Why Harley Davidson Riders Have a Bad Reputation

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Inspired by my Gas King's series, Why Drivers Have a Bad Reputation, this video will go over the five reasons why Harley Davidson riders have a bad reputation. For the last decade, it hasn't been easy for Harley Davidson: falling quarterly profits, an aging demographic, and a brand that hasn't innovated for quite sometime has caused HD to fall off the radar for many young riders.

Please Note: This video is not about me bashing Harley Davidson, I'm just outlining some stereotypes of their riders. More videos just like this to come!

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I haven't had much luck with them. I usually say something complimentary about their bike and get rudely ignored. I'll keep trying. I'm on a Honda.


Am i the only harley rider that actually waves and makes conversation with non-harley riders?


Gaskings' main person is in jail, so go ahead and take over the series, man lol
Just don't follow their steps and steal from the elderly, though


when i think harley i think The Terminator


That fucking Gaskings burn, like damn!

Also my favorite motorcycle of all time is the Harley Davidson Night Rod, which is hated by the Harley community themselves, so that says that much about their community.


No joke I had a Harley ad play. 'Standoffish and Prideful' ? That's a nice way of saying "they're *assholes* "


Every time I go driving on a two-lane country road I'll usually end up getting stuck behind at least one Harley. This morning it was a couple on a bagger who were, naturally, riding at 45 mph in a 55 mph zone. When we finally reached a passing zone they sped up just as I came up along side them. Not exactly the safest thing for them to do on a two lane road. But it was okay for them to do it because Harley riders are the police.


God it’s a gang of middle aged man that rent out this building in my neighborhood just to show off their Harley Davidson bikes and blast trap country music.


Revving at stop lights is more a sport bike thing (saying that as a proud R6 owner), I'd say that the main issue with HD is that they're really overpriced for what they are.


In my town we have an event that’s sponsored by Harley Davidson once a year, about 80% of the people who ride down to the town I live in are some of the nicest people I have met. I can’t speak for everyone though but that’s my experience with them


I ride a Harley. I love all bikes and respect all riders and people in general. Loud though, yes kinda lol.


Lately every HD rider I've seen lately are blaring music on their bikes. It's really anoying, far more annoying than the engine noise.


I had a guy call my Indian a turd because I was parked next to his Harley.


When I think of HD, I think of old people


When I think of Harley rider I think of:
1. Most of them are inexperienced (ya - buy a 800lbs motorcycle as your first bike).
2. Blip the throttle at every opportunity.
3. Equity (how else do you finance a $25k motorcycle).
4. Conversations about over-priced chrome.
5. Obese (yeah, I said it, most can't "fit" on a regular bike).
6. Mechanically ignorant.
7. Matching HD jackets, boots, t shirts the list is endless.


There are thousands of videos of guys on sport bikes and import cruisers dissing on Harley riders. What's weird is they all say the same thing, some guy on a Harley made fun of his bike and hurt his feelings. Ironic.


What's also funny: I have Buell XB12 which has a Harley-derived 4-cam evo. I've encountered many Harley riders who have no idea that Buell was a Harley-owned subsidiary and brush them in the sport bike category as 'not real bikes'.


Unfortunately because there so freaking expensive it usually takes the average person years to save up to buy one. By that time you are in your 40's or 50's so most HD riders are older. The reason I bought one is because of the expansive dealer network and sense of community cross country. I do agree that alot of HD riders try to come across Badass. Don't understand it myself. I tend to wave at every rider on the road and even other HD riders have ignored the wave so I wouldn't think of it as just a harley to harley thing. Ride safe!


Good and bad in any group....I rode a Honda CB 750 for years (1977-2004) loved it and still have it. I have wanted a Harley for the last 20+ years and finally picked out my 2018 Road King at the end of June, love it, and worth the wait. I also have respect for ANY two wheel riders and will wave to any and all of them. Stop the nonsense out there on the road...share the road with equal respect. That's it! Be safe whatever you ride...


My favorite part was the comment about no gear while you’re riding in a T-shirt.
