Aphids Control Spray & Aphids Control Methods - The Aphids On My Plants In My Vegetable Garden

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In this video I will share my experience with aphids on the plants in my vegetable garden and the natural organic spray I make at home to control them.
Last week I had aphids on my tomato plants, kale and Swiss chard. I try to remove the aphids by rubbing the leaves with my fingers but because there were so many of them that didn't work. Then, I tried to spray them with water but my plants are so young that the water spry almost blew them out of the garden.
So, finally I went to my last resource - my organic and natural aphids control spry made of 500 mll of water and 1 tbsp of organic dish wash soap. I added the water first to the spry bottle and then added the dish wash soap. Carefully rolled the bottle around to mix the two without foaming the mixture and then sprayed my plants. Make sure not to spray the aphids on your plants when the sun is up because it will bake the leaves.
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An Old School Home
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Good information!! Yep, good old dish soap and water works for lots of insects. Good point about not doing it when it is hot. There are some plants that are a little sensitive to soap too. I like to let the ladybugs take care of them if I can, but they can't always keep up.


I respect your openness. We learn from your mistakes as well as your successes. Be blessed!


You are one of my absolute favorite peoples on youtube! Thanx for the great information and for helping me maintain a perfect garden! You are the Shizznit!


Oh and you are beautiful through and through too! My mother say's hello and thanx for teaching all of us the good stuff!


Third times the charm! You are very good at this, great info.


Bird baths work great. i have several bird houses in my garden for the bugs and as long as i keep the feeder full and fresh, they leave my tomatoes alone. Pintrest has some nice inexpensive birth bath ideas . My friend made me one out of a plate with raised edges. she used liquid nail and glued a pvc T connector underside of plate. cut a 3 foot piece of heavy gauge (schedule 40) to put into the t fitting and into the ground. painted the pvc. looks and works great . been outdoors for 3 summers now.


THANK you very much - for the random little tips, and the discussion and photos of what Didn't work as well! :) I've had aphid infestations for the last 5 years (they overwinter in my Ash tree by my patio where most gardening occurs. They do succumb to the lacewings and ladybugs eventually (and the earwigs, too but those buggers have caused damage as well!) but a LOT of damage occurs by the time there are enough beneficials moving in. Good luck this year!


love how you're so passionate to love your family you inspire me *subbed* say hello to your new subscriber from canada


Great job! Amazing video and so helpful! :)


Good info! I've got 2 tomato plants that are being eaten up! Trying to find something that won't be expensive and won't toxic. Thank you!


Thank you for another great video. Just a tip: If the critters (squirrels, birds, etc.) eat your fruit, they might need water, I always put out water for the animals and birds. They don't eat the fruit anymore. I saw that you have a pool, but they might not be able to drink from it.


Fantastic tips - I especially liked the vascelene/honey one, that would never even have occurred to me but I can imagine it being very effective. Yep the dish soap and water works very well but as it's being sprayed on the plants we're going to eat I like how you stressed making sure to get organic - even if it's then just used for the plants. Does the ribbon trick work with the bird? I planted out carrots and parsnips in pots and the birds just made a buffet out of them! I was kinda annoyed but at the same time loved seeing the birds in the garden. They did the same with the wildflower garden I sowed .... half the seeds eaten but at least there's some growing now so less attractive for the birds. Great video as always Sasha - thanks for sharing.


White flies - getting hammered by them. Tried sticky pads, neem, pesticide, lady bugs, lace wings, and nothing has worked. Any suggestion was be much appreciated!


My tomato plant has wilted because of them, is there any way I can bring it back to life?


what causes the aphids to attach plants?


I had a terrible experience with them. Im new in holticulture world, especially bonsai. They infected 1 of my lovely bonsai tree, only in 2 days they got all of my trees. In pannic and without knowledge i used strong chemical pesticide. I killed them, and of course my bonsai also lol.
Thanks for sharing this, its a pleasure knowing other ppl having the same experience as well as the solution :).


I tried everything "organic" for years on my vines. I used Malathion. In January one winter I could smell it out my bathroom window. I REALLY ZAPPED THEM!!! But, they returned with a vengeance. Early this cold, wet spring I murdered them as they slumbered in their COCOONS with LIME SULFER. I counted 2 all year. I'll zap them again late this fall and again early next spring. My vines live! Aphids never touch my Virginia Creepers. I have beautiful vines this year nearly covering my south wall. I found my cure. (My brother and I sprayed Lime Sulpher when the wind changed inhaled it and we hacked for 20 minutes)! Must be good stuff


Are you sure that your tomato plant has not got blight - it looks like it.


NEEM oil spray works very well as it breakdown or destroy the life cycle of aphids and all soft bodies insects.


Great job Sasha, Terminator 6 in action... no more aphids and less plants :) I had a huge infestation on my indoors parsley and lettuce last fall: I used insecticidal soap + organic neem oil in water and my aphids were gone. Keep up the good fight!
