Все публикации

John MacArthur Q&A: What is the Lordship salvation?

John MacArthur Q&A: Does God use music to save sinners

John MacArthur Q&A: What about sin we still struggle with, Does a pastor need difficulties ?

John MacArthur Q&A: Isaiah 53:1-9 and what is the day of the Lord and the great tribulation?

John MacArthur Q&A: What are the morality, and political views, of a Christian saltshaker?

John MacArthur Q&A: Why are people baptized for the dead?

John MacArthur Q&A: what the Bible says about the unnatural way to have babies

John MacArthur Q&A: How did God create different races and how old is the earth?

John MacArthur Q&A: Did God create the animals for food for us to eat?

John MacArthur Q&A: Is mental illness in the Bible looked at as demonic possession?

John MacArthur Q&A: Hebrews says it’s for men to die once but Lazarus an others died twice?

John MacArthur Q&A: Before the law was Adam eternally separated from God because of his sin?

John Piper Q&A: What is your prayer life like every day?

John MacArthur Q&A: Should a Christian be involved in any kind of lawsuit?

John Piper Q&A: How to teach the Doctrine of Grace in a hostile place?

John MacArthur Q&A: What is the Abomination of desolation?

John MacArthur Q&A: Can a man see God and live?

John MacArthur Q&A: Can a Christian sin away the grace of God?

John MacArthur Q&A: Do Christians have an old nature?

John MacArthur Q&A: What is the purpose of circumcision?

John MacArthur Q&A: Don’t call no man Father

John MacArthur Q&A:How can Jesus be tempted with sin without a sin nature?

John MacArthur Q&A:Can a Christian loose their salvation?

John MacArthur Q&A: Gen 6:4 when the sons of God had relations with the daughters of men.