They Tried To Get Him Out of The Circle - Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur

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They tried to get him out of the circle. Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur provide answers.

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P.S. There are some minor mistakes in the video but the gospel is presented and the name of Christ is glorified.
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I almost lost my son to abortion but GOD being merciful changed my mind! I knew it was wrong to murder! My son today is 49 years old! ❤


“I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”

― Ronald Reagan


When a pregnant woman is killed, the murderer is charged with double murder. Let that sink in


You never hear about how many women die from botched abortions in these clinics. This country is under judgement and has lost its soul. The blood of 63, 000, 000 babies are crying out to the Lord just as Abel's blood cried out.


Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.


I'm an independent Baptist and we abhor the practice of abortion (murder). We are having a celebration in our Wednesday night prayer service with our teens tonight for the repealing of roe v Wade. Praise the Lord!


This is beautiful work, brother!!! I love it. We must preach Christ alone for salvation, Christ alone for the broken, Christ alone for the wounded, Christ alone for the sinner, Christ alone!!!! Hallelujah!!! Amen!!


Thank you Voddie for telling the truth.


Absolutely awesome video! We have tough days ahead of us concerning the murder of babies in the womb. I see it as a way to spread the Gospel. Women who are pregnant and don't want to be need to know that our God will make a way through it. Thank you for making this; praise and glory to our precious Savior Jesus Christ.


We will all be amazed and it will be glorious when all evil is wiped off the face of the earth.
Come Lord Jesus


Wow, that breakdown by Voddie in the middle of the video is powerful! I've never heard the validation of the full range of human life in that way before. Profound point to meditate on!


Those who don't value the sacredness of the beginning of human life also won't value the sacredness of old age.


Whoopie says it is a human issue. She is right. It is. This issue is about the human in the womb. The one they seem to think it is okay to kill because they cannot hear it scream as it is ripped apart.

But it is also rooted in Christianity. Thou shalt not kill. The child in Elizabeth's womb leapt at the arrival of Christ, Himself in the womb of His mother.


Praise God! Thank you for giving us this. My state was one to immediately outlaw abortion outright, and I thank Him for that too.


It is a “religious” issue. It is all about what God says! As Christians every aspect- ESPECIALLY LIFE AND DEATH should be directed toward His guidance and what he says is right!


God sees those fighting for AND against the life of the innocent. Forgiveness is waiting if we repent!!!


Good video. It is so shameful to see many professing 'christians' refusing to publicly give support to an end of federally endorsed abortion because it appears politically divisive. And many who do offer up a public comment in favor, qualify it with the desire to give victim status to women who have had abortions. While empathy and grace are Christ-like, enablement and refusal to call sin, sin are not. Without repentance there is no forgiveness.


You couldn’t have explained it more simple and honest and oh So true! God bless you Sir ! Keep preaching the True Gospel of our Savior KING JESUS


I stand on the Laws of God. Its all part of Will that women are able conceive and give birth, bringing for a newborn baby. In Proverbs 6:17 c, God hates hands that she’d innocent blood and that would be babies in the womb.we must cherish and protect the unborn babies. Amen, love your videos
