Full Breakdown of Largest U.S. UBI Study, Backed By Sam Altman

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It's a myth that people get lazier and more incompetent on UBI. Poverty is the problem; people aren't. And over 70% of us are already unhappy at the jobs we do have.

What if the world's biggest paradigm shift we could ever imagine – which, I believe, is the automation of all labor set to happen in the 2030s – could bring about the opportunity to do UBI right?

OpenResearch, a nonprofit research lab with Sam Altman as one of their primary board members, just completed the largest UBI study ever done in the United States.

The full study went live in July, and I'm breaking it all down in this video.

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What has shocked me is the tech layoffs. Automation is hitting every industry but the government continues to lie and say unemployment is 4%!


Please keep talking about UBI and other similar policies, its when people start talking about it when things actually start to change, specially when the technology allows it. This videos are so necessary


The answer is parallel economy:

A) Public Trust
B)Individual Buy in
C) Land acquisition
D) Automated development
E) Automated food production
The goal is a self contained economy w/minimal interaction with the external economy.

Once it grows large enough the other system will collapse

This leads to a slow migration away from our current economy, separate from the tax system.


Yep. There’s no doubt about how expensive “life” is these days. Living in poverty is no joke, and seeing comments like “you should have planned better, ” or “you should have gotten a better job, ” really infuriates me. These people have zero clue. I always tell them : "That's not an argument, it's a moral posture". No matter how much one "should have", these situations will continue to arise under the current economic conditions : it's a statistical fact.
..And therefore it's necessary to act. We need to tell congress/lawmakers to pass a UBI (Universal/Guaranteed Basic Income Program/Negative Income Tax), not just for workers who are falling behind, but for the disabled, the homeless, the poor, and for pensioners. Being older doesn’t mean life gets less expensive. It doesn’t.


Did you see Eric Schmidt’s Stanford interview? He states “ the rich will get richer and the poor will have to do the best they can”. I hope UBI will be a thing but given the current state of our society, I’m inclined to agree with Mr Schmidt.


The most common complaint I hear against UBI is that it is just giving money to people who don't want to work, taken from people who *do* work. We need to do a lot of work fighting this misperception. A universal basic income does not give people a fancy lifestyle; it allows people to move out of the crisis lifestyle that so many of us suffer. The money needs to come from a fair method of taxation (a consumption tax, where we tax what people buy, not what they earn?).


Another benifit of UBI is that if the majority of the population doesnt have jobs and money, they will not be able to spend money, and hence, companies will not be able to have big profits. Some of the companies that produce things for lower and middle class will collapse because their primary audience will have no money to spend on their products. Money has to circulate for the economy to get going. UBI is an essential part of it in a jobless society.


Thank you Julia, the facts do not lie. I appreciate all that you do.


Girl, you missed most important benefit of UBI to addicts and Homeless. It cuts Crime Rate by 50% ! It did in Stockton when Black mayor tried it for couple of years before being voted out.


Excellent thanks! For my $.02, the bit about lowering non-prescribed medication costs is great data. It’s UBI time.


"You will own nothing and be happy." All you have to do is surrender your soul to the bald man.


Thank you for providing such great and important information all the time. You are doing a great service.


This study is not about UBI in an unemployed population, it only shows the effects that having a little extra money would have had during the last three years, this is without considering the current geopolitical and socioeconomic situation. It is no mystery that it is good for anyone to have more money in their pocket. These results cannot be used to project the future of a population that has lost its sources of employment.


I usually post very critic comments here. One of the things that bothers me is that Sam Altman isn't thinking of LETTING THE REST OF THE WORLD OPT-OUT from this AGI/UBI project/utopia. And that causes gigantic problems, starting with the fact that it's impossible to implement UBI in every country. In fact, assuming that UBI "will solve AGI's problem regarding a jobless society" is a reckless and dangerous assumption. I have written here, will write again: just as XIX century's positivist faith on technology and progress couldn't prevent the neocolonialist WWI and WWII, the same can occur to us in the near future. Social networks and fake news had already destabilized democracy even in strong democratic countries like the US, but things will get even worse when AI/AGI disrupts jobs (ALL JOBS???) all over the world. As I wrote before: society isn't just economy; it's an organic system, absurdly complex, and cannot be planned like the way you plan to build a house. Sam Altman and the big tech guys cannot think only in terms of PRODUCTIVITY and EFFICIENCY. They suppose they know the rest of the globe, but they are just living inside their technological bubble.


Your concerns are also mine. I am a creative and artistic human limited by a forced homelessness and poverty, and the most painful feeling is wondering when the heck I'll have the basic resources to get to work in music, animation, sound design and Youtube productions. I'm working on it, though, and I consider this video amazing as well as you for making it. Keep it up!


UBI isn’t a solution for a broken money. 1972 is the cause and Bitcoin is the answer. The devaluation of worth of your time still occurs even if you apply a temporary bandaid to make things more affordable. It’s a runaway inflation train and money is continually shifted to the wealthy with crumbs being given out and in return you give your time and more of your freedoms. It’s sad we are entertaining this really as a society.


UBI is the most necessary and perhaps the greatest step forward for American society. Cut back most of useless governmental social programs and send the cash to people! UBI all the way !!!


Would it make sense for Sam to put out a negative report? If I were him, I'd paint the rosiest picture possible. UBI is the tech world's way of trickling down on us. It will be a trickle, if we're lucky. I watched that ex-Google guy this week. I think he's right about a lot of what he said.
I'll try to remember his best point, "With ai, the rich will get richer, and everyone else will do the best they can.". That's the most honest answer I've heard.

For me, I see the bots as a scare tactic to lower wages. I think they would love to replace us with bots, and for desk jobs it's almost certain they will, but I don't buy it that they will replace human labor en masse. The government will step in, and allow the "essential workers" to continue working where it makes sense. Of course pay will go down considerably, because they know we could easily be replaced. The corporations still make great profit on the workers, the workers are "lucky" to have jobs, and the divide between the rich and the poor will be similar to the days when there were "hill people/pagans, and city dwellers/elites. I think they will probably build walls to keep the hill people out. The elites love a good wall.


Thank you so much for covering this. This should be obvious, but you'd be amazed at how many people say "work is what gives life meaning" (never making a distinction between "work" and our toxic modern implementation of it) or people who say "people would be lazy without being forced to work". This toxic boomer mentality has to go. If we had love for each other, we would not want to see another human suffer every waking hour in a toxic, unbearable work environment. The modern workplace is a horrible situation we have created for ourselves and I hope A.I. helps us implement UBI so people can pursue the stars, creativity and relationships.


OpenAI should be paying 20 years copyright duration UBI to every artist, writer, and musician who published any content online before their data was illegally monetized after harvested for training models claiming only research
