WHY DID GOD PUT A CAT IN YOUR LIFE? the spirituality of cats

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I don't know what your belief is, but I want to say that Cats appear in your life to improve!
I quickly and objectively talk about why God sent you a cat into your life!
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I never was a cat person, but in 2022 during my divorce from a 28yr marriage a Tabby came into my life.. I was all alone and was going through depression until Delilah "LaLa", then came Drake my black cat, now I can't sleep at night without them laying and cuddling with me.. I'm soo grateful for God bringing me my little loves ❤️


I never expected to have a cat in my life. But at the end of 2019 a Grey 3 legged cat showed up in in my backyard. I decided to feed and care for her. Little did I know that she would bring her daughter, and then another one and another one. All 8n all I took care of about 20, kittens included. Now I have a mother and her 6 kittens in my home and wouldn't have it any other way


My cat's healed me. I can't imagine life without them. They give meaning to my life.


I have had cats my whole life. My home is not a home without them! ❤❤❤❤❤


My cat heals me and i believe she is sent by God.


"Time spent with a cat is never wasted." Sigmund Freud


These heavenly angels are sent to us to become our earth angels and they truly rescue us. I have been rescued by my beloved cats a zillion times.


I never had a pet. Always liked cats. One day, when I was 41 years old, I prayed to have a cat. (I am Christian). In about three hours, there was a beautiful calico kitten at my front door. She was my pet for 20 years! It had to be an answered prayer. No cat ever stayed by my door, before that.


My cat is an angel sent from God! Just a blessing and filled with such unconditional love.


Cats are the best, true love, loyal, so sensitive and high spiritual ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


My real daughter rejected me 8 yrs ago. But my cat gives me companionship and love. I just lost my fiance and my cat gives me comfort.


I never use my flip phone. I don't like phones. But I have one in case my wife calls or in case of an emergency. I am an artist and I often leave (forget) my phone at the studio. Once we were about to drive out of town and I thought, I should have my phone, for some reason it seemed important. So we drove back to my studio to get the phone. It was snowing. My wife parked the car, for some reason, across the street from studio, and on the step, half covered in snow, was a little gray fur ball. We both realized at the same time that it was a Kitten! I jumped out of the car and picked her up only to see a 2 lb kitty with her eyes completely crusted over. It was a wonder she could see at all. So we drove directly to the vet clinic to have her treated. I knew she was a gift from God without doubt. Her name is Pearline. She wasn't a kitten either, she was starving and the vet said her growth was stunted. She is fine now. Full sized, with a sweet and affectionate disposition. Amen.


I"m 64 years old, single and I know God placed my cat in my life.She showed up at my back door, feral, in labor and scared, asking me for help was probably the scariest for her.She had 1 kitten on the way to the second animerge(the first one said they were too busy).She had 2 more at the vets.It was during the height of covid, the vet had to come out in the parking lot and take her in from me.All went well, the vet didn"t even charge me!My landlord & his wife adopted the 3 kittens and paid for all the shots that I had the vet give them.They"re beautiful people.I have Marley(the mother), she"s a great cat & I love her to death.God was DEFINITELY, involved.


I've had pet cats for almost all of my adult life. I have multiple cats. In the not so distant past, I was in an accident where I was hurt very bad and I'm handicapped because of it. My cats sensed my needs and we're and have been by my side 24/7 ever since. They are definitely gifts from God .


Adopted my cat and she have 3 baby's now. When i am stressed she know how to calm me. Best thing ever happened to me.


I have always been a dog lover but since adopting a cat from a neighbour who was moving away I have to say Oliver has made a great difference to my life as I have clinical depression so find him so calming and peaceful to be around.Cats are wonderful.❤️😊👌


Thanks God for all the cats you send me in my life Amen ❤️🙏❤️🙏


Cat is one of my favorite animals.I love them!❤❤❤


I found my baby boy 10 days after my Mommy passed away this May in front of her Church. 💜💜💜 He is my Blessing from God and my Mommy 💜
