“DREAMERS': How Do You Define American?

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Angie and Peter Kim came to the United States from South Korea with their parents when they were 9 and 7 years old respectively. According to them, their grandmother, a US citizen, had petitioned for their family, they said, but after years of waiting due to a backlog of visas, she died just before they could complete the process. When their father became a permanent resident through marriage to a US citizen, he and Peter became permanent residents. Peter is now a US citizen, but Angie was over 21 years old at the time and could not gain legal status.
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sir - case filed by my late father in 1992 = many cases = no relief = exhausted all remedies in india - pray refer my case to international court= order dated 27 nov 1992 disobeyed = massive perjury & contempt by delhi municipal corporation -india


sir - 31 million cases are pending in courts in india = pray refer pendency of 31 million cases to international curt =pray send human right inspectors to inspect courts in india


sir = my forest cut in willful disobedience of order dated 29 sept 2000 - exhausted all remedies in india = no relief = pray refer my case to international court -india


sir - magistrate broke my bone & put me in jail in false case - i was not treated for bone fracture in jail in willful disobedience of written order of judicial magistrate =charge sheet conceals bone fracture =charge sheet is one sided =pray refer my case to international court -india


sir - my full life time spent in courts in india - no relief - no relief expected in my life time = life time unemployment under over load of personal cases -pray send human right inspectors - pray refer to international court -india
