How Many Times Should You Wipe After Pooping? | Doctor Sameer Islam

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Excellent information Dr. Islam. Question how can I get rid of internal hemorrhoids? Also which bidet do you suggest. Thanks!


One year after hemroidectomy, still my days are ruined. I'm okay everyday until my first poop. Every day I usually poop twice. My rectum bleeds fresh blood and the more I wipe the more it burns. If I don't wipe good then it's incontinence and still burns. it burns for hours. Sometimes it takes taking a stilts bath but then two hours later it happens again. My days are ruined, I can't get away from the house almost everyday. I can't go fishing or go play golf. It can ruin my day almost everyday. A year and a half ago I had hemorrhoids banded. A year ago I had hemroidectomy, for 6 days post opp I had anal sphincter spasms and bled every hour. After 6 days of that I was exhausted, so I called and the on call physician said go to the ER. Spent all day at the ER, then exploratory surgery the next morning. Two months post opp I thought I was better or would get better, but I didn't. Now my condition is just as bad or worse a year and a half later after all the treatments.


About a year ago, I had a problem with diarrhea. It lasted for several weeks. After the diarrhea stopped, my stools became more formed, but 24/7 they still ooze out. I constantly smell. I am not talking about all of the masses of toilet paper I use……or a bidet. I simply wonder WHY my body oozes poop 24/7 ??? My diet is good, in fact for several months, I have been eating Keto. I do have diabetes, but it is managed. I do have non-alcoholic cirrhosis of my liver, but my doctor tells me that it is NOT my liver causing this.
In my mind I think it just can’t be that the floor of my body has given way………because eventually EVERYTHING runs OUT. But, my body NEVER seems to run out of poop. There is pain. I just poop and smell ! ALL the time. Can someone PLEASE help me ?


I decided not to use toilet paper. Not to take a bath and not to brush my teeth.
I don't know why people don't talk to me anymore...


Where could I get better cream & what could I put in water while u take a bath to help the pain


I’m struggling with its and over wiping, what bidet would you recommend?


I wanna see a poop cleaning laser that will burn the poop not the skin LOL


It depends on how messy the event was.


This is for them 17 and under .. tips n tricks


You wipe until it’s clean. Use wet wipes or bidet. Jeesh why is this even a question.


Remember these are called false auto suggestions
