Here's what 'Democratic Socialists' don't want you to know about capitalism

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Recent polls show that 36 percent of Americans between the age of 18 and 29 favor socialism over capitalism. Socialism's stigma seems to be fading as fewer Americans remember the spectacular failure of the Soviet Union -- the largest socialism experiment in history -- and most are seemingly unaware of the current economic disaster in socialist Venezuela.
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Capitalism, although not perfect, is by far the best economic engine on the planet. Capitalism has lifted literally millions of people out of poverty and into productive, successful lives. Capitalism is self regulating, if you sell a bad product, people will stop buying it and someone will sell a better product. If you overprice your product, someone will sell it for less. Lastly, stop worrying about 1 percenters. Worry instead about making your own life more productive. I do not need jets and vacation homes. I just want to be able to raise my family in a safe environment and not have to worry about how I am going to pay the light bill.


Bernie should share his wealth to the poor as the example of what he is preaching.


Notice that every socialist dictator and anyone who's a socialist advocate is rich and well off.


Clear cases of "Do as I say, not as I do!"


hey Bernie how about Sharing some of that socialism Money 💰. i need some money to pay bills.


I remember a story I read in The Reader’s Digest entitled The Red Aristocrats. I was about the RANK HYPOCRISY and TYRANNY of various heads of state in the Eastern Bloc, such altruistic visionaries such as Erik Hannaker of East Germany with the GINORMOUS GREENHOUSE and the MONSTER in Romania whose name I cannot spell-HE was a real peach!! His wife was his co-ruler. He named her the country’s Leading Chemist. She had a 3rd grade education! His son was a drunk and bully. He lived in LUXURY while the people he RULED lived in SQUALOR-such is the story for the Red Aristocrats:goodies for ME, but NOT for THEE!


Bernie makes more than me so he can send me a check so we are equal.


Bernie should house a few dozen illegal kids separated from their parents. Three homes. Shame 😔


Life is hard and no amount of promises from government officials will do anything to make it easier. The best thing the government can do is get out of the way and let us rise and fall on our own. Some will fail and most will make it. That’s the best we can hope for.


gee bernie not bad for a guy who has never had a job in his whole life...god bless america


That was awesome and quite funny. Thanks.


I'm part of the 101% ! I'm sick of BOTH sides! I've been called rich because my home and 4 cars are paid for. Never mind 2 of those vehicles are nearly 20 years old. As a limousine driver I've seen wealthy people look down their noses at me. I guess being middle class is like being bi-ethnic (I hate the term bi-racial. We are all of 1 human race!) I'm disliked by both sides.


Love it!! Looking forward to the 2nd part


God BLESS YOU TODAY, GLENN have a great Personality and you tell the Truth


We do not have an "Income Inequality" problem in this country, we have a "Work Ethic Inequality" problem in this country!


This is a great video imagine if just for argument sake the US turned completely socialist and the new socialist government went knocking on their doors and said ok it's time to pay up move out and give part of what you own to the government, how many of them would start crying foul


Love this ! I hope it becomes a regular series on your show.


this poor black working single mom of 2 out of wedlock kids will be subscribing. i dont begrudge the rich. the Bible says there will always be poor people it is our job 2 take care of each other.


Now if a conservative tried to pull the Bronx tale stunt imagine the outrage and front page press. But a


White Privilege? I think not. I am a white woman. After 23 years in a crummy marriage, I divorced my abusive husband. Got a job as a cashier in a recycling center. Went to school nights for film production thinking I would land a very good job after completing my education. I worked hard and carried a four point o average. That job didn't happen even though I tried everything I could think of to get my foot in the door of a career I would have loved. I wound up retiring from the recycling center and am now living on my only source of income: social security and barely making ends meet. Even 30 thousand a year never happened for me so don't talk to me about white privilege! It never happened for me and I’m sure there are a lot of other people out there like me, but you just don't hear their stories. All you hear are the stories of those who made it big time!
