Jordan Peterson - Do Socialists Actually Care about the Poor?

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Jordan Peterson doesn't actually know what the origin of socialist theory is. He's barely read the original works of Marx & Engels. He prepared for a debate by reading the Communist Manifesto (hardly cracking the surface) for the first time. Real Socialism is worker co-ownership of the means of production. It has nothing to do with nation-state sanctioned economy. It's about decentralizing ownership into the hands of workers so they can also rise up out of poverty. Some companies practice a version of it and do exceptionally well for themselves and their workers. From what I've read, Publix supermarket practices their own version of it by handing the majority of ownership over to long-time committed employees who've worked their way up so that the original owners/family owns about 20% of the company while the rest is in the hands of employees. That's admirable in the face of what we're accustomed to seeing: mostly exploitation and companies now buying back their stocks when they get a tax break instead of re-investing into their employees. Publix is just one example. There are plenty of other cooperatives that are practicing real Marxism all over this world. Power to the people.


Any words on the murderous right wing military dictatorships through history. What did Jordan do, take one course on Communism? A little education is a dangerous thing.
