5. (Advanced Programming In Access 2013) Preparing SQL Server Tables For Access

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Preparing SQL Server Tables For Access video in the "Advanced Programming in Microsoft Access 2013" series hosted by Steve Bishop. In this free advanced video tutorial series Steve will be going over Microsoft SQL Server installation, Database Migration, creating a better User Interface, using external data sources, complex Visual Basic For Applications (VBA) concepts and distributing your application.

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+Amanda Jones I typically store them as files on the network and save the location as a string in the SQL Server.  There is also something called FileStream which allows you to save files directly in the SQL server but it's beyond this course.


Hi Steve, do you still need to do that last part? To run the query and set all null values to 0? What are the problems i am gone get when i dont do that?


Hi Steve, you mentioned that SQL server doesn't have a data type for attachments or hyperlinks. How do you manage these when you have them in the Access DB you are converting to SQL server?


Hi Steve, Thank you very much it is really helpful. Question please, after Migrating my access table to SQL server, the UI (Forms, Report) how can I link it to the tables in SQL server? and keep working perfect just like access ?


In your example, when setting the ID key as a primary key in a newly imported table, you say that SqlServer drops the sql table and re-creates it again. So if there have been pre-existing values for this ID field in the imported table, will these values be kept from the imported Access table, or will this field be completely reloaded with incremented values starting with the first record? If re-loaded is the answer then this will be problematic and other related tables will need updating. And thanks for these great and so much needed and helpful videos.


thank you for post replies I hope that you can explain in a video how Ican store the files somewhere on network by using access 2013 project with sql server 2012 (i.e)when I store the path of file location in sql when i save it from access and then I can retrieve it in access again ...thank you


Hi Steve, what about computed columns?


hello... please can you explain that in video ... how I can store image from access project to SQL server and retrieve it in access project please help me ...thank you.


Hi Steve, thanks so for your videos. I have been working on Access databases for over 10 years using VBA code. I have just completed the beginners course and I am surprised at the amount of things I have picked up. Goes to show you never know everything. I am now starting on the Advanced Course, 1 question, I have Access 2007, with the 2007 Runtime installed. I have successfully downloaded and installed SQL Server 2014 and so far so good with the videos, I have just completed video 5. Will I encounter any issues by not having Access 2013.


Hi Steve, the limitation for MS SQL Server 2014 Express is 10GB. Is this per DB or per SQL Server instance? Also, on one server, can I install multiple SQL Server instances of the same version, say 2014?Regards, Bo


thank you very much .... how I can store image in SQL server 2012 and retrieve the image in Access 2013 and save another one from access to sql please help me.


with regard to boolean values, if the VBA uses 'true' or 'false' instead of -1 and 0, then will it endure the change to sql-server (that requires +1 and 0)?


How come when you set the combined keys for Employee Privileges you didn't change the Is Identity setting. Do we not have to do it for all the tables?
