Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? Episode 06: 'MIND YOUR MOTIVE'

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Professor Sandel introduces Immanuel Kant, a challenging but influential philosopher. Kant rejects utilitarianism. He argues that each of us has certain fundamental duties and rights that take precedence over maximizing utility. Kant rejects the notion that morality is about calculating consequences. When we act out of duty—doing something simply because it is right—only then do our actions have moral worth. Kant gives the example of a shopkeeper who passes up the chance to shortchange a customer only because his business might suffer if other customers found out. According to Kant, the shopkeepers action has no moral worth, because he did the right thing for the wrong reason.


Immanuel Kant says that insofar as our actions have moral worth, what confers moral worth is our capacity to rise above self-interest and inclination and to act out of duty. Sandel tells the true story of a thirteen-year old boy who won a spelling bee contest, but then admitted to the judges that he had, in fact, misspelled the final word. Using this story and others, Sandel explains Kants test for determining whether an action is morally right: to identify the principle expressed in our action and then ask whether that principle could ever become a universal law that every other human being could act on.
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00:25 - Part 1: Mind Your motive
Arguments of Immanuel Kant - Opposing Utilitarianism with the statement that each individual humans have certain dignity that commands our respect. The reason that an individual is sacred doesn't stem from an idea that we own ourselves but instead from an idea that we are all rational beings i.e we are beings capable of reason.
Also admits that utilitarians were half right. But he denies Bentham's claim that pain and pleasure are our sovereign masters.

05:57 - Kant's questioning of pleasure and pain - - that acting to maximize utility is not freedom, that is acting as a slave to these appetites and People do not get to choose these appetites & impulses.

07:37 - Kant's Concept of Freedom : to act freely is to act autonomously and to act autonomously is to act according to law that I give myself and not to the laws of nature or laws of cause & effect.

10:02 - People as means vs People as end in themselves.

13:15 - What gives act its moral worth ?
what makes action morally worthy consists not in consequences or in the results that flow from it but it has to do with the motive for which act is done.
"Motal worth of an action depeds on motive"
doing right thing for right reasons.

15:20 - Morality : Duty vs Inclination

15:50 - Example of Shopkeeper and Shortexchange

17:09 - case of suicide

25:42 - Spiderman taking moral lessons so that he can keep saying it in every movie and webseries and animated shows - With great power comes great responsibility.

28:22 - part 2 : The supreme principle of morality - as per kant -->
1. Motive behind Act - motive of duty - doing right thing for right reason - duty vs inclination
2. Freedom - determination of will - Autonomously vs Heteronomously - We are only free when we are acting heteronomously i.e. as per law that we give ourselves.
3. Notion of reason -->Categorical vs Hypothetical imperative

40:40 - Three versions of categorical imperative
1. The Formula of universal law
2. The Formula of humanity as end
3. The Formula of Autonomy - each subject must will maxims that could be universally self-legislated


I don't find strange that Spiderman is in the audience, what I find strange is that he is the only justice enforcer who is improving his capacities for his job... Society would benefit much more if people like Batman, Catwoman, Ironman, etc, and specially the Hulk, were attending these lectures.


I fucking love this guy! He literally makes me excited about learning, and he really makes me want to go to a good university so I can hope to encounter a lecturer like him.


spiderman is searching the categoric imperative in order to fight evil!!


"In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so."
-Immanuel Kant


A fascinating lecture on Kant and all anyone can talk about is Spiderman...


05:30 Love the combination of philosophy and spider-man. And I love the fact that he is actually allowed to sit there in the lecture in a spider-man suit. xd To be honest, not just the fact that costumes are allowed, but the symbol of who he is and what he stands for that makes it so intriguing. Whilst professor Sandel is talking about the philosophy of Imannuel Kant :D


I love the lectures with Profesor Sandel. The way he leads the alumni is a powerful form to understand, to think, instead of just sitting there. Philosophy is a subtle way that leads to a better easier way of living free. I am 76 years old and barely went to school but I have been an avid reader... and listening to Professor Sandel, I realize that, somehow, having read so many books in my life, have enriched it; and the way I live by is giving respect to others —even when others do not respond in the same way, I feel I am respecting myself, too..
Congratulations Profesor Sandel, you are grate teacher!


"That is the sensible system that Harvard could do well to consider", I pressed the like button lmao


It is amazing that the professor explains complex ideas in such a clear way!


I'm a 16 year old student and this lecture really helped me understand these subjects, thanks Mr. Sandel.


I love the way this professor runs his class and the way both he and the students interact. I wish it was like this today! Cordial discourse, agreement, and disagreement.


I can't believe I can watch these all for free instead of paying $30, 000 for a uni degree!! what a time to be alive!


Loved the questions by Ahmady! Makes me want to go to Harvard (or such) to study along with such bright students.


I actually sat in this course 25 years ago. It took me two decades to really fully understand it and inculcate into my life. I see the same blank Looks of incomprehension on those students as I remember in my fellow classmates back then. I also checked all at the same posturing and tangential questions students make to salve their own ego. It makes me really marvel at professor Sandel’s skill to pivot that nonsense back into the lesson. What a massive lesson and how time doesn’t change people, but time changes you. Oh wait, now I sound like Bowie. ;)


The questions from Ahmady are very brilliant.


This is pure gold! I wonder if these kids realize how fortunate they are to sit there at Harvard.


I've been following this program since No.1, ..now I am on No. 6. Very highly informative, challenging, and deeply of moral values! What a blessing for students taking this course from a talented professor in sync with distinct philosophers like Kant and the rest where inalienable humane values are founded in our Holy and Just God, our CREATOR! Let us praise and magnify our Almighty God! 👏🏻🙏❤️⭐️


Brilliant Ahmady on 24'00" !  The moments you fear and enjoy in any debate: gasping for air and a clear mind. A knock down for the count of eight!


His words are like perfume to the ears, It's so addictive listening to him, has a perfect voice for speaking
