What if Superman Was Sent to Coruscant

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What if Superman Was Sent to Coruscant Instead? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

Deep in the far reaches of the Rao System of the Andromeda Galaxy, a planet crumbles in on itself before a crack of blinding light reaches out to the limitless ends of the universe. From that ruined planet a shimmer of hope streaks through the star speckled black of space. That shimmer is pulled through time and warped in the void until it reaches another planet…one far far away…. Where it crashes down, witnessed by the local denizens.

Senatore Sheev Palpatine stares at the crash site where something smashed through a building in Coruscant’s lower district . He pushes past the gathering crowd and heads inside.

Thankfully the house’s owner isn’t there, leaving him alone. Palpatine keeps a tight grip on his hidden lightsaber… just in case. At the center of the room is a massive crater. As he approaches, Palpatine expects to find a monster or bounty hunter or something worse, however it is nothing more than a simple escape pod.

He slides down the edge of the crater and, after a moment to examine how it works, opens it. He finds an infant nestled in the pod that begins crying and flailing his arms. Despite the boy's apparent helplessness, the Sith Lord feels immense power within this child… power the likes of which he’s never felt before.

He scoops the boy up in his arms and makes his way back to his home. As he pushes back through the onlookers, the boy bundled in a bright blanket, the realization that this boy could be useful even without Force powers dawns on him, and he decides to raise him in secret…

From a young age, superman performs feats of incredible strength, flies, and unleashes icy breath or fiery sparks from his eyes. Palpatine watches all of this with growing excitement. Even though he will never be a Sith Lord, he is still one of his greatest assets in controlling his allies and enemies.

He makes sure that the boy's existence is kept secret for years as Palpatine only wants to reveal the young Kryptonian when the time is right. Until then, he continues to teach Superman to understand his powers and to ensure that he will be utterly loyal to him. He also trains him to be a loyal servant of the Republic.

Finally, after nearly decades of secrecy, the time comes to reveal Superman during a failed assassination attempt on his successor, Padme Amidala. The first attempt failed, but the bounty hunter Jango Fett tries again by releasing dangerous parasites into her room while she sleeps.

Anakin and Obi-Wan barely stop these creatures from poisoning her, but the assassin who releases Zam Wesell manages to escape on a speeder, forcing Anakin and Obi-Wan to chase after her. As their speeders zip through the Coruscant skyline, they struggle to keep up with the bounty hunter who flies into traffic and blends in with the countless speeders in the sky.

Eventually, Anakin gets close enough to leap onto Zam’s speeder. But the bounty hunter isn’t going to go down without a fight. She tries to shake Anakin off and fires at him with her blaster. The gesture works as the young Jedi nearly falls off the speeder.

But as he struggles to hold on, a shape flies through the shadows of one of the skyscrapers and slams into the vehicle , sending Jedi and bounty hunter tumbling out. The shape emerges from the still crashing land speeder and dives down, plucking Anakin from mid-air.

Superman: I got you.

Anakin: Not me, the bounty hunter!

Zam manages to land on another speeder and glances up at them. She fires her blaster and then throws a thermal detonator in their direction . Superman catches the grenade and hurls it high in the air, letting it detonate harmlessly in the sky.

But this allows the bounty hunter to leap from speeder to speeder until she lands on the ground. However, she does not get far as Superman and Anakin land and block her escape. She tries to move in a different direction, but Obi-Wan appears from another corner. She is surrounded.

Slowly, Zam raises her hands.

Obi-Wan: Do you know who it was you were trying to kill?

Zam Wessel: The Senator from Naboo.

Obi-Wan: Who hired you?

Zam: It was just a job.

Anakin: Who hired you? Tell us!

Zam Wessel: That Senator's gonna die soon anyway, and the
next one won't make the same mistake I did...

Obi-Wan: This wound's going to need treatment.

Anakin: Tell us... tell us now!

Zam: It was a Bounty Hunter called...

A poisoned dart strikes her across the neck, causing her to gasp and shudder. Her form shifts and becomes a clawdite. However, the poison acts quickly and she drops dead before she can answer.

Snarling in frustration, Anakin turns to Superman who explains he’s an agent of the Republic.

Anakin: Look what you did. I had everything under control before you showed up!

Superman: What? I just saved your life. You were about to fall off the speeder.
Рекомендации по теме

There was a neat video I watched breaking down the science of if superman could be cut by a lightsaber, and as it turns out he is uniquely, almost by design, immune to lightsabers. Not only would it not hurt, but it wouldn't even make contact with him repelled by the magnetic field around his body.


If you use the RIGHT version of superman he solos the verse, the movie version probably beats 90 percent of it


What if Matt Murdock was recruited to defend Ahsoka after the temple bombing?


Darth Theroist knows exactly when I need new star wars stories can't wait to see how it plays out


What if The Question investigated Palpatine? Answer: he would reveal everything to the Jedi and they would ignore his findings and continue to be shitty


Finally someone puts it into words.
Superman: I didn't know that Skywalker was one for protocol.
Me: yeah it's perfectly fine for Anakin to break rules but if anyone else even thinks about it he's like "No you can't it's not the Jedi way." Lol


Palaptine "forget Anakin, Kal-El of Kypton is the one I want"

Superman, after using his heat vision to cut Mace Windu hand off to stop him, killing the Chanceller, "What have I done ?


I can imagine Palpatine trying to put an inhibitor chip in superman, but none of his surgical equipment can even scratch his skin


LOL! Anakin pins Superman with the Force. That's hilarious!


It's interesting you kept Superman an inherently good person, even raised by Palpatine.

Anakin being jealous also is consistent with his character in these conditions.

This begs the question, are people predisposed to be good or evil from the start, or do they become one or the other?

My perspective has always been that it comes more from nurture than from nature. We're made by our environment.

Anyways, this is a really fun What If?, not an essay on morality.

Thank you and cheers from France! 🍻


"Holy fuck, he's impervious to lightsabers?"


Almost had the idea that hed be treated like homelander


What if Revan wasn't found in stasis until the first year of the clone wars? That would mean that Revan in his prime would be alive and well, and Darth Vitiate's spirit would still be dormant since Revan didn't awake his spirit at Yavin.


What if Mace Windus lightning deflection scrambled Palpatines brain and gave him split personality disorder


21:00: HELLO, lol this scared the fuck outta me


This is great! It doesn't feel forced, and plays out naturally with all characters acting as they likely would.

Do you do all the voices? I really like the sidious voice.


Yesh superman might just be my favorite crossover for star wars i can't wait to see more


Superman: we will stand down if we are wrong. Let me look at your head Rex, to see if there is a chip inside your mind.


Love these crossovers! Keep em coming!


Here's three I'd like to see, and I hope they get done as a trilogy. What if Deadpool was found by Count Dooku/Darth Sidious/Vader? What if Wolverine was a Mandalorian Foundling? and the final one is What if Deadpool & Wolverine fought the Empire/in the Clone Wars? I don't mind if you go with Originals or Prequels or even make a series spanning through the prequels and into the originals. I just really want to see Wolverine & Deadpool in the Star Wars universe. I also want to see them in The Boys universe, but your thing is Star Wars so I don't expect you'd do a fanfic depicting that one.
