How to record an EKG with KardiaMobile 6L

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Taking an EKG is easy with KardiaMobile 6L from AliveCor.
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It's a great tool which lets me record EKG's that I can share with my doctor. Although it won't indicate when palpitations are present, they are easy to see in the recording and give my doctor an idea of when my meds need to be changed.


Without this i would have not have gotten an appointment with heart Dr. I would still be being ignored by my family dr. Over my concerns. Money well spent..


I suffer from bradycardia and use this device (Kardia Mobile 6L) along with my watch and digital BP monitor, all of which detect bradycardia as low as 39 bpm on average 46 bpm. My primary physician referred me to cardiologist who stated I indeed have Bradycardia. This device along with other devices were paramount in detecting what normal visits to my physician did not. As we all know sometimes symptoms do not always occur when you need them to such as during a visit to your physicians office. White coat syndrome.


I have the 6L and have nothing but problems stating "interference". It doesn't matter where I'm at, inside, outside, away from all electrical, it still take's forever to get a full read, that is if I don't get frustrated and give up first. It worked well for the first few months, now it doesn't.


Looks good, but why is it called a 6 lead unit? Where are the six leads? It seems to have just three contacts, two thumbs and a limb.


This device was great when it worked, unfortunately it did not last long as the leads stopped reading. It helped capture delta waves, PVCs and my arrhythmias but only lasted about 5 months... And unfortunately due to the price of the device I won't be able to afford a replacement. Hopefully they fix this issue in the future.


The description of the 6L version says it can detect 6 types of arrhythmias. However, it also suggests that the unit/app combination will report on only 3 types and to get a report that addresses all 6, you have to purchase the KardiaCare program. I always understood the KardiaCare was for a certain number of reviews by cardiologists.
So I want to buy the 6L version but not the KardiaCare (I have my own cardiologist who can review). Am I right that without the KardiaCare, 3 types of arrhythmia will be locked, i.e. not displayed?


Having no luck with the 6L measurements.. the Bottom electrode just doesn't register (turn green), on rare occasions it does but very inconsistent. Only simple measurements are possible. I wonder if I have a broken unit.


Would this device be useful if you have Atrial Flutter not Atrial fibrillation? I was ready to purchase one of the 6L units based on 6 levels of detection however I just found out you only get 3 unless you purchase a pay for service Kardicare. Can you tell me which 3 levels of detection are free?
If a person has Lymphedema in one of their arms and Doctors do not use that arm for regular Blood Pressure measurements, would the KardiaMobile still be useful?


My device was great until I took it out of its protective case and noticed the front electrodes fell off. Alivecor said I had to buy a new one. The electrodes are only lightly glued in.


I never knew this thing exist. I know Holter and I thought they were the same thing


I woke up this morning. Seems like my heart is beating. Good to go. Just saved &99.00


I bought this product, it gives me so many different results in a row, Normal, then possible atrial fibrillation, then normal again. I'm not really sure why...


Need some information about it pls.
Can u tell me that do we need to subscribe cardia mobile app to save and share the result to the doctor. ?
You are able to save and share your result with doctor without subscription this app. Thanks


I've just purchased the KardiaMobile 6L. How do I get the KardiaCare Plus membership without it including the device itself?


I bought the device but in brazil I coudn't download the app... what is your advice? Will it be avaliable in Brazil? Very upset..


It often happens that someone had a minor heart attack without even noticing it. It seems to me that this device, as far as I have read, does not show whether someone has had an infarct or not and whether he is about to have a heart attack.


Does the older version of this product offer any benefit to someone with A-flutter? How about with the new 6L device?


Mine won’t work on knee…only on my ankle…