5 Types Of Borderlands Players...

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⏰ - Time Stamps - ⏰
0:00 - 0:36 - Intro
0:36 - 1:28 - #1
1:28 - 2:47 - #2
2:47 - 3:52 - #3
3:52 - 5:16 - #4
5:16 - 7:23 - #5
7:23 - 8:00 - Outro

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🎵 - Outro Song - 🎵
Track: Whales & Jo Cohen - Love Is Gone [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

#typesofplayers #borderlands3 #borderlands2
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I'm disappointed the dude the constantly sits in his inventory when you try to fast travel isn't on this list.


Other characters: "MAYA STOP SHOOTING ME!"
Maya: "You're welcome!"


I feel like another type that should have been mentioned is The Explorer. The player that knows about every red chest, easter egg, vault symbol, etc... because they spent hourse exploring every map in detail. Oh and maybe also The Loremaster who knows the entire timeline of every major character by heart.


Every closed chest has a legendary until it doesn't. I open them all.


The loot goblin felt way too personal. As a Maya main who only plays the character, I gotta say The Siren Simp was also personal.
So I'm a siren simp loot goblin, LESSSS go


Forgot to include the collector players, those people who farm over and over for the best version of every gun and item just to keep most of them in their vault.


When you said "The loot goblin" i actually had a different version in mind, i thought of a player that intentionally rushes to every known chest location in the game, to quickly steal the contents before any of his teammates get it.


As a siren simp, I can confidently say, I mained claptrap in the presequel. Because if I cannot be a tattooed druggie that blasts people with mystical energy, I am going to be the prettiest, pirate, discoball, pony, spaceship, adjective, robot I can be.


I’m the “confused guy who sucks at games but wants to shoot things”


I am 1000% the build master. I dont change builds constantly but am always suggesting builds to my friends and know just about everything when it comes to making the best builds in each game for the circumstance


Using Fl4k as a support character is extremely underrated especially because the pet can take just about anything and raise you as well and then you can immediately rez into gamma burst for more healing.


Closest one for me is the build master, but honestly I'm the type of player that always picks the wrong class on the first playthrough. In Borderlands 1 I started my first playthrough with Roland, but in the end enjoyed my Brick playthrough the most. Then in Borderlands 2 I started with Axton, but ended up with Salvador as my favorite. And for Borderlands 3 I started with FL4K but later had to admit that Moze is much more fun ... oh and I never played a siren ;)


The Autopilot players that let their action skills do most of the grunt work ie Roland/Axton’s sentry or Zane’s Digiclone and Sentinel for example, are a funny bit because they just seemingly forget to use a gun and instead let their action skill run wild.
On the opposite end of the spectrum is the Jakobs fanatic where nothing matters but the immediate damage delivery so they will always have Jakobs guns that maximize immediate damage output and even forget that they even have any other measure of turning someone into a red mist


out of these, i'm mostly the Team Player- after 1.4k hours (impressive to some, pathetic to others) in BL2 and a good few hundred hours in the rest of the mainline franchise (plus TTW) i've found that whenever i get a friend to play any Borderlands games with me it's usually their first or second time. so i use my knowledge of skill trees, loot locations, character synergies and good routing to make the experience as casually optimal (which is to say, still casual, but with efficient pacing to keep things exciting). and this is mostly because when i play with someone who hasn't played Borderlands games much or at all prior it lets me kind of relive discovering the games for the first time through them, so when their mind is blown the first time they get to kill something with an Unkempt Harold or when they inevitably cry out in frustration when Jack kills Bloodwing it brings me back to my first time with these things
-when i play with newer players i let them have any and all legendary or otherwise good loot because i'm good enough at the game to get by with weaker gear
-sometimes i'll use a secondary character around our character's levels to farm up a gun that's good for their character/build/playstyle and give it to 'em next time they hop on so they don't have to farm in NVHM but can still use cool stuff, gives 'em a taste of some of the stuff endgame can offer and such
-i don't necessary play the support oriented characters (like Roland or Maya) but i'll pick something that goes well with their character choice, if they go melee, i'll go sniper to cover them. or vice versa, for example
-if they care about the story i'll slow down and let all the dialogue play out, but if they just wanna gun down some psychos i can speed up the game considerably via routing and good EXP options
-since i know where many of the cool easter eggs and fun little trivia things are, i can also guide them, sometimes even quite passively, to discovering really cool stuff like the Minecraft area in Caustic Caverns, or neat little details they'd likely otherwise miss like Bloodwing's corpse on display in Opportunity or Tina's hidden dialogue when you activate the same fire silo 3 times in a row in Tundra Express. which often blows them away with all the cool little stuff Borderlands has packed within it.

all in all, i love Borderlands (mostly 2) and i wanna ensure that the first experience my friends have with the game(s) is as good as it can possibly be.


Finally a Borderlands youtuber who acknowledges Borderlands 1 when making a video on the series as a whole. The other day I saw a video about most fun endgame activites in the series by EpicNNG and The Farmory was nowhere to be found yet to this day that has to be my fav endgame activity for sure.


BL3 is the only borderlands game my friends and I play consistently, and with the current busted potential of Iron Bear, we pretty quickly found out that the mounted turret skill for IB can act as a panic button for players that are low on health, so when they hop into the turret seat, any damage they take gets redirected to IB (not necessarily a true support role, but still a nice fallback to avoid going down in difficult arenas)


Mordecai can be a pretty good support player with the health and ammo drops from Bloodwing.

Another player type is the Wingman. He doesn't optimize for damage or follow the meta-builds, he's there to make everyone else's game better. Whether it's sniping or blasting out crowd control his character is set up to have your back and typically uses weapons that favor consistency over damage output. You'll find them usually playing Zer0, Athena of Fl4k and have no problem passing on better gear if a teammate wants to use it.


I totally fit into The Lootgoblin and The Simp categories. Also in the not mentioned categories of The Completionist (even though I'm not good enough to complete everything), The Farmer, The Challenger (doing challenge runs, kinda like Joltz but with way less success) and maybe The Hoarder (having stash characters with full inventories of stuff I think I might eventually use (I never do)).


The Brawler. Although in BL1 I mained Lilith, I still LOVED playing as Brick. BL2 Krieg main, BL3 Amara Main, and Athena main for the other. All melee builds 😁


Speaking of build diversity for sirens, Amara felt like she had a good bit. There were the Ties that Bind shenanigans, but she could also do melee builds based around Phaseslam (fun!) or Phaseflare. She could snipe, she could do area damage. That's before mentioning Remnant.

It would have been nice to have more class mod variety. Basically any build I made with her, Phasezerker ended up being the best in slot.
