This Is Why Moses Was Never Allowed Into The Promised Land

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►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole

All scripture animations are derived from the King James Bible (KJB) or simply the Authorized Version (AV)

Our purpose, when making these videos, is to make quality educational motivational videos and share these with our viewers.

Note: We own copyright to the footages and background music used in this video.


Title: This Is Why Moses Was Never Allowed Into The Promised Land



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Our work is original and drastically rearranged with unique editing to bring the best from the message. Creative effects are added to highlight certain areas in the message. when there are two or more speakers it is done in a conversational manner meaning they complete each other sentences while staying on topic, intermittent sampling is also applied.
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Ephesians 4:26 “ In your anger do not sin” Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry. Lord Jesus Christ is truly our Lord Savior 🙏🏼❤️🕊Repent, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again


I will keep this short. I have known Christ and He has always helped me in dark times. Although I can't say the Lord has been absent, I can say since going through spiritual warfare for over a year trying to help my friend has left me.... Stagnant. I don't know if I missed opportunities to witness or say certain things from the Lord at certain times. But also during that year I lost my Father who Loved me but had a problem earlier in my life with substance abuse. Still he was always full of Love and a certain wisdom. I do believe he loves the Lord and is in heaven. I lost my Pop Pop, who treated me so good I experienced Heaven on earth as a child. That year i lost another Good friend, after losing an even more close friend in a horrendous Way. Then I Lost One i could truly call a best friend. I've been having stomach issues, and the assurance and prescence of God doesn't at least seem as strong. I know He had blessed me greatly before all this, opening my ears and eyes to complete discernment of everything. And many other gifts, I'm not sure if I haven't repented of a certain sin. But I listen to scripture everyday. I know in my heart he's with me. But I need his presence to give me stamina and strength to do in this world. Ive felt sad sometimes, Wondering did I do something extremely wrong. I confess to using false testimony to make myself feel better when I had no new chapters in my life. I have repented. I can't live without the Lord Jesus Christ honestly. And have been given information that only few through the Holy Spirit have. Ive now seen the Abomination of desolation in Revelation, among other end time signs. Does anyone have discernment reading this into what I need to do for my Lord. I can't stand the overwhelming and extent of blasphemy in the open. My prayers are more one way with me asking for guidance etc. Is it that my faith is less, I still believe what the Lord started in me he doesn't want to come to nothing. I haven't always, even when knowing the Lord and power in the Spirit, lived life as upright as many less matured Christians have. I haven't accomplished much world wise, even though I'm without doubt able to do so much. Now I have the excuse of stomach pain and a feeling of maybe failing the Lord. I've been through times like this before, but have always grown. But I don't understand why my perception is still Christ Spirit sharp, but something is causing a void somewhere. I can't make sense of it. I know the Lord Jesus Christ and Almighty Father and King above All earthly and Heavenly kings, is still the most important part of my being. I keep going back to Paul when he said don't get caught up in endless genealogies. Which I believe he meant Genealogy of Humans and sequence of events. I know everything that is taught is not always the complete truth, but gives you enough. Certain "Christian" religions have wrong or even blasphemous teaching. The answers are there in the Holy Spirit, then sometimes they aren't. It's possible I'm bound to continue to search for the entire truth in detail of how things have come and gone. The Truth is the Holy Bible leaves parts out only the Holy Spirit can fill. Such If I started on that id write too much. I believe, I know someone with the Holy Spirit can deliver a message to me. I pray for the prayers of All who believe in the God of the bible, that don't use him in any compromised form(Such as those who believe he approves of sin.) And I pray publicly for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Which is Life and Truth itself, to All who love Christ and myself. Amen. And may the Lord be with you All. Hes wonderful. Amen and Thank you


I also have anger management especially on disciplining my kids . But I pray to God to give me the strength & courage to be calm & use diplomacy in every situation. Glory to God He heard my prayer in Jesus' Name. Thanks be to God .


I am a Christian, but struggling really bad mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually 🥺 I have no friends or family, at least anywhere close, and it's just me and my two kids. We've been in some pretty bad situations and finally got out. But now I'm hit with a horrible case of depression and anxiety and alcoholism just to calm my nerves. And I've never been more miserable. I'm all alone and don't feel God listening to me anymore. I have felt Opressed my whole life and seen some scary things. I feel like I don't deserve my kids and life is hopeless and honestly, just don't want to go on anymore.
I love and believe in God but I think he's mad at me or has rebuked me. I am cursed or oppressed or both and there's no hope. This has been going on for 20 years now. Ever since I was a little girl
What's wrong with me? 🥺


Song of Solomon 4:10
How fair is thy love, my sister, my spouse! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices!

Ephesians 5:18
And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;




Why does anyone get punished by God? Sin & disobedience.


I’ve actually been to heaven and I know I am allowed there!




when it went Left i tried to make it Right

Fade Away

gregory isaacs


Truly stiff neck ppl. No different now with sinners. We need Christ everyday for all of eternity. Thus, He is more than a savior but the Lord of our life.


Check out Deuteronomy 3:27. If to your north is the Promised Land, and to your south is the Promised Land, and to your east is the Promised Land, and to your west is the Promised Land, guess what, you're in the Promised Land. God, in His grace, allowed Moses to enter the Promised Land after all, but didn't allow Moses to lead the people of Israel to possess it.


King James Version of the Holy Bible the book of Isaiah chapter 14: verse 12 Lucifer son of the morning.


The Rock represents Jesus .. whatever Moses did to the Rock happened to Jesus during His suffering here on Earth.. He is the Rock who were rejected & became the Corner Stone. Praise you Jesus!!! Glory to God Almighty.


Aaron (summer solstice in Leo) and Moses (winter solstice in Aquarius) were not allowed to cross over into the Age of Aries (the Ram). Their "deaths" marked the precession of the equinoxes from the Bull to the Ram.


Reference all you want, prophets DO not disobey God's commands. What gets me, is why the scriptures or the interpretations say otherwise? These noble men were entrusted with a very holy task, you think God would pick disobedient men ?

This is on now… this is what I was trying to tell you He showed me the other day about the promised land.


Actual Spiritual truth shows you, we all have two names in one, so Moses died as did Saul to old wine thats mix with new wine, the facts beyond flesh and bloods needing to see always fail your faith still mixing and looking outside yourself. Luke 17:The coverage of I AM does wait to witness what you follow, is it still outside or inside following your self still chained to flesh and blood is only freed by David calling you Father. Luke 17:20And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Observation does master flesh and blood that still need outside baptism like John Baptist was called Greatest but still least to unseen new wine also starts least but will become Greastest only seen by Spirit.


The Rock represented the Adam. By striking the Rock once, he was like killing the fallen Adam and making the way for the 2nd Adam, the messiah. BUT, by striking it twice, it laid a condition that if the Jews rejected the 2nd Adam, Lucifer could not only attack but kill the messiah. Which, UNFORTUNATELY, happened. That is why God considered Moses's act a sin.


Of course Moses was in the Holy Land! He appeared to Jesus and Pter wanted to out up a tabernacle for each of them!
