The connection between autism and sleep

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Interrupting our sleep should be a crime against humanity


Funny, I have always been a night owl and I really struggle to get to sleep.
But when I do fall asleep I might as well be dead, nothing wakes me and I feel super groggy in the morning, its like every day I wake up with a hangover.

Update: Good and Bad News, there is a cure!
A job where you do Hard Labour...
My current job has me asleep by 0000 and up at 0600.
it is 8 hours of really hard labour, but I sleep fine now.
But for some people that will be bad news as a cure, for many people nowadays are work shy or have jobs that dont allow for psychical work. Try go to the gym before and after work would be my top tip.


im autistic, my main problems are mostly waking up on time and sleeping at normal hours. thanks for this video


Me, an autistic person watching this at 2:20 am... yup, I can relate. It used to take me an hour to fall asleep, most of it spent tossing and turning with my mind buzzing. Now I'm on a mild sleep-aid, and it's closer to half an hour (though I can't sleep deeply through the night without it anymore, so trade-offs). My current sleep schedule is shifted forward a few hours beyond what is normal, but when I was in a bad bought of depression I ended up more or less completely nocturnal for quite some time.


I have autism. I was diagnosed with it in October 2019 at the age of 28 and I do have problems with sleep. I would get up usually between midnight and 4am (routinely most of the time) just to go to the bathroom and sometimes it would take me up to 1hr 30mins to fall asleep. For waking up I took the liberty to set up three different alarms on my phone to go off: Mondays & Thursday: 8am, Tuesday and other days when necessary: 7:5am, Wednesday Friday Saturday & Sunday: 8:30am


im am autist, and i do take a really long time to fall asleep, aswell as being extremely sentitive to light when im trying to sleep or when i wake up


Two suggestions:


1. When you lie down to go to sleep, have your mind made up that simply lying there with your eyes closed is almost as good as being asleep. Have your mind made up that it almost doesn't matter if you fall asleep or not, because it feels good just to rest with your eyes closed.

(This will make it much easier to fall asleep.)

2. Have your mind made up that once you crawl into bed, you will not make eye contact with any clock until your morning alarm goes off.


The moment I stopped worrying about the fact that I wake up during the night, it felt less dramatic. If you look at how the sleep cycles function and what there functions are, then you can be at peace with getting you first full uninterrupted sleep cycle under your belt, Then on to the second one as something separate and distinct. If you have to get up and use the bathroom, get a drink of water, do some stretches, it really does not matter as long as you find your way back and slip into that second cycle. Without getting all upset with the fact you are up. Take it one cycle at a time and stop worrying. Get three and it's a charm. Attitude does help. I suspect it is a natural stand on guard safety check we are blessed with from ancient times that kept us safe. So I have decided to embrace it as much as possible as long as I can get those three full cycles regardless of whether they are continuous or if I have to get up and be busy inbetween.


Sleep has always been a serious issue, and for years now I suffer from severe nocturnal panic attacks to the point I fear sleep


Yeah i work hard in order to sleep relatively well. It shouldn't be taken for granted


When abnormal sleep is so common among a particular group whose negative symptoms are vastly outweighed by neutral symptoms that only become negative depending on the environment, I'm hesitant to call them sleep "problems." The are absolutely problems in the context of our society, but autism is nothing new and predates most of the factors that make today's society difficult for us. As a result, I want to understand why and how autism affects someone's sleep schedule and if there may be ways to accommodate that so that we can still get a healthy amount of sleep without having to rely on medication. If such a way doesn't exist, then I will admit that medication may be necessary, but you can understand why I might see that as fishy.


I still can't believe I've been diagnosed with insomnia, anxiety and severe social anxiety, depression and bpd but not a single doctor considered autism 🙄


Interrupting our sleep should be a crime


Listening to music at night and eye masks helped me sleep better.


Night sleep has been a problem for in our family . Wish my mother had known this . This video is priceless, even tho i lost concentration part way through it .


For me I stay up for usually 16-20 hours then go to sleep for 9-11 hours


I've always been a poor sleeper. My hypersensitivity to textures (wrinkles are painful!) and sound (I hear everything and much of it hurts) has always made sleeping a nightmare. I get up often, I I struggle to sleep, and I struggle to know when I'm tired. I get woken up early by others' noise, and I've been punished for taking a nap for most of my life, that now that I'm "allowed, " I feel such intense anxiety that I can't sleep.

Sleep aids have helped: sleep headphones, blanket clips, white noise, weighted blankets, they've all been a boon, but they only work when they work, and they don't make my insomnia go away.

The lack of sleep makes me more liable to be over stimulated and meltdown, which recapitulates the existing issues I have getting to sleep at all. They feed into each other, and when you rarely get a chance to have restful sleep, it feels like you'll never ever find the time.

Here's hoping I actually get sleep this year...!


Best solution for sleeplessness will always be a good, hard day's work. Either hard mental work, or hard physical work, or some combination of both always helps me sleep well at night.


23 years old. Just diagnosed recently. Never sleep good for more than 1 day/night at a time. Sometimes go days without sleeping or sleeping very little. Ugh.


I never knew that my awful stomach at night was related to my Asperger’s so weird
