Why Do Socialists Care About Intersectional Liberation Movements?

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Why Do Socialists Support Intersectional Liberation Movements? – Second Thought

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Intersectionality and marxism

Intersectionality in the Black Panther Party

Angela Davis

Trans liberation and marxism

Witch trials and capitalism

Identity politics


Marxist feminism

Marxism and LGBT oppression

Gay Liberation Front manifesto

Democratic Socialists Party document on gay liberation 1992

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I got an advertisement from the ADF (A christian fascist, anti LGBTQ hate group) while watching this video. The struggle for racial, sexual, religious and gender minorities IS and always will be a revolutionary liberation movement and capital cares little about where the funding comes from. As the old IWW slogan goes, "An injury to one is an injury to all!"


I come from an indigenous tribe in Mexico, and seeing all the atrocities that befall not just the natives in this country but women and other people of color as well as LGBTQ+, it makes perfect sense to unite and fight for each other as all our goals align. My people have a saying “Junchari Unekepua” it’s printed on our flag and it means “Our Strength” not mine or yours OURS because only together can we overcome.


Lenin said the same, that every injustice by the system is a chance to draw people into political struggle, and that it would be foolish to focus on the economic struggle alone (What is to Be Done? page 66) Makes sense to learn from successful revolutionaries. Nice one


Second Thought is a quintessence of revolutionary indignation!
Solidarity forever, your work and contribution to the revolutionary movement cannot be described in words. I love your approach on political issues and your analysis is excellent.
Looking forward for more radical content!
Solidarity forever, Comrade JT!!


I was introduced to you over a year ago on Hasan's stream. You taught me so much and I even started to read some Marxist/Socialist theory so I understood what was happening. A couple of months ago, I quit my boring accounting job and is now trying to becoming a psychiatrist.

Just wanted to say thank you for introducing these topics to me. Much love from the Netherlands ♥️🇳🇱


One thing I've found so fascinating about studying the Jewish Labor Bund is their highly intersectional approach to revolutionary socialism. While their focus was on the Yiddish speaking Ashkenazi Jewish Working Class in Russia (or later Poland). They recognized that Jewish liberation could only come through economic liberation, along with women's liberation, youth liberation, and the cultural liberation of all minority groups. The Bund was certainly far from perfect, but it's really interesting to see a mass movement party espousing very similar arguments to the modern day intersectional socialist movements as early as the 1900s. Also, even during the darkest days of the Warsaw Ghetto the Bund's official position was standing in solidarity with the international working class, including their brothers and sisters in Germany, which is just an amazingly solidaristic stance.


I think the statement at the beginning about violence against trans women misses something vital - the vast majority of those murdered were prostitutes or otherwise part of the sex industry. The sex industry disproportionately harms marginalised, mostly non-white/non-Western women. Acknowledging this is important.


The Potential to benefit everyone universally is what separates Socialism from egoistic systems such as Monarchy and Capitalism. Even at it least selfless forms, socialistic people acknowledges that exploiting others are senseless and self-corrupting.A system that rewards exploitation will NEVER serve marginalized people properly. Only in a system where exploitation isn't rewarded, and even better, punished, that the marginalized will be guaranteed to have space, no matter what.


Thank you so much for including my people, people with disabilities, and our struggle with unemployment and surviving in a harsh capitalist system. Nothing About Us Without Us!


The black panther party also supported the LGBT+ revolutionary movement. Huey said that it was required for straight socialists to support and fight along side the woman’s and lgbt movement


I see that link in the description box to "Trans Liberation & Marxism: Is Gender Identity Actually Anti-Materialist? | Let's Talk Patriarchy" - thanks JT!
Great vid. Intersectionality is a useful bridge between general left-leaning progressivism and the headier analysis of historical materialism.


Thank you for mentioning the struggle of disabled people. We're often neglected in discussions of oppressed groups, even though there are disabled folks within every group experiencing oppression. From struggling to gain an income to being unable to find accessible housing to lacking access to good and affordable healthcare to not even being able to enter some spaces due to them not being accessible, disability leads to a bunch of complex oppressions intersecting with many other groups. And I didn't know about or think about any of this before I became disabled myself, which is a relatively common thing. A great source about some of the history of disability movements is Being Heumann by Judith Heumann, a memoir of one of the most prominent disability activists. The ADA was only passed after intense protests, and even something as ubiquitous as curb cuts required protests to be implemented. I could honestly go on for hours, as I focus most on disability rights and environmentalism when learning about how I can impact the world positively. There's a reason disability studies is an entire field. And disabled people even have their own culture, with jokes and terms and sayings that may not make sense to able-bodied people. I wish more people would learn about disability civil rights movements. Having more people on our side would make things a lot easier honestly. Thank you for such a wonderful video.


boy. This one hit extremely close to home in more ways than one.

I almost choked up upon getting to the part at around 16:20ish, that talks about the disabled and their position in a capitalist society. The last several years of my life have been largely defined by my struggles with mental illness. Conditions I've dealt with for my whole life, that (due to a myriad of factors, not the least of which being the general public's under-education about mental illness) weren't diagnosed until my college years, after I'd lost the scholarships and other forms of financial aid; after the 6 years of struggling, doing everything I was told to do, all while attending classes, had been reduced to "there's nothing we can do. Pack your bags and head home."

I still struggle with those same illnesses. That which kept me from my degree during my first attempt at college now keeps me from holding down the most basic, "low-skilled" jobs. The only reason I'm not literally homeless right now is that I'm fortunate enough to have loving parents who are well-off enough to bear the burden of keeping their son - who this capitalist society has dismissed as a failure - alive. But not everyone is so fortunate.

Neoliberalism has convinced society to determine an individual's worth entirely by how much richer they can make the owning class. If you, for whatever reason, are incapable of making some rich white dude even richer, then you may as well not exist.

It's beyond sickening, and it's a struggle that I've not yet to figure out how to put into words. But hearing it from someone else -- someone I don't even know, who has clearly "done the homework" and is much more informed about many of these issues than even myself -- is cathartic in a way I still don't know how to fully express.

TLDR; Second Thought spitting *FACTS* rn, frfr


liberation of oppressed groups has always been fundamental to socialism, not just because capitalists tend to use them as a scapegoat for the failures of the system, but because it is the right thing to do. If Comrade Lenin thought it was important to legalize homosexuality in 1917, there is no reason for modern leftists to ignore these issues now.


Right wing people’s attitude towards the oppressed tends to be “tough sh*t/ get over it/ life isn’t fair”… a mentality that thrives off an absence of humanity and empathy because cruelty makes them feel tough


Pelosi: Working families!
Me: What if they become out of work or cannot take workplace abuse anymore?
Socialists: Us!


We are not only fighting against Capitalism, we are also fighting against patriarchy and racism.
A free and equal world can only arise when we all unite for our common goals.


All of your videos are amazingly made, and very informative! Thank you so much for putting our your content, it has taught me so much!


Also RIP to Allende. He’s definitely one of my heroes. Same with Sankara. They (the capitalist states) just couldn’t take seeing socialism work.


Wait? So socialism fights for a better life for everybody? Who knew that the ideology that's all about equality for all would actually fight for equality for ALL!
I'm still amazed about how some people question the fact that socialism fights for equality for all on every base, not just econimic.
