How BAD Was Michael Jordan At Baseball?

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Some MLB managers called his baseball skills a disgrace, but others thought with more practice he could've made the big leagues. So let's look at just how bad Michael Jordan was at baseball actually.

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He was playing basketball, went to AA baseball and then came back to score the winning dunk against the monstars? That’s just impressive


I don’t know to much about baseball but I do feel Baseball is one of those sports you have to kind of grow up with to fully thrive in the sport


The fact he played as well as he did given he hadn't played baseball in more than a decade is testament to his work ethic. He wouldn't have put up the numbers he did if he was loafing. Whatever it was he was doing as far as his needs were, he committed to the bit. Mad props to that. And it all worked out in the end.


I read “How BAD Was Michael Jordan At Basketball” and I was really confused


Considering the lack of experience, to be able to hang in AA when he was basically a beginner was actually very impressive.


I love seeing this video just because like 3 hours before this was uploaded I was going through old sports cards with my father and he has a rookie Jordan mlb card


Never thought id see a video about how bad he was at something


imagine those guys back in the day not only playing with MJ but gainst him... "i struck out Micheal Jordan" but never made it to the MLB... gotta be a cool story to have


I knew a friend who's Dad was lucky to get a Baseball Autographed by MJ when he was in the MLB and still has it to this day in his Sports Memorabilia room.


He's gonna see this and take it personal, sign with the Mariners and bring us 8 Consecutive championships ( I can only hope and pray as life long Seattle fan)


I went to see MJ when they played Knoxville. Such good memories. I didn't even care it wasn't basketball.


For a rookie who restarted Baseball at his thirties, that wasn't bad at all. It was like one of his coaches said, if Jordan kept playing Baseball from his teens, he would be as much of a star as he was in Basketball.


“Get this guy a tennis racket!” - Jim Rome


The only thing that matters is on the way to the Sox training camp, he told his dad who was murdered that “we made it” that’s the only stat I care about his baseball career


He was bad at baseball but he performed much better than expected. Considering he didn't play any kind of legitimate baseball in 14 years at that point. It was actually impressive how much he kept improving his baseball game.


This is why I think Bo Jackson is one of the best athletes of all time


if anything jordan's baseball career proves that you need a shit ton of talent and work ethic to be a decent player. like jordan is not a talented baseball player but, he worked super fucking hard. which was the difference between surviving and being kicked out.


I mean he wasn’t bad at baseball but he definitely wasn’t built to be a all time great player because he had a disadvantage in a way that he has relearn everything so he could do baseball


I know three former MLB managers/players. One that managed a team, one that is one of the best pitching coaches in the history of the game and another that is still working in baseball. I've talked to all of them about this. All three opinions were nearly identical. Michael Jordan came back to baseball after a 14 hiatus, at 31 years old, and showed outstanding speed with markedly improved fielding throughout the year. The best line I got - and this is from the one of the three that was an All-Star in MLB three times - was "Man, I was lucky to hit .200 in some spring trainings. This guy hadn't touched the dirt in 15 freakin' years!" --- Everyone has an opinion and I'm sure some intelligent people said he stunk, but I can tell you the smartest pitching coach I've ever met, one of the best managers I've ever met and a great player all thought he had a huge upside had he played the game earlier.


Batting .202 in double A ball is still impressive. Double A ball players have the skill of major leaguers but don’t have the consistency or experience/knowledge of the game.
