Mac Miller - Good News

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Directed by Anthony Gaddis & Eric Tilford
Video by Justin Boyd
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Feel like he just sent this song from heaven


This really seems like Mac’s official goodbye. It’s crazy how this feels like he’s speaking from the grave.


Imagine your voice being played every day even years after you’re gone. Such a beautiful thing.
Your voice will be played forever, every day, what a legacy.


Happy birthday bro. Words can't express the gratitude I have towards you. You're the reason I started making music, started singing, and learning my instruments. I'm so grateful every day for the influence you've had on not only me, but so many others during your time here and after you passed. Thank you for being my friend when I'm lonely. It gives me peace knowing that you've found yours Malcom. I can't wait to thank you one day.



This dude died with absolutely no enemies. No beef, no haters. Everyone loves this man.


“Haven’t seen the sun in a while but I heard the sky’s still blue.”
My favorite line.


7 years sober and i never go a day without listening to Mac. Dude is a legend and a life saver. I wish i could shake his hand.


Struggling in life pretty hard right now. Mac's stuff is always here for me when nobody else is. Much love bro. Hope you're happy in Heaven and kicking it.


This song honestly feels like the end credits to Mac’s life. It’s amazing and calming. We miss you bro!!!


Dear Music Industry:
This is the correct way to do posthumous music


I spent the whole day in my head
Do a little spring cleaning, I'm always too busy dreaming
Well, maybe I should wake up instead
A lot of things I regret but I just say I forget
Why can't it just be easy?
Why does everybody need me to stay?
Oh, I hate the feeling
When you're high but you're underneath the ceiling
Got the cards in my hand, I hate dealing
Get everything I need, then I'm gone
But it ain't stealing
Can I get a break?
I wish that I could just get out my goddamn way
What is there to say?
There ain't a better time than today
Maybe I'll lay down for a little, yeah
'Stead of always trying to figure everything out
And all I do is say sorry
Half the time, I don't even know what I'm saying it about
Good news, good news, good news
That's all they wanna hear
No, they don't like it when I'm down
But when I'm flying, oh, it make 'em so uncomfortable
So different, what's the difference?
When it ain't that bad
It could always be worse
I'm running out of gas, hardly anything left
Hope I make it home from work
Well, so tired of being so tired
Why I gotta build something beautiful just to go set it on fire?
I'm no liar, but sometimes the truth don't sound like the truth
Maybe 'cause it ain't, I just love the way it sound when I say it
Yeah, it's what I do
If you know me, it ain't anything new
Wake up to the moon, haven't seen the sun in a while
But I heard that the sky's still blue, yeah
Heard they don't talk about me too much no more
And that's a problem with a closed door
Good news, good news, good news
That's all they wanna hear
No, they don't like it when I'm down
But when I'm flying, oh, it make 'em so uncomfortable
So different, what's the difference?
There's a whole lot more for me waiting on the other side
I'm always wondering if it feel like summer
I know maybe I'm too late, I could make it there some other time
I'll finally discover
That there's a whole lot more for me waiting
That there's a whole lot more for me waiting
I know maybe I'm too late, I could make it there some other time
Then I'll finally discover
That it ain't that bad
Ain't so bad
Well, it ain't that bad
At least it don't gotta be no more
No more, no more, no more, no more
No more, no more, no more, no more
Mm, hey, mm

Source: LyricFind


This has to be one of the most depressing songs I have ever heard, because during my worst times with depression, a lot of the things he tells to himself, sounds like what I tell myself during those times. Not only that, but he lost his battle with depression too, and that could potentially could be me in the future if I don't help myself towards those moments.


Its so comforting to hear his voice in a song we haven't heard yet..its almost like he is reassuring us that everything is gonna be okay. See you in the next life brother. Most Dope.


“ Heard they don’t talk about me to much anymore”

If only he knew how much people still talk about him and love him


His goodbye song will forever help people decide to stay. This man couldn't be more beautiful ❤️


This is probably the song I’ve cried the most to it’s one of the most personal emotional songs ever but even if we ignore the lyrics the way his voice sings is just emotional and the beat is phenomenal and also emotional this is a perfect song and probably my favourite Mac song ever R.I.P. Mac Miller your a legend


The MV makes me feel like mac is taking us on guided walking around his afterlife world and showing how happy he is now


I was never really a diehard fan of mac until he dropped Swimming. I had heard some songs off Faces and Divine Feminime some years before and I found him to be a really talanted artist, but when he dropped the last album I felt some kind of connection, like he and I was going through sort of the same things, dealing with addiction, heartbreak and growing up. His music stuck with me daily for that entire month, until I was rushed to a rehabilitation center for a week without any access to the internet. When I stepped off the train on my way home I checked my phone to see articles about Mac passing, and even though I never met the dude, or even knew that much about him, my heart just sank through the floor, like when one of the homies is pronounced dead. I can't imagine how his family and long time fans was feeling that day... Mac helped me alot that month and has kept helping me ever since by staying in my ears with his beautiful music, so when I heard his last album is about to drop it just made me so happy, knowing thats what he wanted. And sad because it's probably the last we'll ever hear from him...

I don't know where I was going with this comment, but I just wanted to say that whatever you're going through at this moment, it's okay... Life sucks sometimes, but that doesn't mean it has be over, I've made huge progress from the shittiest year of my life and I know you could do so aswell.
I love yall, please take care of yourselves.


Honestly, this felt like a cry out for help. I'm all for Mac Miller and his music. I'm going through some depression but if you listen to his lyrics, it sounds like he is reaching out for some help, but no one seemed to care. Miss you, Mac. 😢


I think i might be in the darkest part of my life lol
