The Nature of Millennials

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Millennials are set to inherit the Earth, but can they even? Join David Suzuki as he takes a deep dive on the lives of Millennials.


David Suzuki

Gabe Laubach
Nadia Saliba
Devon Austin
Reid Tapp





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Thank god that the adults form the previous generation didn't fuck the economy and the housing market and made it hard for millennials to find a decent job even with college education.


This is more like the nature of youtubers and instagram junkies


Funny how the ones who whine about Millenials are the ones that raised them that way...


Being born in 2000 I suppose I fall between Gen Z and Millennials - (According to some figures I'm a millennial and to others I am a member of Gen Z) but I'd like to point out that the oldest of them is now reaching about 35 and they make up a large sum of the working population. Their working traits have actually been described by many as perfectionism and a study has shown that they're actually the most likely to not question a manager when given an order they don't agree with.

I'm not even really a Millennial and I'm sick of the unoriginal jokes about how lazy and unable to function they are. Furthermore, I'm not American and even I am tired of how they are perceived. Higher Education and housing is made financially unattainable to them. Yet they're mocked by the generations that lead the world to shit? That's the peak of irony. Millennials according to many studies are even the most charitable among the generations, despite not having the same amount of money.

Human nature is amazing. The younger generation will consistently be mocked by the older one and this extends back to historical times.

It's not funny anymore, people are just still hopping on the bandwagon to make a cheap reused joke.


i’m gen Z and i hate how some people say “oh i was born in the wrong generation i wish i grew up in the 80s” because they think life was just mom jeans and turtle necks. bad things happened back then, bad things are happening now. but we are SO lucky to live in a time where life expectancy is high, technology is aiding a better standard of life, and more energy efficient machines are being made. appreciate your time because you don’t get very long.


I'm a millennial, I'm a programmer, I work roughly 50 hours per week, I get paid well and have over 8 years experience and my shortest stint with one company was 1 year 9 months.

I don't like instagram or snap chat. I use Facebook as a medium to keep in contact with friends, and I post an update maybe once per month.

Other millenials I know, as in my friends, are similar and I probably wouldn't want a close friend who insists on taking photos of every dinner I share with them, so they can splurge it on instagram.

Maybe I am the exception, but I just feel normal and I genuinely value personal contact over getting a like on a social media platform.


This is just a stereotype. I am a Millennial and I wake up early in the morning. I have been working hard whilst attending University, because I can't afford waking up at noon, taking pictures of my meals and having social media.
I know what responsibility and sacrifice mean. To be afraid of losing your home, to see your parents struggle and no matter how much you work and study, it's not that easy.
I am not special, I am an *ordinary* Millennial just like MANY others.

You can bash us however you want, just like the previous generations did the same to you, and then you'll realize that we are the generation of acceptance, tolerance, love for every single being and for our planet. We refuse the legacy of pollution, violence and racism you left behind, that's why we are like this. Of course, I can't deny that many of us can't live without technology and social media, but I am an optimist person and I hope that we will find a balance someday.


Those are rich, first world country millenials


One thing that grinds my gears is how over half of jobs today require some sort of certification or degree that you have to pay for on your own. half or less of buisnesses only require a high school diploma and offer on the job training. That number was much higher when my dad was 18! Most places only needed a high school diploma and they offered on the job training with other sweet benefits, like a competitive high wage, oppurtunities to get promotions, dental and health coverage, 401(k)s... everything you would need to succeed and thrive in life! Now companies are less and less investing in their employees, and expecting employees to invest in them, to shell out tens of thousands of dollars just to qualify for the job! Let alone the fact that many other people all want the same type job, so you could potentially not even get the job of your dreams! Wasting all those tens of thousands of dollars, even for just an associates degree! That's not how I'm gonna roll. Luckily since I live in michigan alot of buisnesses are old school due to trades being still popular due to Ford and steelmills, along with construction. I'm happy those jobs still exist. ☺


There wouldn’t be that many people in that coffee shop if WiFi was down, let’s be real


I love how most people don't realize that this is comedy😂😂😂


Weirdly enough I've seen a lot more middle aged people using the hoverboard than millennials.


What is wrong with eating organic or vegan?


*Who the heck starts their day at Noon?!*


When you're mexican, you've probably been consuming avocados since...ever XD


The amount of people who don't realize this is satire is absolutely hilarious.


Who else clicked on this video because of the avocado toast? lol


Me: "Good thing it is pretty evident that this is not meant to be taken seriously."
**Looks at the comment section...*
Me: "Oh sh*t..."


That's the stereotype, but I dunno. I've met so many millennials that don't fit that that I have a hard time believing it to be completely true.


I'm a millennial and I like this video. It's hilarious satire of stereotypical millennials.
