Storytime Animators are Dead

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Outro Music:
Scooby-Doo Theme 2 Background Music

Background Art:


If you’ve read this far, you’re amazing and very loved… by me ♡(´ε` )
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storytime animation as a whole isnt dying, but most of the iconic creators are running out of stories to tell and are moving on to other types of content, like you said. there are new storytime animators who are helping the community stay alive (yoyo 808, jawbreaker juice, jaicemations), and i feel that the community isn't going to die anytime soon, since more people are coming onto youtube to share stories


I just found you and you're very honest about Story Time Animator decay. They will run out of story and need something new to give it life.


This is a great video! Thanks for your input but uh... I did NOT expect sultan to be my daddy... unless...?


Story time animation may be dying, but I know over 100 kids like me that are still making storytime videos. We don’t care if it’s dying, we want to do it, so we will!


Therapist: "Realistic Odd1sOut isn't real, he can't hurt you."

Realistic Odd1sOut:


The fact that your first video was uploaded 2 years ago and up until 10 days ago you had 30 subs but with your super informative video you gained 500+ subs is a great achievement! I'm sure many more people will benefit and be aware of the attention you bring to this issue. Great job


I remember watching these Youtubers dreaming that one day I'd be able to tell my stories like them so it's a really shame this genre has died but its was fun while it lasted

Also I like your "dating sim" editing style. New sub hope you keep growing


As a very new storytime animator myself, this video was very interesting to watch. Although I do agree that this community has died down a bit, i feel like this could be a generational shift and this is actually the perfect opportunity for new creators to get their content out there... or at least i hope so ahahahaha. I adore the love sim aesthetic you're going for!! It's super creative and makes the video so much more pleasing to watch. Keep up the good job!! <3


Lol I'm glad this was on my feed cause what funny is I don't think it dying. I think it just changing. There are different Subcategory. For Example, Somkebee and myself are what you call short Storytime animator that make Similar content depending on the topic but we hardly make long videos. Yoyo808 and Devontae the one makes rant/Storytime. it depends on the person style of storytelling.


I really appreciate the nuance you’re bringing to animation and animation-adjacent content! I love how you lean into the animatic style by making it your own and making it in the style of a dating sim. I was not prepared for TheOdd1sOut stand in though hahaha.

Very good work :)


It isn’t that storytime animation is dying it’s that times and people are changing and growing up
There’s a lot of new storytime animators coming in because we enjoy creating

Great video btw👍🏻


Ngl I felt the 'Don't call this animation' I do little Gacha videos for fun, and everyone at my school calls them 'Animation.' I've tried to tell them 'It's not animation...' and they still call it animation. I started calling it animation too. (Also this video was amazing, keep it up :D)


Totally agree on the backgrounds bit. I can animate a single character (only in a selected videos when I have the energy), but backgrounds are difficult for me in comparison, I usually skip it in my storytime animations XP Anyways, loved the art style and well-organised commentary :D


well said, I just found you and I am glad someone can relate to this. Some I believe need to take a little break which people need to realize that artists are human too, not just npcs that can make amazing animations that are 36 minutes long within a span of 2 days.


that was pretty good :3 I appreciate you breaking everything down in bite-size chunks for everyone to easily follow what's going on😁


Oh my! I love your art style so much! Can't believe you haven't hit 1k yet, but I'm definitely rooting for you!


story time animation isn’t really dying, it’s going from big time animators like Jaiden Animations and TheOdd1sOut who have been starting to dwindle, to smaller animators who have been making good content online and are slowly growing. Yes, some people are slobs and copy/steal content, but they’re usually just 11 year old kids who watched a BrodyAnimates video (being a small animator myself, I know what I’m talking about) and don’t really know what a copycat is online. The animation community is kept alive by both smaller creators and big creators. We have a lot more to give than meets the eye, this probably wont change some people’s opinion, but I don’t care. The animation community IS NOT dying, the big animators are the main focus, it’s just some people never pay attention to the people behind them.

Thank you for your time.


One storytime animator that i have been watching for years and never did i ever got bored of him is ice cream sandwich


It’s really sad, honestly. If you don’t like the new artstyle or like keeping the same one, just don’t say anything about it.


Hi, I am a 'storytime animator'. By me putting the quotation marks I mean I have made some and I am making one. First of all, this was really well made, second of all storytime animators aren't really dying.... Sure there's less big storytime animators as of lately, and even though jaiden animations stuff has turned to video games they way that her animated stuff is being told is in a way that is still considered storytime animation. Then another thing is that a lot of other people are just taking time to make videos so that it can either be funnier or more high quality. For me I just personally want to get better at animation. For me it's not really a higher quality sorta thing and it's more like a, I want to make this stuff better. So then they'd take a while to make these animations. Infamous swoosh and brody animates both have this sorta thing going on. But anyways very great video!!! It's really put together nicely (:
