Learn Database Administration - PostgreSQL Database Administration (DBA) for Beginners

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Learn Database Administration - PostgreSQL Database Administration (DBA) for Beginners
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In this video, we will go over the basics of the PostgreSQL. We will cover topics ranging from installations, to writing basic queries and retrieving data from tables. We will also explore the logic of joining tables to retrieve data and much more.

The course also covers the basics of creating tables, storing data with data types, and working with expressions, operators, and strings.

Topics also includes:
Installing PostgreSQL
Loading sample database
Creating database and tables
Performing CRUD operations
Joining Tables
Using aggregate and analytic functions
Creating views and triggers

What you’ll learn
Install PostgreSQL Server
Load sample database
Create a database
Create a table
Insert data into tables
Update existing records inside a table
Delete Records in a table
Remove duplicate records
Query data from a table
Create a subquery
Get data from multiple tables
Create and manage roles
Create a view
Create tablespace
Backup and restore database
Filter and sort data
Use various operators
Use aggregate and analytic functions
Create triggers

#postgresql #database #administration

Originally published by Gandhi Kumarasamy Sezhian at Udemy
Рекомендации по теме

Time Elapse :
1. What you will learn? 0:45 – 1:45
2. What is PostgreSQL? 1:45 – 5:30
3. Who is using PostgreSQL? 5:30 – 11:47
4. PostgreSQL Installation Requirements 11:47 – 15:15
5. Installing PostgreSQL 15:15 – 22:23
6. Verify the installation 22:23 – 26:03
7. Connecting To a PostgreSQL Database 26:03 – 47:27
8. Download PostgreSQL for Windows 47:27 – 51:16
9. Installing PostgreSQL for Windows 51:16 – 56:21
10. Verify PostgreSQL Installation for Windows 56:21 – 1:00:23
11. PostgreSQL Mac Installation 1:00:23 – 1:03:40
12. Connecting to a PostgreSQL Database 1:03:40 – 1:11:09
13. Loading Sample Database 1:11:09 – 1:12:10
14. Server Service 1:20:36 – 1:25:37
15. Database 1:25:37 – 1:29:23
16. Table 1:29:23 – 1:33:18
17. Schema 1:33:18 – 1:37:05
18. Tablespace 1:37:05 – 1:40:36
19. Views 1:40:36 – 1:44:56
20. Functions 1:44:56 – 1:49:42
21. Cast and Operators 1:49:42 – 1:52:31
22. Sequences 1:52:31 – 1:59:15
23. Extenston 1:59:15 – 2:03:57
24. Basic Database Concepts 2:03:57 – 2:08:28
25. PostgreSQL DATA Types 2:03:28 – 2:18:17
26. PostgreSQL UNIQUE constraints 2:18:17 – 2:24:28
27. PostgreSQL WHERE 2:24:28 – 2:31:26
28. PostgreSQL SELECT 2:31:26 – 2:37:59
29. PostgreSQL SELECT 2:37:59 – 2:45:40
30. PostgreSQL DISTINCT 2:45:40 – 2:50:40
31. PostgreSQL ORDER BY 2:50:40 – 2:58:57
32. PostgreSQL ORDER BY 2:58:57 – 3:03:18
33. PostgreSQL: GROUP BY clause 3:03:19 – 3:14:34
34. PostgreSQL: HAVING clause 3:14:34 – 3:18:45
35. PostgreSQL TRUNCATE and DROP 3:18:45 – 3:22:38
36. Introduction to PostgreSQL Stored Procedures 3:22:38 – 3:27:22
37. PostgreSQL CRUD Operations 3:27:22 – 3:28:19
38. CREATE Database Using PG4Admin 3:28:19 – 3:33:59
39. CREATE a Table Using PG4Admin 3:33:59 – 3:41:47
40. PostgreSQL CREATE TABLE 3:41:47 – 3:50:27
41. PostgreSQL SELECT 3:50:27 – 3:55:38
42. PostgreSQL Subquery 3:55:38 – 4:03:51
43. PostgreSQL UPDATE 4:03:51 – 4:11:40
44. PostgreSQL DELETE 4:11:40 – 4:17:06
45. PostgreSQL INSERT 4:17:06 – 4:26:44
46. PostgreSQL: Comparison Operator 4:26:44 – 4:36:33
47. PostgreSQL BETWEEN 4:36:33 – 4:45:40
48. PostgreSQL NOT BETWEEN 4:45:40 – 4:51:13
49. PostgreSQL: LIKE Operator 4:51:13 – 5:02:50
50. PostgreSQL NOT 4:02:50 – 5:08:40
51. PostgreSQL OR 5:08:40 – 5:15:16
52. PostgreSQL AND 5:15:16 – 5:22:22
53. PostgreSQL: Combining The AND | OR Operators 5:22:22 – 5:30:55
54. PostgreSQL LIMIT 5:30:55 – 5:41:02
55. PostgreSQL IN 5:41:02 – 5:51:57
56. PostgreSQL: UNION Operator 5:51:57 – 5:56:42
57. PostgreSQL: UNION ALL Operator 5:56:42 – 6:00:13
58. PostgreSQL: INTERSECT Operator 6:00:13 – 6:06:34
59. PostgreSQL: EXCEPT Operator 6:06:34 – 6:15:30
60. PostgreSQL: Table Joins 6:15:30 – 6:16:37
61. PostgreSQL: INNER Join 6:16:37 – 6:27:14
62. PostgreSQL: LEFT Join 6:27:14 – 6:38:31
63. PostgreSQL: FULL OUTER Join 6:38:31 – 6:48:52
64. PostgreSQL: CROSS Join 6:48:52 – 6:55:42
65. PostgreSQL: NATURAL Join 6:55:42 – 7:06:10
66. What are Aggregate Functions? 7:06:10 – 7:08:14
67. AVG( ) 7:08:14 – 7:20:10
68. COUNT( ) 7:20:10 – 7:31:19
69. MAX( ) 7:31:19 – 7:42:19
70. MIN( ) 7:42:19 – 7:51:17
71. SUM( ) 7:51:17 – 7:58:06
72. What are Analytic (Window) Functions 7:58:06 – 8:03:45
73. Creating sample Tables 8:03:45 – 8:09:45
74. Using AVG as a Window Function 8:09:45 – 8:13:49
75. Row_NUMBER () Function 8:13:49 – 8:22:43
76. Rank () Function 8:22:43 – 8:25:55
77. DENSE_RANK () Function 8:25:55 – 8:28:48
78. FIRST_VALUE () Function 8:28:48 – 8:31:14
79. LAST_VALUE () Function 8:31:14 – 8:34:57
80. LAG () Function 8:34:57 – 8:37:56
81. LEAD () Function 8:37:56 – 8:41:16
82. Introduction To PostgreSQL Views 8:41:16 – 8:46:00
83. Creating PostgreSQL Views 8:46:00 – 8:55:08
84. Modifying PostgreSQL Views 8:55:08 – 9:01:40
85. Introducting to PostgreSQL Updatable Views 9:01:40 – 9:06:17
86. Creating PostgreSQL Updatable Views 9:06:17 – 9:14:40
87. Introduction to PostgreSQL Materialized Views 9:14:40 – 9:17:02
88. Creating PostgreSQL Materialized Views 9:17:02 – 9:26:48
89. Introduction To PostgreSQL Trigger 9:26:48 – 9:35:28
90. Creating your first PostgreSQL Trigger 9:35:28 – 9:46:33
91. Creating a Trigger Function 9:46:33 – 9:55:22
92. Crating a Trigger 9:55:22 – 10:09:10
93. Managing PostgreSQL Triggers 10:09:10 – 10:15:37
94. Introduction to PostgreSQL Roles Management 10:15:37 – 10:17:44
95. Database Roles 10:17:44 – 10:22:00
96. Role Attributes 10:22:00 – 10:32:13
97. Group and Users Role Inheritance 10:32:13 – 10:35:49
98. Removing (dropping) Roles 10:35:49 – 10:41:28
99. Define a Role Using Pgadmin4 GUI 10:41:28 – 10:46:00
100. Backing Up Databases 10:46:00 – 10:53:48
101. Backing Up a Single Database using pgadmin 10:53:48 – 10:58:24
102. Restoring a PostgreSQL Database 10:58:24 – 11:08:15
103. Restoring a PostgreSQL Database using pgadmin 11:08:15 – 11:15:35
104. Creating a PostgreSQL tablespace 11:15:35 – 11:22:32
105. Changing Tablespaces 11:22:32 – 11:25:27
106. Deleting Tablespaces 11:25:27 – 11:27:24


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Welcome to the video that has encouraged YouTube to add a 3x playback speed option.


Cheers man, you're a genius! Been trying to load that database for two effin' weeks!


Thanks for putting together this good tutorial and offering it for free to everyone.


You will definitely have a solid grasp on how to open pgAdmin4 after this video.


Your video is very clearly for being learn postgresql


Good work. Thanks for this video. Talks about entire Postgres App.


Please do not stop your videos, sir, your channel is inspiring for me to become a professional database adminstrator, but I have a question, what are the other important skills, is it networking or cyber security etc.?


Amazing tutorial. Thank you for sharing.


As a chinese, the speed is awesome!


At 6:37, Inorder to find the films with zero inventory, shouldn't the results be filtered on the 'inventory_id' column of the inventory table instead of the 'film_id' column


Overall a good tutorial! Thanks for this...
However, I've also learnt that this video has a dual function:
1. Speed it up and you have a PostgreSQL tutorial
2. if you suffer from insomnia, watch at the normal speed... sleep like a baby!


He is suddenly a British man after setting the speed to 1.5. Thank you for the video btw


A bit slow, but very helpful.


at 3:11:46 query doesnt runs
actual query that responds is as follows:
SUM (amount) AS total


Thack's a lot Master !! your friend from Brasil !!


Well explained...
Set speed 1.5x

Basics to Advanced.... Postgresql


Nice combination of educational content and ASMR 🤪


I have installed the postgres 12 version it was installed as you said but pgadmin4 was not opening but from psql shell I was able to connect
But while connecting using pgadmin4 I am getting error like
Your browser was detected as internet explorer version 11.which is either deprecated or not supported by pgadmin4
