Killing Aphids with Chrysanthemum? Bonide Pyrethrin Garden Spray

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Aphids, or Root Aphids, are an extremely common pest in indoor cultivation facilities and home grows. These insects live and feed on various types of plants, gradually causing their health to decline. Though aphids are most commonly found the leaves and stems, another type of aphid can be found below the soil surface. These root aphids attack the root system of plants and can cause quite a bit of trouble for growers. But there's one specific flower that can solve the problem. Chrysanthemum!

Chrysanthemum contains chemicals called pyrethrins which are a natural defense mechanism against pests just like aphids and root aphids. It targets the nervous system of the bugs rendering them paralyzed until they die. Pyrethrin is considered to be one of the best biodegradable insecticides and can be used up until the day of harvest without harming your plants!


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I work for a pest control company and I spray trees with chrysanthem and I get it all over myself chronically and my face has started to twitch and go numb you know anything about the side effects of chrysanthem poisoning
