Jehovah's Witnesses Religion in a nutshell - Dr. Walter Martin

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Dr. Walter Martin explains who Jehovah's Witnesses are. Sermon 1987.
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This man was my mentor. I lived in OC where he had his Christian Research Institute in San Juan Capistrano and his "Bible Answer Man" radio program. He taught me comparative religions and how to interpret scripture using exegesis. One of the country's leading theologians of his time.


He's spot-on about the Jehovah's Witnesses. I was working for hospice in the late 90s and had a patient in San Marcos, CA. He and his wife were Jehovah's Witnesses and they were very distressed about what they were being told by the JW cult they followed. My patient was bedbound and dying, his wife was his only caregiver and she wasn't in very good health, and their JW "friends" told them that they were being ex-communicated because they weren't going door to door "witnessing" any more and that they weren't good witnesses. Oh my goodness. My patient and his wife were beautiful people and God loves them so much. Our visits ended up being Christian counseling sessions more than personal care for my patient and I hope and pray they received the truth about Jesus and His everlasting love for them before my patient's death. 🙏✝❤


Where is the full teaching

Those jw guys are deceiving people around


I can affirm this is very much how Mormonism is, because I was once heavily indoctrinated into Mormonism in the early 1980's ~ 2000's and we were told exactly what the Bible meant, what passages meant, and it has gotten far worst over the years because the LDS church has had a lot of time to review all the refutations against them, and come up with all manner of crafty, deceptive, misdirection, to dissuade their members from seeking the truth or researching many of these issues on their own.

When I finally started to read the Bible on it's own, after falling away from the LDS church many years later, and after suffering from a medical issue that I truly believe was God chastening me, it caused me to turn to the God of the Bible, to start reading, studying, and growing in His true word, my eyes were opened and I started to gain understanding in ways I never had before.

Those who defend the Mormon faith with much zeal and passion are spiritually blind, and unable to see the truth because they have not accepted the call from our Lord Jesus Christ. I always tell folks, Jesus is at the door, knocking, and wants to share the truth with you. Will you not open the door and seek all truths?

There are many Mormon apologists who will declare anything anyone says against Mormon history, even when we share with them factual proof, documents from their own church archives, church papers, journals, discourses, general conference talks, and so on, they will refute and claim many things as false, or have a reason as to why there is no evidence of any kind even today for the Book of Mormon people that supposedly numbered in the millions, with no trace of any weapons, artifacts, manuscripts or parchments of their languages, no silver or gold coins, literally nothing, but yet we can find tons of evidence for the actual Indians and their cultures, the Aztecs, Mayans, and so on.

I pray for every Mormon that they will have their eyes opened and come to know the correct God, the correct Christ, and learn of the true gospel, before it is to late.


Bookmark for myself: continue from 4:20


First he says that if you’re disfellowshipped, you will be considered “dead”. Then he says to “X’s” in the crowd, you’ll be called on again. Which is it?


He talks about “immorality”, yet he as “disfellowshipped” from Baptist for marrying another women… and speaking in a positive manner about Mormans…


So very sad to hear the christening will not believe the word of the Lord, But put all their faith in man alone.


1918 a time of peace!? What has he been drinking? The WORLD was at WAR!


First he says “they know why” (they study the Bible), then he says they are blind… did he eve realizes he contradicted himself, while “he’s” telling them what the Bible “means”…🤔


Use to study with the Jehovah Witnesses back in 1999 - 2000. Read Catholic, Protestant, Seven day Adventist, Latter-day Saint, Islam, etc... material. Anything I could get my hands on whether positive or negative on any faith. Also used to listen daily to Christian radio stations and learn anything I could regarding God. Long story short, I ended up praying constantly and asking God for answers in who to believe regarding religion. After months of pleading for answers and having faith in God that I would receive an answer in his due time, finally the Lord blessed me with answers by the Holy Spirit. Jesus wasn't kidding when he said "Seek and you shall find ". He "really " made me work for it! When you do your part, he'll do his, and answer your prayers! I felt the Spirit testify to me that Jesus Christ is Jehovah. Shortly after that, he testified to me Joseph Smith was a true prophet and the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lords true church. I'm eternally grateful for the Lord and his blessings of answers to our prayers! I still research all religions and find much truth in many faiths, but I know with a surety that the authority and truth is with the Latter-day Saints


Everything he said about 1975 “predictions” is taken out of context of the actual writings…


Run from Hebrews 1:6? Lol no ones running from that lol. προσκυνησάτωσαν is to kiss or do pay homage, Reverence, literally to prostrate. Thats not worship which is: λατρεία.


The nutshell is that they are all going to hell.


Old video.

No market study! That’s a lie.

Listening to Jesus command? Yes. Matthew 28:19, 20 Jesus; “Go and make disciples.” He set the example and his followers in the first century followed that example. House to house witnessing.

Jehovah’s witnesses are not only in major cities in the world. They are in every nation and tribe tongue speaking to ALL people.

More then 1000 languages today


Someone produce this guys divorce records from his first marriage.
Is there something in there about a shotgun being held to someones head?
