10 Shockingly Simple Ways You Can Save HUNDREDS Every Month 🤫 you'll be shocked how easy this is!!

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Sharing simple habits and tweaks that will save you as much as a few hundred dollars EVERY month. It's all about little changes in your everyday life to live for frugal, save money easily, and stop overspending.




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I work 50-60 hours a week at a high-stress corporate job. Trying to cook, clean, take care of the house and everyone in it was causing me so much stress and exhaustion that I decided to do the opposite: I started looking into convenience services. I hired a cleaning company to come every two weeks - I still do daily and weekly light cleaning, but I leave the deep cleaning to the experts. I also started online grocery shopping and opting for delivery instead of curbside pickup. By doing those two things, I'm saving my sanity. I have more time to actually breathe and sit down with my family every night. I am barely at home as it is, so this way my husband and son get to see me and talk to me, and I get to be with them - not be around them while I do chores, but BE with them. Ohh and meal planning and online grocery shopping are amazing money savers!! Totally worth the $10 delivery fee, and I would say I'm saving enough to even cover the cleaning fee, so it's a win-win!!


Borrowing from friends/family also just builds community and forces you to spend time with your people!


I’ve unfollowed influencers or skip videos of hauls and Amazon purchases bc I’ve noticed I’m more inclined to add things to cart when I watch them!


I always make a cart that lasts for weeks and I dont buy in the end. Its my version of window shopping.


Liked these ideas for saving money, but you didn't mention Buy Nothing. It's a great way to save money and keep things out of landfills. AND, it doesn't take a lot of time.


My community has a Facebook group that has come in really handy. Recently someone needed two 9-inch cake pans, and I was able to lend them to her so she didn't have to buy them. I've borrowed tools from neighbors. It's great.


Our town library has a small appliance section. You can borrow instapots, air fryers, slushy makers, etc!


The one day a week buying is a good idea. It stops my impulse buying. Thanks for the idea


I love staying in BUT having a night out with my husband from time to time is such a treat.💝


I’ve been watching your videos since I was about 16. now that I’m 20 and on my own, I feel that I have some of these practices already down thanks to you


Ordering groceries online and getting curbside pickup is the best thing ever - and the best convenience as well as cost saving service to come out of the pandemic!! I will never again waste time and extra money (yes, talking about those end-caps and mid-aisle temptations!) and interrupting nap times and my precious free time in the grocery store. Everything is ready when I schedule my pickups, it's loaded into my car, and there's one quick thing off my to-do list. Love it.


I can't do online grocery shopping. I have to pick out my own produce. I don't want to be given something as a replacement for what wasn't available. I don't need an extra person touching my food after who knows how many people already have. I am just very particular and they never seem to verify that all the eggs are unbroken.


I would beware of subscription purchases. Sometimes you're buying something you don't need anymore and it's cluttering your cupboard while eating away at your budget. I do buy off my daughter's wedding registry because these are gifts she and her husband have chosen, they can be received in a couple of days, and if it's a large, bulky item I can have it shipped to their house because there's 2 of them to move the item.


Date nights in just do not work for me as a mother, if I’m in the house I am seeing laundry that needs to be done, floors that need to be washed, thinking of the dishes and clean up from the food we’re having on this date night in, a kid wakes up and now you have to deal with that. To me the cost of leaving my “office” (the home) to rest that part of my mind and actually be with my husband mentally too is priceless, it happens less because of the logistics of planning it but boy is it so much more fruitful and quality time


I've been buying some kid books second hand. My son fell in love with a book we checked out at the library, so I just decided to buy it used for like $4 instead of $17. I've also been loving second hand clothes. Got an amazing jean jacket for $20.


I think it's usually a good idea to have a back up plan. If you have a flat tire thursday at 4, you may not be able to take care of that issue and fix dinner. But, instead of hitting the drive thru or opening up uber eats, a less expensive back up plan may be cans of ravioli kept in an out of the way place at home in your kitchen.

Also, i just decided i want a cake stand and it's all your fault. Bht instead of amazpn I'll look at arc which is a thrift store here in the denver area.


I learned how to only buy groceries 2-3 times a month by using fresh veggies first then frozen, canned or some kind of leftovers (like soup) on week 2. I always spend more than I expect when I do go to the store so limiting the amount of times I go per month really helps me stay in budget(:


Ordering groceries online is one of my favorite things. It is a great concept. Always notice the sizes/prices. I've been "dinged" on dry dog food and potato chips by failing to notice sizes v prices. Sometimes there are pallet sizes of certain items too. Taking the time to notice the details makes a big difference.


I agree with buying used for kid things, they don’t wear out most of their stuff and as for clothing they out grow it first and it can be passed on again. I love thrifting, I get a hit of dopamine every time I use a thrifted item I got for a bargain on. Hooray ! Love your channel ❤❤


I totally agree with on line grocery shopping! I actually started having them delivered purchasing Walmart+. The time saving alone has paid for itself. The drive is a 45 minutes round trip, no gas used, no wear and tear on my vehicle. I do tip the driver but I’ve saved that amount in my comparison shopping. Thank you for great info!
