2 Jehovah's Witness Elders Get STUMPED & RUN From The Bible [Debate] | Sam Shamoun

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Jehovah's Witnesses get stumped on Colossians 1:15 and the meaning of "firstborn over all creation"

#Islam #Muslim #Quran
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This dude is elite. He doesn’t debate, he educates


This man is scary smart. :) Can y'all imagine him in a courtroom as an attorney? His knowledge is MASSIVE.


LOL....when I was younger Christian I would have found you abrasive and difficult, but now after dealing with the devil's tricks for the last 4 decades I am with you 100%, brother!


I was raised a Jehovah's Witness my entire life. I am 49 now and just started to search for answers. It's as if something is missing and I feel the need to search. For me to even search for anything challenging Jehovah's Witnesses has me feeling like I am doing something wrong. I have not spoken to anyone about my questions because I am afraid of being told I am being tempted by Satan. I would be lying if I said part of me feels like I am doing something wrong, but my logic tells me that is ridiculous. Sam is the only one right now that I listen to and explains things to the point and clear. I am stuck right now and don't know what I should be doing. I did purchase the NASB to start reading. It is to my understanding this is a good choice to study. Wish me luck. This is really challenging.


It amazes me how simple of a question Sam asks, just to read.
And even then, they won’t do it.
Crazy to me


As a former JW, Sam is bang on. I couldn’t believe how manipulated the New World Translation is to suit their narrative.


They are more concerned with defending the watch tower cult than find the truth.


I'm not religious or anything (new to this stuff) but it's quite crazy that people don't want to read verses out of their own book when Sam asks them to do so. Something is definitely not alright if you don't want to objectively discuss matters in the book of your own religion, he shouldn't have to ask 3 times. It shows how these people aren't really on board with their own book otherwise they would've just read it with no hesitation.


As a former Jehovah's Witness, now saved and Born Again and a New Creation in Christ, I can applaud you, brother. I was raised in that cult and was an active believer for 40 years. As with all Jehovah's Witnesses, I was brainwashed into thinking that only THEY had the REAL truth of the Word. I was taught to react just as these elders did to anyone who wanted to try to "school me" in what the Bible actually says. I was told that the Witness Bible (New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures) was the "most accurate" Bible in the English language because they "restored" God's name, Jehovah, back into the text. I even used to own their own "Kingdom Interlinear" verion of the Bible with the original Greek (which doesn't insert the word "other" in the original texts, but does in their translation of those same texts) and didn't see the truth of Jesus' Godship until the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the simple truth of the Word. Of course, I lost all of my family and friends due to being labeled an "Apostate" and was shunned by all of them for life because I left the Witnesses to follow Jesus. Don't be hateful to the Witnesses, as they just think that re-enforces the "fact" that they have the truth and are being persecuted for it. Show the love of Christ as you talk, but be firm in your faith and be ready to defend it. Pray for these lost people, for they really and truly do want to serve God, but they have been swallowed whole by a cult that seeks to remove the true divinity of, and Godship of, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


I have met many people that can recite the Bible whole……..but almost no one can contextualize it by comparing it to other religious books……..he is a supercomputer that way. Most impressive.


“I’m hearing the birds chirp outside” I love this dude fr😭


As a Christian, I come here to learn. God cannot be mocked for he has prepared vessels for his assignment. Keep it up sir


Your memorization of the Bible is seriously inspiring. I want to get into memorizing it like that


It is absurd that Charles Russell who had no knowledge of Greek translated the New Testament. Thanks, Sam for educating these dear friends.


Sam, you remind me so much of how i imagine the early church fathers would have been like in defending the faith.
You're a blessing to us and so may God protect you and keep you safe


The fact this guy can spit out the verses and numbers out without a script is impressive.


This man is accurately quoting scripture without a Bible in front of him. These two are clearly outclassed by this gentleman and his knowledge of scripture


Thank God I was myself delivered from this cult after 10 years od servitude to its organization. I now serve as an ordained pastor in a protestant church.


Whenever someone runs from reading the Bible, I cant trust them.. They are moved by their feelings and not the truth


Sam, the Watch Tower has changed their bible to match their theology and not their theology to match the bible. You pointed that out very succinctly. Thank you for your explanation.
