Ironically The Best MMORPG To Play In 2023...

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In 2023 and the past 5-10 years I’d personally say MMORPG genre has been in a state of stagnation, for a long time it hasn’t really been “the hype genre” MMOs aren’t really considered cool by the younger generation and for the past 2 years whenever I’ve made my end of year MMORPG tier lists whether it’s been community voted or subjective opinion, nothing has made it into the S Tier.

In fact looking back when was the last time we truly had an S Tier MMORPG for its time?
You’d have to easily go back 15 years to when MMOs were at their peak popularity to find such a game, a few that come to mind would be Vanilla WoW, TBC WoW and Wrath of the lich king WoW, Runescape was definitely S tier from 2005-2007, Everquest and Ultima Online would also probably be considered S Tier for the time and there’s probably many others such as Maplestory, Lord Of The Rings Online, Guild Wars 1, Dark Age Of Camelot and Age Of Conan that were also easy high A tiers during their time of release when the MMORPG genre was at its most popular.

During my recent MMORPG tier list though there was one MMORPG that I overlooked, an MMO that I didn’t put on the list and if you play it a certain way It’s got potentially thousands of hours of replayable, highly engaging content in which every play session is an adventure…ironically, it could be the best MMORPG to play in 2023

So what do you think about the best mmorpg to play in 2023? do you agree with the MMO I mentioned in this video and do you see modern gaming monetization pushing more people to classic hardcore MMO experiences? let me know in the comments below!

► Edited By:

/ heedun​​​​​​
Ironically The Best MMORPG To Play In 2023 Description

First let’s briefly explain what WoW Hardcore is…
Basically if you die once you delete your character and start again
No trading, no grouping in the open world, no bubble hearth for paladins, no asking for buffs or help and each dungeon you can only do once but only if you group with other hardcore characters, basically a self-reliant mode that for a long time has been enforced with the “Hardcore” addon and by playing on unofficial Hardcore servers.
Hardcore has been a community that’s been around for a number of years at this point however in 2023 It’s really blown up in popularity thanks to streamers and content creators bringing more attention to it… This mode has become so popular that most of the top WoW Streams on Twitch are Hardcore streams, it’s incredibly entertaining content to watch and recently It’s become so popular that Blizzard have announced that there will be official hardcore servers coming soon which will have a few cool additions such as Duel to the death as well as a few other differences from unofficial mode.

What makes WoW Classic Hardcore so unique in 2023 is that It’s the only MMORPG out where the main goal is to reach max level, once you’ve hit 60 you’ve basically beaten the challenge and any additional content you do post 60 is an optional bonus, this is in contrast to other MMOs where the levelling process and sense of progression associated with it feels very temporary, somewhat meaningless and just something you go through the motions of doing as a right of passage until you reach the real content at end game which usually consists of raiding or PVP.

World Of Warcraft Classic Hardcore Runescape Ironman Black Desert Online Throne & Liberty Lost Ark Guild Wars 2 Final Fantasy XIV Elder Scrolls Online New World Albion Online 2023 MMO WoW Classic Hardcore Compilation Episode Reaction TheLazyPeon best mmo 2023 what mmo to play free to play mmo classic era classic wotlk blizzard entertainment mmorpg tier list mmo tier list BDO Throne & Liberty Trailer wow classic hardcore class tier list how to hardcore addon hard core wow world of warcraft hardcore server perfect new world chrono odyssey bdo pax dei
Ironically The Best MMORPG To Play In 2023...
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all the S tier MMO's sound like they're S tier because of our age and not because of the game itself, I think we've just outgrown them tbh


Lets be real out here how much they paid you for making this video?


I would absolutely love to see a huge massive open world, mmorpg, lotr style game with giant community, factions and lore where the players make the story and events. Like an alternative fantasy reality.


I 100% agree about the "journey is better than the destination" feeling for MMOs. I can't get onboard with games that are so heavy on end-game content. One of my favourite MMOs was Dofus, an FF Tactics style MMO, and while it took literal years for me to hit the level cap, along the way there were things to unlock at levels that totally changed your game experience as well. Spells were unlocked at certain levels, but also upgraded at certain levels, and as they upgraded they might cost less AP or be usable twice in a turn, and when you hit that level you felt the power spike and felt rewarded for it.


Dark Age of Camelot was my first mmo, so I was obsessed with it. Played 6 hours a day and 12 on weekends. Back when minmaxing wasn't a thing, when everyone just wanted to have fun. I miss those days


"The lies we tell ourselves" the Videogame.


The best time I ever had in an MMO, was Everquest when it was first released. You could NOT even leave the newbie area without dying multiple times. Literally, you had to talk to other people, group with them, and help each other out - or you could not play the game.


With this becoming more popular, I wonder if we might see more games lean into this with more severe death penalties.


What you said about the hardcore MMO being the way forward was like a lightbulb moment for me. I now feel like what a lot of multiplayer games are missing is some form of risk inherent in the gameplay to make the reward feel rewarding. Some of my fondest memories playing games have been my failures, and at times overcoming those failures.


I’d love to watch a hardcore leveling series. Loved the iron man challenge series you had back in the day


Another L take, hardcore is a single player game 95% of the time because you can't interact with others.


That Lineage 2 music at the start brings back so many fond memories.
Just like in HC WoW, dying had consequences!
If you died to a mob there was a very high chance you would drop a piece of gear that any other player could pick up !
Good times.


No one ever mentions the actual greatest MMO of all time when talking about the old school classics... Asheron's Call.


The one thing I don't like about the hardcore challenge is "no grouping" unless it's an additional challenge that only better players take on. Classic wow is meant to be grouped through, and it still adds an element you can screw up. The beauty of Classic itself is that you can have those 2006 MMO moments where people actually group up because of circumstance AND communicate. It's something you can't get in any other MMO game, and Hardcore just rips that away for yet another solo experience.


I totally agree that gamers, especially older gamers, want to recapture that feeling of leveling BEING the actual journey and not such a huge focus on rushing to endgame to grind the same 10 dungeons over and over and over. I remember getting to level 75 the first time in ffxi and how just freakin amazing and powerful I felt.


Lotro leveling is *chefs kiss* as well. Has that adventurous feel to it. I can see it working well with hardcore mode


I kinda wish we still had more good ARPGs that are more about the campaign than the endgame. Great memories of Sacred.


My answer is pretty much "yes" to all of your questions. I loved the leveling process in WoW vanilla, it meant something, as you mentioned. Now leveling is just something that you have to do for 3 days to get to the "real" stuff. My best memories, except perhaps for some first time boss kills in raids, come from leveling. I do have concerns though, who will play the tank? Won't this turn into a hunter only party?


This was literally Guild Wars 1.

They had entire achievement lines dedicated to players who can avoid death until they obtain a certain amount of xp.

That game was fuckin amazing


The leveling process should always have been a time-consuming high-risk challenge. That’s what original Everquest was. We’ve just gone full circle.
