What MMORPG Should You Play In 2024?

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Looking for your next MMO obsession in 2024? We've got you covered! From fantasy adventures to space explorations, we're breaking down the coolest games to dive into. Find out which MMO is gonna be your new fave with our quick and easy guide. No fluff, just fun. Let's find your game and get playing!

Should you play ESO, GW2, WoW and much more?


00:00 - Intro
00:20 - ESO
03:48 - FF14
06:15 - WoW
08:15 - New World
11:09 - BDO
13:11 - GW2
15:05 - Albion Online
16:34 - Lost Ark
17:45 - OSRS
18:08 - The Future

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For me, ESO and GW2 are unfortunately one of those games that you think about a lot, but as soon as you start these games, you stop wanting to play them and turn them off.


So basically the same options we had for the last 10 years.
Uff, I was looking for something more fresh than that.


for years we have only these games its a shame...


Having played all of those minus Albion, GW2 wins my vote easily. You can PVP at level 2 with full equalized gear set to level 80 and all your abilites etc. Level to max and earn currency for your legendary equipment. In GW2 legendary equipment is the best in slot items and because of horizontal progreassion and zone leveling you dont lose power by taking a break from the game. World vs. World is hella fun compared to NW wars, or Wow's pvp systems. There's also 5v5 arenas, the holiday events have special pvp modes with them like dragon ball going on right now (Think fire nation hunger games), or snowball fights during the winter event etc. They also just released a new mode for pvp fights in guild halls with other mode rulesets so this is huge. The weapon changes about to hit are going to be awesome, and they have moved to quarterly updates, they have expansions planned out for the next 3 years so far as well. Compared to wow, eso, and NW, once you're max level there's very little to do honestly. GW2 you have raids, dungeons, fractals, strike missions, meta events, gathering, crafting, gaming the trading post, daily, weekly, and other events, rush events for pvp where you get double xp etc, holidays, beetle racing, guild hall customization, jumping puzzles, grinding up to legendary gear, transmost *gasps for breath*. I also consider that the grapics actually hold up for it's age, reshade works some wonders on it too, but if you're struggling to run NW or BDO, GW2 is going to work great.


In Lost Ark You start your daily chores at 09:00 and you finish at 21:00 everyday, for 7days a week.
Extremely p2w.
and additionally you MUST have multiple characters to grind and feed your Main.


That feeling when you've played thousands of hours on every MMO on the list and want to move on.


OSRS and RS3 both are still solid and more complex than what they look. Lots! of content in them


The reason for other channels is imply to help people only get content they want. This channel you are on is for the whole MMO genre, then I have a couple of game specific channels which are just passion projects, news and guides on games I like. Imagine Josh Strife Hayes on his channel also making New World patch videos, it wouldn't really belong would it.


Although things have changed since the most recent expansion, I would say Star Wars the Old Republic is the best story rich MMO out there.
It is worth the "cost" to try out the first 60+ hours of story content. (The base game and first two expansions are free, but levelling is a little slower without the boosts you can get as rewards, crafting is limited and there is no end game content such as raiding for free players. Not bad if you don't like multiplayer stuff.) Once you are finished with the free stuff and you want to continue the story, then subscribe just once and all the expansions available at the time, which is six of them right now, are unlocked. No need to stay subscribed if you don't care about the endgame and gear restrictions.

All in all great game and graphics and well worth a try.


For people into hard-core pvp I recommend Mortal Online 2, I've been playing since alpha and having lots of fun


I feel u on alot of what u said bro. I've played all the games except for BDO. One of my fav games I ever played was rs3. Tbh the best experience tho is when u get some friends to play together. I've swapped over to more of a survival style mmo. Paxxdei will be amazing blueprotocal if u enjoy an anime style will be worth if it ever releases lol


Jay do you like TnL or New World better?


Star Was MMO been ship to broadsword studio last year.. this is a studio where EA send their old MMO to die; like Ultima Online or Dark Age of Camelot.

aka: not worth to elaborate.. solid video!!


there is a limit on selling cashshop items in BDO, 10 per week, selling and buying gear will take years... you can buy costumes to get crons yourself in unlimited amount for safe enchant, but is it really p2w if you still fail your 4% enhancment XD BDO's p2w is absolutely useless. But you have stuff like weight and slots etc, you can also play without them absolutely ok for years.
Costumes absolutely worth buying to wear them : ^ )


So many mmos? I feel like it’s always those few, Wow, FFXIV, GW2, ESO, BDO. That’s it. It always boils down to those for the last ten years.


New World has the most potential, just unsure if it's potential will be reached. Their next expansion needs to blow the last one out of the water, and actually marketed. I'm of the belief that Rise of The Angry Earth was actually a soft expansion. Let's hope something big happens this year, because it's a game that could be much bigger than it is right now.


I disagree with BDO being pay 2 win tho, its more pay for convenience. Ive reached 760 gs without paying for anything other than a tent. WoW and Lodt Ark is a lot more p2w imo


Eso going head to head with the new ffxiv expansion will kill eso projections


I am a die hard GW2 fan (over 8000 hours), but when End of Dragons was released, I bought it but just never had the gusto to actually start playing it - think I just got bored of the game. PVP was my main reason for coming back to the game over and over, but I was looking for something more PVE focused. GW2 combat system is excellent, movement and abilities are fluid, builds and character customization is great, but I felt the world they created was never seamless and big enough compared to games like WoW and ESO. So I started playing ESO, loved it, almost 4k hours in. Rich lore, great PVE, PVP is also fun (not as good as GW2 though), nice build gear based customization but I took a break a few months ago. I also returned to New World a week ago after the shambles of a release it was. Pleasantly surprised - they have fixed a lot of the issues that plagued it at launch. But it is still not really scratching that itch to be honest. The games code is inherently bad and it still stutters occasionally even when I am seeing 80fps and higher - the engine is just not as fluid as ESO and GW2. For a 2021 release the visuals could be better. Combat is ok, but builds are VERY limited compared to ESO and GW2. The enemies in NW are also bland and many of them are just clone copies of each other. There is no real variety and I am not sure if they did this intentionally or just lazy. Most of the enemies are either humanoids or animals. So I tried ESO again and just cannot get back into it. FFXIV online was just one massive borefest - combat sucks, sound effects suck and so does the GUI. Long global cooldowns on skills make it even more boring. The story and lore is great though that's about all it has going for it. I have yet to try BDO and I am reading/seeing some good things about it so I might just give it a go.


I played New World for a bit and I loved it..untill I entered a town and my goof ol laptop couldn't handle it 😢
