Autism and Sleep Issues, Anxiety: 2 Tips for Managing Jaw Pain #actuallyautistic #momonthespectrum

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Great advice! I’d like to add on a tiny bit!

I recommend sanitizing the jade roller before each use! You can also get one made of a different, less porous material such as stainless steel to help, but because jade is a fairly porous stone, it can harbor acne-causing bacteria which can lead to some potential breakouts! They’re definitely still very useful for a bit of a cryotherapy massage to ease muscle tension! :)


I got my roller at the dollar store so don't forget to check there too. Thanks for the tip. It's so helpful.


I did Botox for Bruxism and it gave me so much relief for around 8 months. You have to keep getting it done but during the time it’s working, the muscle tends to atrophy a bit and it gives you time to learn to stim in other ways.


Ooh thank you! I already have one of those rolly things but hasn’t thought to use it on my jaw. I currently get Botox for migraines and he always has me clench and then does injections directly into that jaw muscle. It has helped a lot but I’d love another way to keep it relaxed between sessions


Ooooh that makes so much sense. I deal with tmj pain constantly, even now with flare up. Thank you for your information 🙏


Another one! Look into whether you may be hypermobile, which is more common among us ND folks. If you have a hypermobile jaw you can take steps like not overextending it.


Very true on all accounts! And the jade roller might work for the pain behind my ears, too ❤


I couldn't deal with night gaurd, but my accupuncturist gave me accupressure seed shaped things & I love them! They stick on like a bandaid where you put them.

If you put one finger on your face, in the middle of where it meets your ear, then open your mouth wide; your finger dips down into a jaw socket. That is where you stick the small seed thing. They very gently discourage your jaw griding.

If you dont have the actual product, I have used actual seeds and actual bandaids when I needed to.


Ooh! I like that second one. I'm not sure I could manage a night guard. When I had a retainer after my braces, it drove me crazy sensory-wise. Braces were their own sensory hell but at the time, I wasn't diagnosed so... Still, thankfully better than headgear. I couldn't even manage letting them put it on me, let alone the idea of wearing it voluntarily every night. So I ended up with an expander and longer time before getting out of braces.


I work in a dentist office and have the EXACT same bite splint. They are so helpful!!!


Thank u I have TMJ and finally am getting fitted at the dentist for a night guard. Getting full 8 hour sleep is rare even though I have nothing that keeps me up at night. As you know ear plugs are a life saver. Thanks for sharing your experiences ❤


I have cracked 2 teeth :/ night guards hurt even the professional ones 😭 the face roller is amazing though, I am gonna try the freezer tonight!!


Wow … I've been diagnosed 2 years ago, and so many things on your channel clarify things for me. I'd love to see more vids on how things feel to you (if you can). I have a hard time identifying and describing feelings.


I found that getting Botox to the masseter helps minimize all the clenching and grinding I do during my sleep. I get 20 units of Botox per side. As a bonus, it also slims my face since it shrinks those jaw muscles.


I use mouth guards from Walmart or target but I like the clear ones and I mold it to my teeth because from the dentist or pharmacy are so expensive! I just heat up the water and it's a bit thicker but so worth it.


I do jaw massages over the course of the day but 😂 have tried mouth guards and always wake up with them on my nightstand bc at some point during the night I unconsciously remove it. Also, a weighted blanket helps with the anxiety which in turn has minimized some of my night grinding along with regular therapy to manage my anxiety and making sure I at least go on a long walk everyday to make sure I'm tired enough to just fall asleep. Oh and no caffeine after 3pm


Oh my gosh, I totally grind my teeth. I used s mouth guard for years until it got pretty worn and I haven't been to the dentist to get it replaced. I find it so hard to get to appointments!


Adding guard to my list ✍️ Dentist gave up reminding me lol


Thanks for the tips. Despite wearing a mouth guard I am literally crushing my teeth and the muscles to my jaw are painful to the touch.


Not wrong I hate my night guard! I can't sleep with it freaks me out.😅
