Christian stance on dancing, card playing, drinking alcohol!

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I have known Christians who proudly kept themselves pure by completely avoiding such evils as dancing, card playing, and drinking even a drop of alcohol. However, when it came to matters such as justice and mercy and loving their neighbors as themselves, there was little evidence of that.


Not all of today's dancing is "dirty dancing." And I don't. Nor do I have much alcohol in this world. But the first miracle Jesus performed was turning water into wine. The thing is: Consider anything and everything that leads you away from Jesus is not something we want to do. We should ALWAYS be moving toward Jesus, not away.


My parents met in a ballroom in the early 50s. A lot of trouble comes from alcohol. I haven't had a drop in almost 31 yrs.


I don't think playing gin rummy or Go fish or Uno is a bad thing


MacArthur is simply wrong about wine mixed with water. The Greeks always mixed wine with water. But when they refer to barbarians taking wine unmixed, they are not simply referring to the Scythians, but to basically everyone else, including the Jews. To be a barbarians is to speak "barbarbar, " which is what every other language sounded like to the Greeks. The Jews drank wine unmixed. The custom of mixing wine with water spread from the Greeks to the Jews only after the Hellenization of the Jews (post Alexander the Great). The Old Testament references to wine as "making glad the heart of man" is a reference to straight wine. It's great. And Baptists should drink it in moderation.


If it's not wise, don't do it. That's my filter.


Our Sermon today was about this from Luke 11-37:54... JESUS said to the Pharisees " Woe to You, you Hypocrites! You clean the OUTSIDE of the Cup but on the Inside, meaning in your Heart, you are filled with wickness and Ugliness... basically forgetting Justice and Mercy and Love!!!! REPENT and turn your Heart over to JESUS and stop obsessing about outward appearances and dancing etc.


Let's get one thing straight. The Israelites added wine to their water to kill any germs (they didn't know why it worked, but they did that). So stop twisting that to say that they always drank diluted wine. When Jesus changed water into wine at the wedding in Cana (John chapter 2), He made between 120 and180 gallons! While drunkenness is a sin, drinking wine is not. In fact, wine is listed with the blessings God makes in Psalm 104:15, "And wine that makes glad the heart of man." Jesus drank wine and was called a "winebibber" by the Pharisees (Luke 7:34). Don't be like the Pharisees.


Calvanists don't believe in dancing - they dont even dance before the Lord - so what they're saying is don't use a computer because other people use it for sinfull acts - tell me has John Macarthur ever danced before the Lord or with his wife? Hyper critical - sorry to say but calvanists as a rule is all they do..all day long - please your relationship is directly with the Lord and not through John Macarthur - do a study of Arminianism and Calvinism - on your own


If it’s fun, it’s probably sinful and you’ll go to hell so don’t do it. Not sure where that is in the Bible but it must be there somewhere.


But I see how you're inserting your view of what dancing is like I saw in the comments if it ain't sexual I don't see nothing wrong with it dancing could be an expression of the how many people do it in different ways not by the way you say because you want the Bible to be interpreted how you feel. I think it's preachers like this that push a lot of people away from being Christians.


Was invited to gather with a couple guys from my church last night. I thought it was going to be with guys my own age (40's/50's). But had guys in their twenties and early thirties, only a few guys from the church a few others from somewhere else. The conversations were not sinful, but also not for encouraging, they were drinking beer and hard liquor, and smoking cigars. Then started playing poker. Not my idea of a good time! Aside from playing poker, the smoking and drinking bothered me. Especially coming home and smelling like smoke. I think this has to do with this younger generation that views Christian liberty very loosely.


00:13 🕺 Old Testament mentions dancing before the Lord for joy, but modern-day dances promoting sexual stimulation are discouraged in Christianity.
03:24 🃏 Playing cards isn't inherently wrong, but avoid if it bothers you or affects your testimony. Cultural context and community standards matter in evaluating appropriateness.
04:21 🍷 The Bible acknowledges wine, historically mixed with water, seen as a beverage and medicine. Drinking unmixed wine was viewed negatively.
07:04 💧 Ancient practice of mixing wine with water was seen as a safer way to purify water. The Bible encourages moderation in consumption, distinguishing between wine and strong drink.


Its funny how guys like this claim to be so scriptural and yet they preach from their opinions. Of course MacArthur preaches against the prosperity doctrine and yet he is worth 15 million, so he is not only marginally scriptural but a hypocrite as well.


It's ironic the monestaries invented distillation.


Is this some kind of yoke? Stand fast therefore in the liberty, wherefore Christ has made us free, and be not entangled again with a yoke of bondage. I think I'll chew on that for a while.


Yes at the same time, preachers will knock back a can or two of soda pop during the sermon and give themselves diabeties! SMH


When was this? John sounds a very young here.


A *calvinist* approaching a person to preach *his* “gospel”:
"Hi! I have good news for you! I don't know if God loves you, the most probable thing is that He hates you.
I also don't know if He died for you in the cross, only a very few were chosen… But Listen!"

Sad but true! This is the false gospel that is being preached in many churches.
We need urgently to bring back the *powerful, simple* and *true gospel* summarized in *John 3:16.*

If God says that he died for everyone, *it means that He died for everyone:*
*Isaiah 53:6* ; *John 1:29* ; *John 3:16, 17* ; *John 4:42* ; *2 Corinthians 5:14, 15* ; *Romans 5:18* ;
*1 Timothy 2:6* ; *1 Timothy 4:10, 11* ; *1 John 2:2* ; *John 12:47* ; *1 John 4:14* ; *Hebrews 2:9* …etc

Let's be very careful, let's not be found liars.


I sow dance with my wife all the time. It’s a sweet time. I danced with my mom at my wedding… it was a special moment. The sweeping statements made by j Mac here don’t cover the full subject. Context and intent are important. Legalism isn’t impressive. Telling me my dance with my mom was sinful is ridiculous. Careful of legalism that fulfill self-righteousness rather than holiness.
