Why is My Refrigerator Freezing Up?

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Is your fridge freezing up on you and you don't know what is causing it? How to troubleshoot, fix and repair the problem and get your refrigerator back to the perfect temperature!

Good day Alex, I heard you have some problems with your fridge and since it seems that I've gotten it from you like a cold, I'd like to ask you if you managed to figure out what the issues was with your unit.

Well, mine had a manufacturing defect, so I could easily get it replaced. I was told that it was the motor.

Oh, I see. The fact is that mine is actually freezing up and I have no idea what to do to find out why.

Well maybe you could put a camera in it to see if Santa's elves meddle with it. That should answer your question for sure.

Haha, come on man, I'm very serious about this.

Eh, to be honest, there could be a few things. First of all, if it's not a onetime occurrence, then it might be a sign that you have to replace a part or two.


If your refrigerator isn't cooling, yet the freezer compartment is cold, then this is basically a defrost problem. You can try a manual defrost by unplugging it and removing the food.

Do you think something else could be causing this?

Depending on the brand you have, it might be a burnt circulator fan motor. If that is the case, then you shouldn't worry, because it is quite inexpensive to replace.

Phew, now that's a relief. I always worry that I have to pay a lot of money when it comes to repairing these big electronics.

Nah man, it's cheap. Also, you should check the refrigerator's air circulation. For instance, an ill-placed bag of food over the vents can easily disrupt the airflow.

Ah, so this could be it you say?

Yes, indeed.

Man thanks a lot for these tips. I'll head home right now and check my refrigerator again.

You do that and let me know if you could diagnose the problem.

I will!
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