20 Insane Minecraft Facts You Didn't Know About

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20 Insane Minecraft Facts You Didn't Know About

Learn All These Crazy Minecraft 1.19 Facts with 20 Unbelievable Minecraft Things You Maybe Missed These 20 Minecraft 1.19 Facts as The Best Tips and Tricks in Survival Minecraft and even some of 20 Minecraft Mob Facts You Maybe Missed are Covered, These Minecraft 20 Awesome Facts Will Teach you 20 Fun Facts About Minecraft because even some of 20 Minecraft 1.19 Item Facts You Maybe Missed are shown for Java and Bedrock Edition!

0:00 - Intro
0:09 - Colored Glow Effect
0:58 - Eternal Nether Star?
1:43 - Rare Cocoa Beans
2:21 - Mangrove Root's Rotation
3:16 - Inner Cactus Texture
4:02 - Redstone With Leaves?
5:14 - Dirty Village Windows
5:58 - Sunflower Direction
6:47 - Small Lakes Removed?
7:52 - Blue Cauldron Particles
8:35 - Are Iron Golems Evil?
9:15 - Zombie Horses
10:12 - Weird Floating Saplings
10:59 - Rare Tall Ferns & Grass
12:14 - Light Bulbs in Minecraft?
13:03 - Strange Reverse Minecart
14:01 - There Are Village Leaders?
14:55 - Historically Accurate Dye?
15:37 - Strange Water Placement
16:27 - Glitched Creative Arrows
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The iron golem kills zombie villagers to protect the rest of the village. The Golem probably doesn’t want to, but has to for the greater good of the village.


I’ve been playing this game since 2013, and I’m still learning new things from your videos


It makes sense that the iron golem still targets zombified villagers, because they may attack villagers


I believe the reason you can't replace a non-solid block with water unlike regular blocks is because water and lava have their own fluid mechanics. I know this because in the debug screen, under the part that says "targetted block", it also says "targetted fluid"


Have you or anyone ever seen a stronghold in survival spawn underneath a village with NO portal room, NO monster spawner, yet it still has a library & silver fish everywhere? I checked it out with spectator mode too, I’m baffled lol


I've always thought it made Sense that the iron golems killed zombie villagers. I mean, I think in universe the villagers made the golem, and it's a logical choice for the villagers to make the iron golem kill zombie villagers so that they don't spread the infection further


Petition for stripped cactus that can be placed like logs.


Personally i always felt minecraft was post appocalyptic, not medeival, but kinda why its a such a good game to so many i guess. A lot of interpretive elements, meant to make your own world/game out of it kinda


Something interesting about light. In bedrock, when making an iron golem, the light from the jack-o-lantern would remain behind even after the block disappeared. This was a couple years ago I noticed this so I'm not sure if it still works, but if it does, it would be a nice way to get invisible lighting in a survival world


A minor idea: for people that use captions, all of the titles get covered up. It might be a good idea in future videos to have the titles at the top of the screen for hearing impaired.


Did you know that you can just buy tipped arrows of weakness from a fletcher (if you are lucky enough to get it as your last trade) and use that instead of the splash potion of weakness for zombie villager curing? I tried this and it works which means that you don't need to brew the splash potions of weakness which means that it is possible to make a zombie villager infecting and curing stations early to mid game. Also this video was awesome!


12:55 Actually, Minecraft is a sandbox game and not Necessarily medieval, it can be anything you could think of! 😃


since I found out about the Skelehorse, I actually thought "what if there WAS a zombie horse?" AND THERE IS! D: I hope it gets fully-implemented into the game.

PS: I hope they fix bee behavior though. There are some times where my bees just wander off completely, hover below the nest without doing anything, etc. :c


I still remember when cookies were dungeon-exclusive. It was a real flex to have a big stack of em since they were consumable but not farmable! Incredibly bizarre that they had to add growable cocoa beans after the fact.


Here's a feature of shears that pretty much nobody knows about: You can right click them on the ends of certain plants to trim them, making them stop growing.


Starting my bday off the best way possible, watching an eyecraftmc video!


That last fact also works with tnt when it's lit. So if you shoot a bunch of arrows into the top of a tnt block and then light it, the explosion will send a bunch of arrows flying everywhere essentially replicating real life shrapnel


Can you show a video on how to drain a large amount of water with and without a sponge? I find it to be time consuming. Is there an easy way?


10:15 i found out the other day that you can place carpets on top of path blocks for some reason, making them floating just like the saplings on farmland.


Fun fact, or more just to bring to notice. The glitched arrow might also be possible in survival if you have a parrot ride on your shoulder. I was trying to shoot a creeper and skeleton when a parrot landed on my shoulder and began to move around in the same way as it did to you here in creative mode. Again it might be consistent or maybe not, but just wanted to let you know.
