THIS Is The Importance Of Freedom

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Andrew Klavan explains why freedom is the most important value above all.

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Outstanding speech, words of wisdom every high school student and college freshman should hear.


Look at those young kids riveted. Great job❤


🤯Always amazed at how Andrew fights for everyone's universal eudemonia.


As soon as you mentioned God, that was the correct response. Jesus is king!


God bless America. Whether it be day or be night, and thorough the rain, sleet, snow, or shine, and in good times or in bad, and in a trillion trillion years from now, I’ll always be thankful for the country from which I was born, even long after it’s turned to dust and everyone else has forgotten it because tyrants took it out of the history books ...I will tell the children of the little country that could. The little country that through hard work, diligence, perseverance and hope, amongst other things, became the most free, most prosperous, and absolute best country to have ever existed and which probably ever will exist. This Thanksgiving I am thankful for America.
GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! And May everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Andrew Klavan spittin' the facts right there.


It's a shame all the dummies will miss this pearl of wisdom. They will be to busy posting selfies, having a pointless Twitter argument or watching cat videos. I am sure some of you could add to that list 😛


When you want to leave a comment, but the speaker has said everything worth saying.


I want to watch Daily Wire videos but I keep getting democrat candidate adds! Thanks a lot Youtube


No a bad rant Clavan. What is freedom? No it’s not the liberty to do what feels good to do what you want. This always invites anarchy. The love of God is to keep his commandments for the commandments are not grievous. This is what God teachers that will give true freedom. Freedom in the confines of laws and rules that were designed to bring in this peace and contentment.


Freedom is the obeying the ten commandments.


At first I thought he said "corn" instead of "porn" and I thought, "That's kind of random."


Do you think your sins are too big to be forgiven?


Amen, I just wish that Christianity would stop ignoring their own house, focus on themselves, run the race and do their Best. And stop judging everyone else in the Race. According to their own Private Interpretation of belief in a Faith. That does not line up with nor is it in agreement with the Apostles or with the Messiah's preaching, teaching, and practice. Jesus, anointed by the Deity, OUR Father. Practiced what he preached and his life is a living example of the GOODWILL of Our Father made Flesh and Spirit. Want to know the will of God, look at the Life of Christ and the Apostles.

Stop following Paul, the Chief of Sinners. That is not a good example of the Best that a child of Man and a Child of God can be. Especially when Tares were added to the Wheat by the enemies of the Son of God, Jesus the Christ. As the *Deity calls him his Son*.

But In the Letters of Paul? Say, "I do not do what I would do and I do what I would not do..." Thank God for his Mercy and Grace and for dying for me. Becoming a scapegoat and human sacrifice, fulfilling that Old Law of the Shedding of Blood. Says the servant that did not fill her Lamp with Oil, says the beggar that did not dress for the feast. Says the man, if all Sins are Equal, Raping and Sodomizing Women and Children... the least among them, the little ones. What did the Messiah say about these... the Lion laid down beside the Lamb, what do you see and hear, perceive and understand?

But what do the Priests and Preachers say, the Sad you see and the Fair you see say about only God is Good and everything happens for a reason and God is in control... not the Rich and Powerful full of the power of Pride and the Lusts of Greed? Prosperity dogma preaching the love of Money and War Holy all the Evil in the World, it is because the God Jesus willed it? Does that sound like Jesus the Christ or Jesus the Anti-Christ and the People fall for it? Better not to believe than to believe and swallow the Lie and this you preach. Spreading that deception and lying to the Children. The Blind following...

What else does the Chief of Sinners and the Holy Fathers of Rome, God, Jesus and all Mankind desire? Caligula, Hitler, Ivan the Terrible, the Grand Wizard, the Godfather, and the Holy Father Pope Francis. All their SINS of Trespass and Transgression against the Little Ones, the Least among them. Washed clean by the shedding of the blood of a God. All their Sins are hidden in Darkness by wearing the Emperor's New Clothes. The Flesh of the Messiah, by Faith alone, Satan takes on the Appearances of an Angle of Light.

Can you see the Wolf beneath the Lambswool, can you discern the Spirit that is not that of a Sheep nor of the Good Shepherd. He who sends the Spirit of the Comforter, is not the Master nor the Deity, for there can be only one. According to the Commandments, the goodwill of God is written in Stone! Keep Is Simple Stupid, Write them on your Hearts, not the schoolhouse walls as if any Church preaches their keeping. The cup both hot and cold, being Doubleminded and confused. God made a mystery by those that claim to know.

God alone that sends his Holy Spirit as his anointing. that desire the things of Mammon and to have Dominion and Power over the Whole World?

That Old Vomit, that the Creator, the Deity, the God and Father of the Christ a Jew or Gentile has the same bloodline and Spiritual Family. With but One Master at the Head of the Table and the Messiah is a Fellow Servant. Sent to prove how Good We all can be. If we See Hear Understand and Perceive his Message as the High Priest of his Church, not the God nor Father of us. The Messiah says, Love Fulfills the Law and is of God for God is Love and Love hurts no one. God Our Father, and there can be only one that is not a Man.

Said in Jeremiah 7:21 that he spoke to no one concerning sacrifices. That burnt offerings and the shedding of Blood was an Offense. Psalms 40:6 and Hosea 6:6 says that God wants Love obedience and Mercy, Not the shedding of Blood. 666 The Image of the Beast given the Name of a Man... Worshiped as God. The Beast, meaning, flesh and blood. Thou shall not worship Graven Images... yet everywhere you look there it is. The Cross you carry was to be your own and you a Disciple, not the worshiper of False Idols.


Who would love to hear Mr. Klavan preaching from the Bible


he wants you to be free within his cage that he has narrowly defined where in it is the only place you can experience a joyful life. Chuck this nonsense into the garbage.


God never gave anyone freedom, he gave us life and free will, but if you want freedom you must fight for it daily by never accepting that anyone can tell you who to be or what to think or do, there is always some asshat that will want to make you feel and be inferior to them, you must not accept their premise, you must wrap yourself in your own equality and say, no I will not be your servant, I will not be your slave, I am myself an equal to every other person, I may not make as much money than you, I may not have as many toys as you, My home may not be as big as yours, or I may not even own my own home, however my thoughts are mine, my actions are mine, I reject the premise that anybody can tell me what to do or how to live my life, nobody has the right to exploit me.


What if I want to dump all my trash into a lake? You don't have a right to clean water.
