20 Things You Should Know if you Just Got back into Minecraft

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20 Things You Should Know if you Just Got back into Minecraft

Learn 20 Things You Didn't Know About Minecraft 1.19 if you just got back into the game. From basic to more advanced Minecraft Tips and Tricks, these 20 Minecraft Facts with Secret Things You didn't know about Minecraft and item facts you possibly didn't know about Minecraft. This video covers 20 Minecraft Facts You Maybe Missed if your just getting back into the game. Enjoy Minecraft 1.19 Facts you never noticed for Bedrock and Java.

0:00 - Intro
0:09 - AFK Fish Farms Broken
1:14 - Crawling With Trapdoors
2:10 - Don't Mine at Level 11/12
3:03 - Barrels VS Chests
3:46 - New Outpost Features
4:57 - Avoiding Phantoms
5:35 - Glow Squid Features
6:40 - Change Villager Trades
7:28 - Zombie Pigman & Piglins
8:13 - Zoom In With The Spyglass
9:01 - The Wither Rose
9:54 - Fireproof Nether Wood
10:35 - 1.19 Mangrove Wood
11:24 - New Spawnproofing
12:30 - Giant Copper & Iron Vein
13:18 - Nether Respawn / Beds
14:14 - New Useful TNT Mechanics
15:25 - Useful Campfire Features
16:29 - 1.19 Chest Boats
17:03 - Deep Dark Shriekers
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I stopped playing Minecraft around 2014 and just got back into it as an adult and the game is so different it’s almost overwhelming, but also really awesome. Your videos have been my go to for catching up on new stuff and not being noob so thank you


I wish mojang would just add cherry blossom trees already. It'd be nice to have a light pink wood planks and pink leaf blocks


The only thing I don't like about using barrels instead of chests is villagers will crowd around them and use them for the fishing profession. So I mostly use barrels except near villagers.


It's important to mention that wither skeletons can spawn on wither roses, but most other mobs cannot. This is useful for making wither skeleton farms.


This one caught me: mobs (Zombies & Skeletons, at least) no longer automatically swim to the surface.
I found a Dungeon with a Zombie spawner and spent an hour or so (trying to remember) building an old style, water elevator XP farm. All my Zombies turned to Drowned, stayed in the spawning chamber, and clogged the whole thing up.


One thing to note for the crying obsidian block for the people just coming back, is that it can also be found at Ruined Portal sites all throughout the Overworld and Nether. I have always found them there and honestly, that's usually where I get them from because I forgot the Piglins could trade them. And also, I think it's probably faster to get them from the Ruined Portals


Another thing about Pillager outposts: They will always generate close to villages. So if you find an outpost, there's a village nearby. The opposite is not always true though.


Eyecraft you have no idea how much of a holy grail all of your tutorials are. Just started playing 1.19 with a few friends recently and thanks to you I've essentially become the overlord of the server


As someone who’s recently started playing again after not playing for a long time I would’ve included dripstone. Its easy to obtain and It’s incredibly useful with the ability of renewable lava so you can actually farm lava. Then for bedrock potions too


We must treasure Minecraft YouTubers who don't spend the first 10 minutes of their videos trying to appear as "cool" and exciting as possible, swinging their arms and jumping around and all.


Thanks to 1.19 update, sculk sensor become survival obtainable and ray works made a fish farm also have treasure loot using that block (which is great imo)


I’m playing with my partner right now after not playing for a few years and your videos have been very informative and straight forward. Thank you very much for making these amazing guides.


Fantastic video. Learned so much after getting back into a game I haven't touched for about 2 years. I'd assumed so much was still the same; how worng I was. Amazing to think this game is still getting such great, creative updates. A refreshing change from the rest of the gaming devs who are hell-bent on a quick-fire release of a sub-standard game and ditch it a short time later for their next venture. Thanks again. Earned a subscriber for sure.


For *really* old players coming back: Those chicken wing looking things next to your health bar is your hunger bar. You can stack food now but it replenishes the hunger bar instead of health. Double tap W to sprint


6:28 you can also use a colored ink after the glow sack to add colors to the glowing signs


I haven't played since before the pandemic (and even then I was a little behind and not completely up-to-date on my minecraft knowledge) so this is very helpful, thank you! I hate the Phantoms and Wardens they added, ugh, although Phantoms were a thing even back in 2020. The deep dark is fine, and actually pretty cool, I just hate the Warden because I'm a scaredy cat that can't stand horror games lol. Same reason I more or less hate Phantoms, they're not only annoying but they screech and swoop down on you from out of nowhere scaring the bejeezus outta me while I'm gathering resources or building lol.


Regarding barrel vs chest: I still use chests, since they can be made to a double chest, allowing you to see twice the amount of storage at once. I don't care about the advanges, the barrel has: being able to open with a block above, saving a little materials and being easier to render for the client, meaning more FPS, if you have a lot of them nearby.


I don't understand why people appear to dislike the newer version so much. I got back into minecraft recently(last version i played was 1.5.2) and i enjoy it much more than ever before. Thank you for the video!


Branch mining with two blocks in between will allow you to catch every single ore but it is not optimal.

A space of three blocks in between allows you to cover far more space with less mining and because of the way that ore generation works your output of mine or per block broken will be higher.

The likelihood of ore generating within the two blocks that you cannot see is extremely low compared to all the other blocks that you would be able to check. Many of those or blocks will be part of a horizontal ore generation that will be discovered.

Man the technical Minecraft community is truly insane


There's so many things a veteran player should know when he comes back into Minecraft!!
