Blu-ray Hunt #128 04/10/21 plus subscriber mail

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Hi everyone today I seem to have acquired a lot of movies through post delays, subscriber mail, pick ups and ordering from a fellow youtuber (16 titles in total) hope you enjoy the video.
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Hi Alan, Always great reviews your one of the best I have to say! The best one out of that lot is "THE GIANT CLAW"! lol, what a box set so bad it's good. I have "The Giant Claw" from years ago the 70s on the old 8mm home movie format along with all the usual Chaplin, Keaton, Keystone Cops, Harold Lloyd hanging off the clock face you know all those Silent Classics. Must get "The Hands Of Orlac" and "The Man Who Laughs" love Conrad Veidt he was brilliant in "Casablanca" -- Hope you managed to catch on Tv over the weekend on CH5 the fantastic documentary profile on your movie hero - Sir Michael Caine "The Man and the Movies" it was brilliant, loved all the archive interviews with him he is a National Treasure a Giant of British Cinema! followed by "Harry Brown" what a performance like yourself Alan one of my favourite actors not like the run of the mill forgotten ones we have now would be great to have that documentary on disc keep an eye out in the future! - Stay Safe - "Fire At Will"! - Mark.


Good picks up Alan. Watched Klaus last Christmas with my wife, we really enjoyed it 👍😎


great video as usual Alan mate great pick ups got Red Eye from Gary deffo needs a blu ray release great subscriber mail from a awesome person Phil and a a awesome friend take care Alan


I picked up the Cold War set too as these movies are my childhood! Which is why I picked up the Universal monsters 4k set as well. Other kids were probably watching Chitty chitty bang bang and I was watching 60s & 70s horror and Westerns. Probably why my film taste is so warped now😂 I’ve picked up Free guy but yet to watch it. Pig, I absolutely adored!! Amongst my favourite of the year. I have also picked up the new Arrow release Dementer (which comes with another horror, Jug Face, as a bonus) but is yet to arrive. Hands of Orlac was a day one purchase for me for the reasons above, I just soak up all these older horror movies that are getting outstanding releases. I take out all the booklets from these boutique releases and put them at my bedside. It’s a good place to get through them as I’d probably not find the time otherwise. A very eclectic mix of pick ups there Alan. Great video👊


Exceptional review Alan. Cold War Creatures set is awesome. Red Eye does need a blu ray rel. Glad you enjoyed the Sub Mail your most welcome. Lots of pickups I'm Waiting on jungle cruise to come and it does have a great score by James Newton Howard.


Brilliant video Alan, and some fantastic pick ups there. The Cold War Monsters set looks really cool and the Doctor Who reissues are much better designed


Raining in England? Are you sure? lol, also raining here, so don´t worry.
Yeah, I wish they would release Bird Box, really enjoyed it. Klaus is an amazing animated Christmas story, I really enjoyed it, and in Spanish it sounds really good too. I so need to pick up the Giant Claw, you know how I love my classic creature features!
Great video as we are all used to, take care buddy


Awesome episode as always Alan. Some corkers out this week but I don’t think I’ve seen Dead Again. I clearly need to sort that one out.
I adore Klaus. It’s such a good Christmas movie.
Honestly give Free Guy a chance. It’s a lot of fun. We all loved it 😊


Another great pickups video Alan 🦊👍
I still need to watch PIG, looks pretty cool.
Free Guy was pretty fun. It could've easily been a trainwreck lol


Hello Alan, enjoyed Bird Box good film that had me gripped. i have watched Red Eye, think it was on tv years ago and its a very good film, Really enjoyed Free Guy watched it with my daughter and we both loved it, Jungle Cruise is also very good. Think it would have been easier to just say seen all your films all great haha.
Thanks Alan.


Two more Disney releases they came out in the UK before they came out in US, I feel deprived 😞


Somehow the announcement American Gods S3 was coming; thall be on the Wishlist then... Glad to see Vigil getting a physical release; will probably pick it up later but actually getting the physical release is the important thing!
I've never see Clockwork Orange (which seems to wildly split opinion) but I'm going for the Titans of Cult 4K.
I'd love those Universal Monsters movies on 4K but if I got them I'd spend a fortune getting the steelbooks... plus I have them on Blu-ray in great steelbooks set so I can't really justify the expense!
Red Eye sounds great; might see if I can get that unofficially.
I like a good Werewolf movie... I might check out what my big book says about that one 😀
Cold War Creatures set is already on my Wishlist... I'm a fan of the movies like this too...
I keep hearing about Free Guy being fun but didn't know what it was about so thanks for the quick summary; I might grab it down the line.
Thanks for another great haul video 👍


I do have that Sam Katzman set, I bought that years ago when Columbia/Sony put is out on dvd it was called icons of horror: Sam Katzman All the same movies plus a 1936 comedy short Midnight Blunders And at the time it was the first time released anywhere Never to TV never VHS, And me being a big Columbia shorts fan I bought it just for that. I did watch the movies A couple of them we’re good. There Was a Lotta other special features on that as well. I was wondering if it got the same special features on that set as well .


Hi Alan,
Lots of films out this week. Dead again is a great thriller and a film a really need to revisit, very nice of Phil ⭐️
The hands of Orlac sounds good and a nice edition, it’s a great label.
Thank you as always for the shout out, very nice of you and way to kind words. Klaus I have never seen but may have to check it out around Christmas. Bird box and red eye are brilliant, I can’t believe some of these films have never got a official edition as yet.
Glad to see you got your daimjin set after the trouble you had with arrow.
The giant claw looks great with the pics you put up, can’t beat a classic B-movie.
I’m really looking forward to pig, I have heard great things and I just hope Nic Cage is getting back to his best.
Free guy looks a lot of fun but your spot on about Ryan Reynolds, he just keeps playing the same person and it’s starting to get a bit old. I have yet to see the hitmans bodyguard wife but getting further down my watch list pile.
Great as always, take care


Another great vlog old enough to remember going to the cinema and seeing a main movie and a B waiting for my copy of jungle cruise to arrive ....saw the trailer and was hooked on the rock and emily blunt I no wot you mean bout Ryan Reynolds he plays deadpool in a lot of his movies lately av picked it up also got the zavvi exclusive clockwork orange only purchase from zavvi if its care Alan


Great video as always my good friend hope you and the family are well sir


Shawn Levy directed all 3 Night at the Museum films. In the video you mentioned he directed Night at the Museum 1 and 2 but he directed the 3rd one too. I love the Night at the Museum films but Shawn Levy also directed the first Steve Martin Pink Panther film which I've seen some clips from and it just looks awful. I love the Peter Sellers Pink Panther films though.


Shawn Levy is also luckily for him married to Susannah Hoffs of Bangles fame.


A lot of great pick ups this week Alan, there is a lot coming out tomorrow the 5th here in the states but can’t afford everything.


Will be interesting what you think of free guy as Ryan Reynolds again plays same part however I really enjoyed it thought it was a lot of fun.
