What’s on my mind Ep. 8: “Where is Golgotha located?' Part 1 **Please watch both parts!**

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What’s on my mind Ep. 8 “Golgotha”

Read John 19:16-17
Several months back, before I even knew I would be coming to Israel, I was researching different tours to take my Dad on in a few years. In doing so I came across an interesting article talking about the location of the crucifixion. I put a link to it in the description box.
Note: *The article I’m linking to is in no way a recommendation of the author!*

With that being said let’s look a little bit about the “traditional” views of the location of Golgotha.
1. “Holy Sepulcher” location.
a. Site located around the 4th Century around 325.
b. Supposedly found by Helena, mother of Constantine.
2. “Gordon’s Calvary” location.
a. Site located in 1842
b. Endorsed in 1882 by British General Charles Gordon (hence the name)
3. Outside what is now known as the Lion’s Gate (Show Map Sheep’s Gate in Christ time)
a. Site identified in 2009
b. Rodger Dusatko claimed that God showed him the site (again, I am in no way endorsing this man in any shape fashion or form) (Many views he holds baptismal regeneration, sign gifts, and many others from what I read are scripturally wrong).
c. However this site makes sense for many reasons.
4. Location of the Romans (Mark 15:16-20, John 19:20-24)
5. Temple location in relation to this hill.
a. Temple location is disputed but regardless, this hill would place those on top of it with direct site of the temple (no matter the location) (Matt. 27:32-44)
b. The gate was known as the Sheep’s Gate where they would bring sacrificial lambs into the city in order to be sacrificed (Now known as the Lion’s Gate-interesting parallel to Revelation 5:1-14
c. Veil torn at the moment Christ gave up the Ghost (Matt. 27:45-56, Mark 15:38-39, Luke 23:44-49). This was witnessed by those on the hill. Also, this is important because He was the veil that was torn for us (Heb. 10:20)
d. Dusatko claims this spot is seen as you looked past it from the mount of olives spot in which the “Red Heifer” was offered (see his notes)
6. Correct side of the city (Eastern Side)
a. Entered into the city at the Golden Gate (Mercy Gate) from the mount of Olives (Nehemiah 3:29, Ezekiel 44:1-3, Zechariah 9:9) exactly to the day that was prophesied (Dan. 9, and will once again enter it at the “second coming” we He physically places his feet on the Mount of Olives again (Matt. 24:27, Zechariah 12:10, 14:1-5)
PS. This is also why I believe that the “saints” mentioned here are Old Testament and “Tribulation” saints (Rev. 19:11-16 and 20:1-4) which could be the topic of a upcoming video.
b. Jesus would have be able to view the place of crucifixion and the temple from the Mount of Olives in Matt. 23:37-39, 24:1-3. Jesus was indeed talking about the temple but think about the “temple” which was His body broken for us! (Matt. 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:17-20, 1 Cor. 11:23-26).
7. Tombs are still there today just down the hill – Matt. 27:57-60, Mark 15:42-47, Luke 23:50-56 (see my video on “what day of the week was Jesus crucified), John 19:38-42
8. Ascension took place as well on the east. Acts 1:11-12 (Sabbath day’s journey – about 2000 cubits or approx. a little less than a kilometer from the walls of the city.
9. Lastly let’s look at Abraham and the account of going up to sacrifice Isaac. (Hebrews 11:17-19, Gen. 22:1-14).

Conclusion: It does not matter the site, but what matters is that it did take place. The gospel (1 Cor. 15:1-4) Note: As stated in this study the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension would have all taken place on the scripturally significant eastern side of Jerusalem!
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