Why bonuses don't motivate employees

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Dan Ariely is the James B. Duke Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University and author of "Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations." He discusses why bonuses do not motivate employees to work harder like most companies believe.



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Fuck compliments, paying people is a form of compliment


Don't give me complements give me more money


We can't generalize that everyone should be rewarded by praise, acknowledgement, or money.

Generalization works best for the company, not the people. If you really want the best way to reward your team, you need to invest time to understand more what matters to EACH team member.

Financial gain IS a genuine motivator and the most concrete way of acknowledging works.


Scarface really made some carreer changes


Normal people work for money - words are for cheapscapes.


Nicely put insight by Prof. Dan Ariely on the topic. Interesting take.


Actually caring is much more effective and positive than just money. If only people understood that


Can we all agree the man has the 1965 Paul McCartney hair style?


I worked for TWO HEALTHCARE companies that found petty reasons to weasel out of giving me my fair deserved bonuses. Because of that, I learned never to trust any company that gives commission, bonus structure, or any other pay scheme where they have too much wiggle room to duck out of payment. I have left both companies.


I guess it depends on the amount of the bonus..


huh? when the economy turned down in 2008, my company did a wage freeze with no raises. but continued to give management bonuses to make up for it. i don't see how they motivate... they are more a means to doing a work around not getting people motivated. Fear, and a little competitiveness works great for that, seeing employees fight to keep a job Lol


I come to work everyday happy its kinda fake but soo many ppl love it and i love when ppl are happy back so i keep doing it. Makes my day not the money


Until employers start paying a livable wage, then do not give them anymore than you should. Pay more money and then expect more productivity. Until then, you get the bare minimum.


I have it in both ears, no problems, my mother had in both ears no problems, both of my brothers have in both ears and no problems, my aunt has in both ears and she has 3 kids, first 2 no problems, youngest boy he had 1 side that smelled really bad, she would tell him that his brain was rotting, he learned to clean it with alcohol from a very young age cause he did not want to lose his brain juices lolol. most of my family aunt, uncles, cousins have this and I do not believe we are part fish with gils, I believe God must have had these also as I am a Christian and I am made in his image so. I also think that maybe we all need to form some kind of a group on facebook and just see where it leads we might be kin to one another, who knows, does anyone have any thoughts on this they would like to add.


we all think we know but even when we think we know it's coming from a place that was said before without us knowning or acknowledging it...oh I thought of this by myself.. no u heard it and added your bit of salt to it...funny aul werld isn't it...but viva heated arguments that don't get criticism...gooo trump and Mcgregor, Ireland😉


Dude you got to be trippin bro compliments don't pay my bills compliments don't pay for the gas for me to get to work compliments don't pay for the food I need to eat if this is how companies are actually thinking no wonder you guys cannot retain employees
