm trying out using the ketogenic diet along with other metabolic therapies to treat my schizoaffective disorder (schizophrenia and bipolar). Many of you have been asking for more info on what I eat on medical keto, so I show you everything I ate in one day following medical keto for mental illness.


You can find more about my keto coach Nicole Laurent and her work on her website:

HOW TO TEST YOUR KETONES (important for medical keto!)

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as someone who recovered from an ED and is watching this while eating a huge bowl of rice:), i send you all the love and the best of luck! whatever feels good and helps you balance is great.


I have major depression and psychosis. I remember when I was eating fast food and lots of carbs, I had a miserable life: My mental illness was skyrocketing...crise after crise. I started to improve when I did a paleo diet with intermittent fasting... but when the pandemic started I felt very stressed and ate lots of bad food- high-carb food. I went more de 4 times to the hospital during the pandemic and in the end, I was obese because of medication too. Today I came back with a kind of keto-paleo diet because I can not afford a dietitian yet that agrees with keto here in Toronto. I have been more than 2 years now having a normal life and away from the hospital. I am still on medication but is low dosage and I am very happy with it. My doctor said there is a big chance to take the medications off in the future. Thank you so much for sharing. Diet is really powerful. :)


You are certainly a warrior, Lauren. Not for keto per se, but for allowing the world to see the ups and downs of a (rather unknown and often feared) mental health issue. I have drug resistant depression, PTSD and ADHD. It’s an ongoing search for ways to deal and improve quality of life issues, and you are the ultimate superstar. 🎉


As the sister of someone who had schizophrenia, thank you for sharing your journey! I can understand how the words of people who are concerned upset you as it feels judgy…This is working for you to be the best & healthiest you can be and that is what matters for you & your family. Don’t let those remanrks discourage you and keep going. You and Rob are wonderful! Hugs and best wishes ❤


Most people don’t understand that what you’re doing is a medical intervention that requires tracking for a while. You’re doing great!


Lauren I wish you the best ! It isn't our business as long as you have educated health providers and are well ! So Glad for you !


as someone who has lived the ketogenic lifestyle on and off for six years now... in order to lose weight and get my metabolic health under control (including diabetes, hbp, fatty liver)... i think you are doing fantastic. Dr. Edes is well known in the keto community. You are in great hands! i'm hoping your videos will help to encourage my adult son to try keto because he has been diagnosed schizophrenic. he doesn't accept that yet. although it's been about three years since the diagnosis and much longer since he was showing signs of it than that even. we are Canadian too! he is around your age. i hope he is willing to look at your latest videos because i know how much he wants to get off the meds. maybe this will help him! you are such an inspiration, both of you. thank you for sharing this journey with us.


Hey I’ve been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia for awhile now and have found how powerful keto is with it. I’m starting to document my journey on my other channel I just started. It’s small but hope someday maybe we can get together and share our experiences! Love your channel!!


I love hearing you talk about how following keto is for mental health purposes and not at all for aesthetics. I think people assume keto is a diet for weight loss and might not understand the difference between that and medical keto. Anyway I’ve really been enjoying this series and it could potentially be really helpful for my mental health as well so thank you for all your efforts!


Thank you for your honesty, despite the judgement or concern that people might voice. It takes such strength to be so transparent. You're spreading more awareness and helping people to feel less alone and more human.


Coffee is literally the hardest thing to give up! No judgement here. I wasn't able to give it up. Coffee is life! You're doing amazingly!


Thank you for being transparent and showing coffee, even though you thought about not showing it! It's relatable and realistic.


You're doing well and you're having a positive impact on others because you're living as an example and many seem to be taking pisitive steps as well. Way to go! This is so cool!


I love how in touch you your body's energy demands through food. It's wonderful that you address people's concerns head on. It's amazing to see how keto seems to deliver what each individual body needs; more calories for you, fewer for others who are turning on fat burning of stored body fat. Your keto metabolic health project is an incredible resource for the mental health community.


Great video! So happy you’re feeling well and responding so well in your mental health!


I eat only vegetables, fruits and meat. As well as eggs, jogurt and olives.I do it for weight loss and also to feel better mentally. It is working pretty well so far.
Love you❤


People who talk about keto being or leading to an eating disorder have almost universally never seriously tried eating a ketogenic diet. Five years for myself and my wife and we will never eat different other than eating a few rare "cheat" meals throughout the year, mostly during social events (we're not on a medical keto diet).


So very interesting to see the meals you are making and how to move to a keto diet. Please consider a follow up video showing other recipes and snacks later in the year. Pleeeeaase 😀 what is the app you’re using? Truly wonderful video, fun and inspirational! Thanks again!


Having a partner who is so supportive is so key.

My partner doesn’t believe in this and so I’ve failed many times. I’m just going thru med treatment now and it sucks.
