What Does Freedom from the Love of Money Look Like?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1499
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'The least of Jesus is worthy of the best of us'


A joy filled life because you've quit seeking the riches of this world but seek after the riches in the heavenly things


The Bible says that a woman's long hair is a glory to her. The symbolism of Mary treating her glory as rags at the feet of Jesus is profound!


Love of money has to be one of the biggest obstacles for us in first world countries. John 12:1-8 is helpful but I was also thinking of the rich young ruler from Matthew 18, Mark 10 and Luke 18 as well.

The comparison to fire at the was good; it's deadly but we have to handle it 👍


Love & Affection is not a norm of money; but is always of concern in God.


Amen and amen!..I admire the boldness of Pastor John Piper because of our precious Jesus alone!❤️holy!holy!holy!


Thanks for that great question and thank God for the beautiful answer!!! How lovely, wouldn't we lovers of Christ wish to do that to him? How can we show God we love him that much? Give it all up! Not your least favorite things but what you love the most in this world. Through it overboard and don't look back!!! Don't desire dust over diamonds and pearls.


Is 64 6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
So aware that even our best is so far short of the righteousness of Christ. Praise the Lord he sent Jesus to fulfill the blood ordinances to cover our sins and failures, allowing us to be viewed through the rose colored lenses of grace in God's sight.


This guy should voice actor if he isn’t


"The poor you always have with you"
I feel like Jesus low key called Jesus out. It was like if someone said, "if you truly believed that you would've lived it, but you don't".


I gave this a thumbs up because the pastor is right but the issue here is not the paper in and of itself but it's intrinsic value to the person.😕

In any given situation, the believer must ask himself one

Who has the ability to fulfill my needs God or Mammon?!🤔

But to be honest, most believes would sadly choose the latter.😒


The love of money is indeed deadly.
But what does this mean for wealthy Christians? Should they always give away their money until they are no longer wealthy?
I think often God will want wealthy Christians to do exactly this, in line with the teaching of John the Baptist in Luke 3:11:
'The one who has two shirts must share with someone who has none, and the one who has food must do the same.' (CSB)
If we follow the Baptist's words logically, we would keep on giving away money until we are no wealthier than anyone we know of.
But on the other hand, the New Testament sometimes implies that it is OK for wealthy Christians to remain wealthy.
For example, in 1 Tim 6:17 Paul tells Timothy:
'Instruct those who are rich in the present age not to be arrogant or to set their hope on the uncertainty of wealth, but on God.' (CSB)
It is noteworthy that there is no instruction here for those who are rich to give away all their wealth.
I believe there is no one-size-fits-all for what wealthy Christians should do with their money. All of them should surely be in the habit of giving away a lot of money to the church and to the poor. But each one would need to seek God's face earnestly in prayer to find out how much money he wants them to give away personally.


Her hair…as a woman, my hair is a symbol of my femininity. I devote my time and effort to make it beautiful and fragrant…it is my feminine glory. And then I think about this scene, and I take a handful of my own locks, and I imagine wiping his feet with it. It is not as efficient as a towel, but it says, “Lord, all of me is for your glory.” It is so beautiful.


How can i have a relationship with jesus? Since for months it went up and down but i am still not saved and have no genuine relationship with jesus at all... I am close to giving up. What is wrong?


How many times to you watch this?
Me: Yes


How can I get rich with out love of money? How can I come out of poverty?


Why would it be wrong to "want money"? That's nothing more than a tool, and you can't do work without tools.


I fear God. I do. I believe Jesus is Lord. But I reject these uncomfortable feelings about how I should view money. I do want to be rich. I reject the notion that God wants me to be poor with no money, no food and no say about anything. I don't love money and I don't want to love it. But I will say that I am doing what I can to save it, to invest it and to create multiple streams of it. Do I need mansions? No. Do I need 20 cars? No. Do I need trips around the world and lavish clothing, so I can take pictures on my Facebook? No. Not interested. I'm pretty sure John Piper does not live in the projects or in a slum. I'm pretty sure Pastor Piper lives in a nice house. Clean. Quiet. And if his neighbors violated him in some way, there would be a right penalty for it. God help every pastor and minister that doesn't have that because my heart goes out to them. This pandemic has magnified lawlessness, arrogance and I live in the middle of it. You'd think people would think about eternity. Nope. I am burned out. My landlord is negligent and has it pretty easy. This is not to say that the wealthy are not vindictive or arrogant or can't use their power to make life very unhappy for me. This is not to say that money is hope. This is to say that money, when used effectively can actually help to make a person's life bearable. This is to say that money, when used effectively can actually be wielded to help the church do its work and go to the precious poor who need it. Because I'm not caught up in imagery. I do care. This is to say that money, when used effectively can maybe go somehow to working toward improving conditions for the poor and even encouraging them to live lives of integrity, accountability and godliness. In the bible, God intended that a man's debts would be cancelled after 7 years. There were things in place to help a man not remain in poverty for the rest of his life. People in Africa are hungry because their own governments won't substantially feed them during the lockdowns. The wicked seem to be free at such a span of power and time to do as they please to whomever with no consideration for anyone, and no accountability. I'm burned out. I feel alone. I do not agree that being poor is a godly thing. I am working to make that money somehow. God bless you.


The problem is not just the love of money, but as Jeremiah stated in 17:9, by extension it is our self-denial that we harbor that love.

Do we need to eat? Do we need protection from the elements via clothing and shelter? Money or its equivalents provides for those needs, hence the human tendency and vulnerability towards the love of money.

If we first receive the instantaneously-given fullness of the Grace of the Fruit of the Spirit of Love, that Grace, if further allowed by us to be perfected in us by getting out of and staying out of its Way, will lead to the supernatural ripping of the love of money from our heart, also done instantaneously. (Sorry for the run-on.)

God most often prefers to do His works of Grace is us instantly. That Way there's absolutely no basis for any internal debate as to it being 100% God and 0% us, so "that no flesh shall [justifiably] glory in His Presence."

I know little of John Piper and his beliefs, other than reading that he is a new covenant theologian?? If so, I then assume he is a Calvinist to some degree?? Again if true, I'm always amazed how Calvinists believe salvation is 100% the Grace of Faith (further assuming such is an accurate portrayal??), and yet subsequent to justification/salvation so many seem to fail to recognize that ongoing sanctification must be likewise.

Kindly forgive me if I misconstrued any of the above, however, I admit my limitations as to the full understanding and therefore some assumptions on my part--neither did I listen beyond the first minute or two.
