Blender 2.8 Tutorial #1: Intro for Beginners #b3d

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In this Blender 2.8 Tutorial #1 I cover:
- How to get Blender & System Requirements (1:23)
- Blender 2.80's new splash screen and 'Quick Setup' settings (2:12)
- Blender's user interface (layout and editors) (3:47)
- Workspace (UI layouts: Top Tabs) (6:52)
- Splitting & Joining Editor Windows & changing Editor Types (8:18)
- Navigating the 3D View Editor (Gizmos & Mouse controls) (9:42)
- Views (Front, Sides, Top, etc) using Gizmos and Shortcuts (11:14)
- Viewport Shading Modes (Solid/Wireframe/LookDev/Rendered) (14:20)
- Toolbar Tools: Select, Transformation (Move/Rotate/Scale) using Transform Gizmos (16:27)
- Adding Objects, Primitive Object Settings, & the 3D Cursor (19:16)
- Grab/Rotate/Scale with Keyboard shortcuts + Modifier keys (23:09)
- Make a snowman! + Duplicating Objects + Right-Click Context menu (28:52)
- Adding simple Materials (colors) to Mesh Objects (34:46)
- Positioning the Camera and Rendering a still image (37:41)
- Saving a Rendered Image (41:31)
- Saving your .Blend file (42:55)
- More Blender 2.8 Tutorials to come! + Tutorial numbers, thumbnails & topics (44:10)

Blender SPRING:
**Thumbnail image (CC Attribution) by Pablo Vázquez

Keyboard Shortcuts I mentioned:

` or ~ : Views (pie menu)
Z : Viewport shading modes (pie menu)
1 : Top view
3 : Right view
7 : Top view
0 : Camera View
5 : Perspective/Orthographic view toggle
W : Selection Tools (cycles through 4 selection tools)
G : grab (move)
R : rotate
S : scale
Shift-S : Snap (pie menu) (to put 3D cursor to World Origin)
Ctrl-Z : Undo
X or Delete : Delete selected object
Shift-A : Add menu
Shift-D : Duplicate object




Thanks for watching, and don't forget to Like & Subscribe to help the channel! =)


Visit my Blender 2.8 Tutorial Series playlist for more Blender Tutorials:

Visit my Godot 3 Game Engine Tutorial Series playlist!:

Visit my Blender 2.7 Tutorial Series playlist for more Blender Tutorials:

**I do not receive profits or monetary compensation from promotion or sales of Lazy Saviors' album.
Рекомендации по теме

I have watched 5 blender tutorials and this was by far the best one


I've been working on a film, but quarantine has made live action filming impossible, so the team is now learning Blender to animate it instead. What a ride this has been.


I know I’m late but better late than never!
So many YouTubers slap the word ”tutorial” on their videos when in reality, it’s just a “see what I can do!”

I really appreciate the effort put into your work.
Thank you kindly, BornCG!


This is the first Blender tutorial that I made it all the way through without skipping or stopping altogether. Not too fast, not too slow, not too much extraneous info and mostly not "umming" us to death. Good concise info. Thank you!


Downloaded Blender last night....I was about to hit uninstall until I saw this tutorial video! Thank you for creating a tutorial for basic beginners who know nothing about the programme! <3


I am extremely happy that you are going to do a Blender 2.8 video tutorial series! I assume it will be similar  to your 2.7 series. You are  one of my favorite Blender instructors. Keep up the good work and thanks!


not my first time using blender but the 2.8 update was so different that I had to use a beginner tutorial. Thanks for the help!


dear lord jesus if you are just starting out in Blender the first half hour of this video (I'll admit i watched it on 1.25 speed so things went a bit faster) are absolute GODSENd he goes over every shortcut and every function of everything this is the beginning of my career in blender and i swear im gonna watch this video like 3 more times


God bless you for making a tutorial that's actually for people who are unfamiliar. (And showing basics to start modeling within the first video)


I started learning blender as an hobby and I've had my hands on several tutorials and books on how to use blender but your teaching skills is really great and accurate and will definitely follow your other videos coming to learn better.


No matter how many times I have thanked you, it will amount to how much do you actually deserve sir ... thank you very much for these impressive, cool & easy tutorials.


First blender tutorial I found that teaches basic stuff and doesn't just assume I know how to use Blender already.


Yay! You were the one that got me back into Blender after I gave up on 2.5! I recommend your videos to everyone who asks for beginner videos, because you do such a great job of teaching and not just demonstrating.

Thank you so much!


when i first got into blender, you were my saving grace and i learned pretty much all i know from you, now with 1.8 i am banking on you again to re-learn everything because i'm severely culture shocked.


BornCG - I agree with several of the folks below who said that they searched for months for a good tutorial, and YOURS is by far OUR favorite. Teaching is an art that many teachers haven't begun to master. Thank you for your concise and focused approach, helping us to understand some of the simplest maneuvers in Blender that NO ONE EVER TOLD US and more. Great Job! Tim


As a beginner I must say this is the best Blender introduction tutorial I've seen. Knowing and teaching are two different worlds and your teaching experience shows. Many people do Blender tutorials but they have no experience teaching, and thus have trouble understanding the progressive hurdles that novices encounter. They often go at a frantic pace and fail to describe little things that are muscle memory to them, but stump a beginner; for instance, pulling up a menu without saying where it came from or how they got it. They also fail to take the time to deliver the back story on tools and menus. Your stuff is great, many thanks.


Only 8 minutes into the video and I've already learned more from this tutorial than any other Blender tutorial I've watched! Thank you for breaking it down and going into detail! I bet you are an amazing teacher!


The way you break everything down makes it very easy to follow along with. Thank you for doing this and being a great teacher.


I'm a retired Technology and Computer Applications Teacher. So pleased with your presentations. It's all about the details with any computer applications program and you cover each detail very thoroughly. Thanks again. ( I all my years I never used or taught Blender. Wasn't available back in the day so this is a huge learning opportunity.)


Wow, a beginners tutorial that was actually what it claimed to be! Very well done. Thank you.
